


  身体部位歌: This Is Me
  这次分享的This Is Me这就是我, 详细地向孩子们介绍各个身体部位的名称。
  歌 词
  Head, eyes, nose 头,眼睛,鼻子
  Mouth, ears, chin 嘴巴,耳朵,下巴
  Arms, hands, fingers 胳膊,手,手指
  Legs, feet, toes 腿,脚,脚趾头
  This...is...ME! 这就是我
  Here we GO!
  My head, my eyes, my nose 我的头,眼睛,鼻子This is ME! 这就是我
  My mouth, my ears, my chin 我的嘴巴,耳朵,下巴This is ME! 这就是我
  This...is...ME! 这就是我
  Arms, hands, fingers 胳膊,手,手指
  Legs, feet, toes 腿,脚,脚趾头
  My arms, my hands, my fingers 我的胳膊、我的手、我的手指Count with me! (clap!) 跟我一起数数(拍手!)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!
  My legs, my feet, my toes 我的腿,我的脚,我的脚趾头Count with me! (stomp!) 跟我一起数数(跺脚!)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!
  Here we GO!
  This is ME! (repeat)
  动物叫声歌 Animal Sound Song
  歌 词
  the dog goes woof woof woof woof (狗)
  the cow goes moo moo moo moo(奶牛)
  the duck goes quack quack quack quack(鸭子)and the owl says to whit to whoooo(猫头鹰)the cat goes meow meow meow meow(猫)
  the bird goes tweet tweet tweet tweet(鸟)the pig goes oink oink oink oink(猪)
  and the little mouse says squeak squeak squeak,(squeak, squeak, squeak)(小老鼠)
  these are the sounds that animals make
  the horse goes neigh neigh neigh(马)
  the sheep goes baa baa baa baa(羊)
  the rabbit goex thump thump thump(兔子)
  and the people they say bla bla bla bla bla(人说话)the snake goee hiss hiss hiss(蛇)
  the chicken goes cluck cluck cluck cluck(鸡)the frog goes ribbit ribbit ribbit(青蛙)
  the bees say buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz(蜜蜂)these are the sounds that animals make(这些就是动物发出的声音)the donkey goes haw hee haw hee haw(驴)
  the elephent goes pawoooo(大象)
  the bear growls grrr grrr(熊)
  the lion roars raaaar(狮子)
  these are the sounds that animals make
  形状歌 The Shape Song
  歌曲的最后,又把所有已经唱过的形状名称进行了梳理和罗列 ,然后反复唱了很多遍,再结合最后的趣味小动画,相信孩子们很轻松就能对这些形状有较深的印象了。
  歌 词
  I'm a circle, circle. 我是圆形
  I want to be a square.我是正方形
  I want to be a triangle and have three sides, 1, 2, 3 我想做三角形,有三边I'm a triangle.我是三角形
  I want to be a rectangle and have 2 sides longer the the other two. 长方形的两边比另两边长I'm a rectangle, I want to be a star.我是长方形,我想成为星形Shining high in the sky, wherever you are. 不管你在哪里,都能看到我挂在天空闪闪亮,I'm a star, I'm a diamond, I'm an oval, I'm a heart.我是星星,我是菱形、我是椭圆形、我是心形(repeat)Take it back to the start. 从头再来一遍
  Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star.圆形、正方形、三角形、长方形、星形Circle, square, triangle, diamond, oval, heart.圆形、正方形、三角形、菱形、椭圆形、心形Pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, hendecagon, dodecagon. (五边形,六边形,七边形,八边形,九边形,十边形,十一边形,十二边形)Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star.圆形、正方形、三角形、长方形、星形Circle, square, triangle, diamond, oval, heart.圆形、正方形、三角形、菱形、椭圆形、心形(repeat)

head and shoulders儿歌歌词




演唱:Coletas y Pachete

Head and shoulders, knees and toes.


Knees and toes.


