


1. 以my loving habits为题,写一篇英语作文不少于60字,多用频率副词

Everyone has their own habit. I have some living habits. I will take off my shoes and put on the slippers when I arrive home. And I get used to drink some soup before having dinner. What's more, I have to keep my room light on until I fall asleep. If I am forced to change anything about this, I will be very unfortable. For example, if I don't wear slipper at home, I will be very unfortable. If I can't drink soup before dinner, I can't eat anything. And I can't fall asleep if the light is off. This is my living habit. Maybe I will change it one day, but now I can't receive any change about them.。

2. 初二英语作文

^V^ 谢谢

I am a good student at school.Iam never late for school.I always do my best to help others.I usually get up at 6 a.m..I often read English in the morning.I sometimes play volleyball in the afternoon.But I seldom speak English after class.

3. My Weekend 为题写一篇作文 要求:用上 and but 等连词 always等频率

My Weekend

I always have a busy and colourful weekend. On Saturday, I often do my homework. Then, I read some ic books or story books. After lunch, I often clean my room and wash my clothes.Sometimes ,I will draw some pictures when I finish cleaning and washing. After dinner, I often go out to play badmiton with my friends. But sometimes,we also play hide-and-seek together. In the evening, I often watch TV with my parents or play puter games by myself. After that, I am going to wash my face and feet. At last, I go to bed. On Sunday morning, I have to go to English training school to study English. In the afternoon, I often go to bookstore to buy some books. What about you? What's your weekend like? Can you tell me, please?

我的周末 我总是会有一个繁忙但又多彩的的周末。 星期六آ我通常做我的作业。然后آ我读一些漫画书或故事书。午饭后آ我经常打扫我的房间和洗衣服。有时候我也会在我打扫完房间和洗完衣服后画一些画。晚饭后آ我经常到外面去和我的朋友打羽毛球。但有时候آ我们也会一起玩捉迷藏。晚上آ我经常和我的父母一起看电视آ或自己一个人玩电脑游戏。之后آ我就去洗脸和脚。最后آ我才去睡觉。 星期天早上آ我不得不去英语培训学校学英语。下午آ我经常去书店买一些书。你呢أ你的周末是什么样子的أ请问你能告诉我أ


我的三餐 My Three Meals


I'm a primary school student. I go to school every day from Monday to Friday. Every morning I have some milk and toast for a quick breakfast. I like toast with strawberry jam.

我是一名小学生。我每天星期一到星期五都要去学校。每天早晨我都是快速地喝牛奶、吃面包来作为早餐。我喜欢在 面包上蘸 草莓酱 。

I don't have lunch at the school canteen. I like to have a sandwich, an apple or a bar of chocolate for lunch.


Dinner is usually nice with my family together. My mother likes to cook some beef or chicken, vegetables, and some fruit salad. After dinner, I have some ice cream. It's delicious.



5. 大家帮我写一篇英语作文,60字,具体如下

I love her. Her name is Bozhi Zhang.She goes shopping every o days. She makes love with different person every o hours. She drives her car every o months. She eats the meal every 4 hours. She goes to do exercises every o years. Oh, How I love her!。

6. 英语用六个频率副词写一篇小短文

I am a good student at school.Iam never late for school.I always do my best to help others.I usually get up at 6 a.m..I often read English in the morning.I sometimes play volleyball in the afternoon.But I seldom speak English after class。



I have a lot of good habits.

I read books every day.I help with housework every day,too.I usually eat fruit and vegetable,because they are goos for my health.I often exercise,it is good for my health,too.

I hardly ever stay up late,because my parents say it is bad for our health.I have some bad habits,too.I eat junk food twice a week,and I drink coffee three times a week.

Having a healthy lifestyle is good for our health.








1、My father always go to work on time.


2、I often help my parents to do housework.


3、My mum sometimes donated money to charity.


I never waste food.




常见频度副词频率大小,常见频度副词按频率大小排列如下:always(总是)(100%)>usually(通常)(80%)>often(经常)(60%)>sometimes(有时)(20%~40%)>seldom,rarely(很少)(20%)>hardly(几乎不)(5%)> never(从不)(0%)。


The sun shines warmly these days. So I suddenly find that it may not be fall anyway. Recently, I 've read about a novel written by Mickey Albume which named The five people you meet in heaven.

I think it’s an excellent work. Cause, ah, it really is rich of philosophic theory about life. By the way, I am fond of reading the novels of 4,5,6,70yuars in the USA . They are not that historical anyway , but through the story or some emotions people express.

Whatever, the book the watch of the khy which somehow I read it in summer vocation. Before my reading, I‘ve heard of it’s great influence to the readers of old America. And so did I.

In my mind, however, it‘s essential of us college students to read some meaningful things not just boring love story somehow. Well, to be a intelligent guy is so fine.





以上就是关于用频率副词写日常生活的英语作文,用频率副词写作文40个单词的全部内容,以及用频率副词写日常生活的英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月12日14时30分30秒
下一篇 2023年01月12日14时40分57秒


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