


1.New Year's Day 元旦(1月1日)
2.Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day 春节(农历一月一日)
3.Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日)
4.International Working Women's Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)
5.Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日)
6.Postal Day 邮政节(3月20日)
7.World Meteorology Day 世界气象节(3月23日)
8.Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日)
9.International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日)
10.Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日)
11.Nurses' Festival 护士节(5月12日)
12.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月初五)
13.International Children's Day 国际儿童节(6月1日)
14.The Party's Brithday 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)
15.The Army's Day 建军节(8月1日)
16.Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五)
17.Teacher's Day 教师节(9月10日)
18.Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日)
19.National Day 国庆节(10月1日)
20.New Year's Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日)
过年 celebrate the spring festival
春联 spring festival couplets
剪纸 paper-cuts
年画 new year paintings
买年货 do shopping for the spring festival ; do spring festival shopping
敬酒 propose a toast
灯笼 lantern
烟花 fireworks
爆竹 firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)
红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)
舞狮 lion dance (the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)
舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)
戏曲 traditional opera
杂耍 variety show
灯谜 riddles written on lanterns
灯会 exhibit of lanterns
守岁 staying-up
拜年 pay new year's call; give new year's greetings; pay new year's visit
禁忌 taboo
去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune
祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors
压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift culture note: in the old days, new year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth
辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year
扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning
年糕 nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake
团圆饭 family reunion dinner
年夜饭 the dinner on new year's eve
饺子 jiao-zi; chinese meat rav




1、春节(农历一月一日) Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day


such as Lunar New Year's dinner, keeping the age, New Year's money, temple fairs, flower lanterns and other customs.


2、元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival(龙灯节直译)


Lantern Festival mainly includes a series of traditional folk activities,

such as watching lanterns, eating dumplings, guessing lantern riddles and setting off fireworks.



New year's Eve, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, cold food festival, Qingming Festival, Shangsi Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Hanyi Festival, Laba Festival, Xiaonian, etc.





The Mid-autumn festival is one of the two most important occasions in Chinese calendar (the other being the Spring Festival or the Chinese New Year) and it is an official holiday.It is a time for families to be together,so people far from home will gaze longingly at the moon and think about their families.
Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival,also known as Chinese Moon Festival,takes place at the 15th day of the eighth Chinese lunar month.The reason for celebrating the festival during that time is that it is the time when the moon is at its fullest and brightest.
The traditional food for mid-autumn festival is the moon cake which is round and symbolizes reunion.Celebration of Mid-autumn festival has a long history.In ancient times,the emperors had the tradition of worshiping the Sun in spring,and the Moon in autumn.
Almost every traditional Chinese festival has a connection with legends.The most well-known stories of the Mid-Autumn Festival is Chang'e flying to the moon,Jade Rabbit making heavenly medicine,and Wu Gang chopping the cherry bay.Those stories have been passed down from generations to generations alongside the celebrations of the festival itself.

以上就是关于用英语讲述中国传统节日,中国传统节日有哪些英文表达的全部内容,以及用英语讲述中国传统节日 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月14日14时02分21秒
下一篇 2023年01月14日14时06分32秒


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