Head and shoulders, knees and toes.


Knees and toes.


Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.


Head and shoulders, knees and toes.


Knees and toes.


Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.


Head and shoulders, knees and toes.


Knees and toes.



《Head s and toes》中文名是《身体部位歌》是一首律动儿歌,歌曲节奏会由慢变快,循序渐进地让孩子记住英语,歌词内容能帮助小朋友们正确地认识自己的身体,并快速记住身体部位,边唱边跳中,培养孩子记忆力以及认知能力。

在教小朋友唱这首歌的时候用手指到对应的身体部位,一边指着对应部位一边讲单词。eye(眼睛),因为人的眼睛有两只,所以常常是复数形式eyes;ears(耳朵)耳朵也有两只,所以也有复数形式 ears。

head shoulder knee and toes英文歌歌词是什么

歌曲:Head Shoulder Knees and Toes(身体部位歌)


head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toes


head and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose


head and shoulder knees and toes


knees and toes,knees and toes


head and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose


head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toes


head and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose


歌曲《Head Shoulder Knees and Toes》相关介绍:

1、Miranda Jesse版《Head Shoulder Knees and Toes》是由Miranda Jesse演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录在专辑《世界经典儿歌大全》中,发行于2001年1月1日。

2、宝宝巴士版《Head Shoulder Knees and Toes》是由宝宝巴士演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录在专辑《宝宝巴士英文儿歌》中,发行于2018年4月12日。

3、亲宝文化版《Head Shoulder Knees and Toes》是由亲宝文化演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录在专辑《亲宝热门英语儿歌》中,发行于2020年3月20日。




1、儿歌《The Bath Song》


Can you wash your hair? I can wash my hair.

Can you wash your feet? I can wash my feet.

Can you wash your face? I can wash my face.

Can you wash your knees? I can wash my knees.

I can wash my hair.

I can wash my feet.

I can wash my face.

I can wash my knees.

This is the way we take a bath.

Can you wash your shoulders? I can wash my shoulders.

Can you wash your toes? I can wash my toes.

Can you wash your hands? I can wash my hands.

Can you wash your nose? I can wash my nose.

I can wash my shoulders.

I can wash my toes.

I can wash my hands.

I can wash my nose.

This is the way we take a bath.

2、儿歌《Head shoulder, knees and toes》


Head shoulder, knees and toes,knees and toes;

Head shoulder, knees and toes,knees and toes;

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose;

Head shoulder, knees and toes,knees and toes;

3、绘本《from head to toe》

这本书是Eric Carle的经典作品,动物主角,句式重复简单,利于记忆,小朋友很快可以学会,比如can you do it? I can do it. 一边讲,一边学着书中的动物做动作,孩子也会转头、弯脖子、耸肩等等,不仅学到penguin、giraffe等动物单词,还学会身体和动作词汇。

I’m a penguin and I turn my head. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a giraffe and I bend my neck. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a buffalo and I raise my shoulders. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a monkey and I wave my arms. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a seal and I clap my hand. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a gorilla and I thump my chest. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a cat and I can arch my back. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a crocodile and I can wriggle my hips. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a camel and I can bend my knees. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m a donkey and I can kick my legs. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m an elephant and I can stomp my foot. Can you do it? I can do it.

I’m I and I wiggle my toe. Can you do it? I can do it. I can do it.

3、绘本洞洞书《Dry Bones》



不常见的词汇,如wrist : 手腕,腕关节;elbow: 肘部;thigh:大腿;ankle:踝关节。

画面通过不同的运动,展现所需要用到的关节部位,比如玩滑板skateboard 需要用到膝关节骨 knee bone, 股骨thigh bone, 髋骨 hip bone。


以上就是关于英文身体部位儿歌叫什么,有关于动物的英语儿歌的全部内容,以及英文身体部位儿歌叫什么 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月12日10时54分24秒
下一篇 2023年01月12日10时58分22秒


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