


1、Don't run inside不要在室内奔跑

2、Don't push不要推搡

3、Don't litter不乱扔垃圾

4、Save electricity节约用电

5、Save water节约用水



例:Be quiet for a moment。请安静一会。


例:Make your own rules。给自己制定规划。


例:Let's run to the police station on fourth street。我们跑去第四大街上的警察局吧。

一篇关于 家规 的英语作文要用祈使句吗

Good husband of the first family:his wife a bath to the volume of a good water temperature and scratching; *** For any kind of greedy behavior.Article II:the wife must be ready to pay when shopping,mo...


1.10条家规 英语句子

One,Should not communicate loudly after 11 clock in night.

Two, Do not eating high calorie food after dinner .

Three,Clothing washing must by oneself .

Four,Keeping track of family people everday.

Five, Do not work or amusement for a long time.

Six,Must go back home before 12 clock in night.

Seven,Everday should finish today's work first.

Eight,Hoping mother or father do something in home that you can.

Nine,We have to clean the room one times three day .

Ten,Loving life ,loving condition,loving everybody for you around you.

Ok,that all ,Wish you will satisfied.


Don't go out on school nights2 Don't play compter games on school nights3 Don't get up late on school monings4 Don't watch TV on school nights 5 Don't meet your friends on school nights6 Don't stap up late on school nights7 Wash your clothes on weekends8 Help with housework when you're free9 Be friendly to your family members10 Take care of yourself。


1. Say hello to your parents when you come back from school.

2. Say goodbye to your parents when you go to school.

3. Tell your parents whenever you want to go out.

4. Whenever you have meals, always wait for your parents to try the first bite.

5. When you do something wrong and are criticized by your parents, you should listen attentivey and never talk back.

6. Always show respect to the seniors.

7. Always show your your love to the juniors.

8. Never stay out late after 10 in the evening.

9. At each festival, family members should give each other gifts.

10. Father decides everything in the family.


1.I must get up early before 6 o'clock every morning and I am not allowed to be late for school.

2.My parents don't allow me to use cellphone at school . I was allowed to use it at home on weekends.

3.I can't watch TV on weekdays. I can only watch TV on Saturday and Sunday nights.

4.I'm not allowed to surf the Internet or play computer games from Monday to Friday .

5.I must go home before 6:00 pm after school.

6.I must finish my homework first on weekends .If I don't finish my homework,I won't be allowed to watch TV or surf the Internet.

7.I have to wash my clothes by myself. My parents don't help me with my clothes.

8.I have to cook lunch and clean my room on Sundays .

9.I mustn't spend nights at my classmates' or friends' home . However late it is in the evening, I have to go home .

10.My parents asked me to go to bed before 11 o'clock every evening.


1 Wear uniforms everday 2 Don't take your phones to school 3 Don't be late 4 Don't talk in class 5 Don't eat in class 6 Help each other 7 Finish your schoolwork on time 8 Wear your sport shoes in gym class 9 Finishi your work by yourself 10 Don't fight with others 11 Don't run or shout in the classrooms 12 Try to answer teacher's questions 13 Disuss questions with your groups 14 Study hard 15 Be polite 1 Don't go out on school nights 2 Don't play compter games on school nights 3 Don't get up late on school monings 4 Don't watch TV on school nights 5 Don't meet your friends on school nights 6 Don't stap up late on school nights 7 Wash your clothes on weekends 8 Help with housework when you're free 9 Be friendly to your family members 10 Take care of yourself。


There some rulesin my family. I get up at six o'clock. After school I can't play basketball, I mustdo my homework. And I am wacth TV at before read a book. After that I am notwatch TV , I must study on the computer. 有一些rulesin我的家人。



I am not happy. Whatcan I do 我不快乐。我又能怎么做。


1.go back home at 10:00(在十点回家)

2.clean rooms every day (每天打扫房间)

3.don not fight with your neighbour(不要和邻居打架)

4. do my own laundry (自己洗衣服)

5.do not talk loudly(不要大声说话)

6.do not play computer for too long (不要玩太长时间的电脑)

7. Filial to our parents (孝敬父母)

8.be fiendly to everyone(友好的对待每一个人)

9.get up by 6:00 every morning(每天早上六点起床)

10.study everyday(每天都学习)



1.go back home at 10:00(在十点回家)2.clean rooms every day (每天打扫房间)3.don not fight with your neighbour(不要和邻居打架)4. do my own laundry (自己洗衣服)5.do not talk loudly(不要大声说话)6.do not play computer for too long (不要玩太长时间的电脑)7. Filial to our parents (孝敬父母)8.be fiendly to everyone(友好的对待每一个人)9.get up by 6:00 every morning(每天早上六点起床)10.study everyday(每天都学习)顺序不太正常,自己调换一下吧。


1.I must get up early before 6 o'clock every morning and I am not allowed to be late for school.
2.My parents don't allow me to use cellphone at school . I was allowed to use it at home on weekends.
3.I can't watch TV on weekdays. I can only watch TV on Saturday and Sunday nights.
4.I'm not allowed to surf the Internet or play computer games from Monday to Friday .
5.I must go home before 6:00 pm after school.
6.I must finish my homework first on weekends .If I don't finish my homework,I won't be allowed to watch TV or surf the Internet.
7.I have to wash my clothes by myself. My parents don't help me with my clothes.
8.I have to cook lunch and clean my room on Sundays .
9.I mustn't spend nights at my classmates' or friends' home . However late it is in the evening, I have to go home .
10.My parents asked me to go to bed before 11 o'clock every evening.

以上就是关于祈使句家规英语0条,用英语祈使句写出5条学校规章制度的内容的全部内容,以及祈使句家规英语10条 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月08日16时46分25秒
下一篇 2023年01月08日16时50分20秒


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