


We're fighting over something because of …… 因某事而吵架了
I want to become reconciled/restore good relations/make (one's) peace with my friend 我想和好
Please give me some advises请给些建议
1.make an apology 道歉
2.sent a card for your sorry thing 写张卡片说明你的歉意



Trouble with friends, how to solve?
To be honest, I'm not usually friends make antinomy, basic when problems arise, I will wait for a response, and will not reply to questions, generally below, I will own the problem description, however, the premise condition without any explanation, I usually make a prompt decision mining processing ways, make a clean break with. However, this situation rarely occurs in my interpersonal relationship, I don't like what not polite, people indiscriminately scold me, usually, this live mode I will no longer speak to each other at this point, I don't like violent people, so, I include my friends is a gentle man, not a violent person.
But, in general, my side good friend temper are very mild, we almost never quarrel, quarrel there will be, is often to mess with me, and I in itself, the basic do not quarrel. Something that, things finished, pull down.
In addition, under normal circumstances, method of handling crisis my is: the problem can be the first time under the premise to solve, I will for the first time to put the description of the problem, so to solve the problem, not the time to go to face the problem of others downhearted.(一般情况下,即使问题出现了,我也不会直截了当的指责别人,不会用一些非常尖锐的话语去刺伤别人,让朋友们感到不舒服。绝对不会是那种很生硬的口气,甚至有的时候,我啥也不高兴说了,又不是什么原则性问题,顶多换个人发通牢骚,发完了,自己也忘记了。第二天,又跟没事人一样了。总得来说,是人都有缺点,只是看,她的缺点是不是在你能够接受的范围之内而已。所以,还是要学会包容,宽容别人。还是得说,我这个人比较的粗线条,只要朋友们不是3个月,6个月不来找我,1个月不打一通电话,我也不会有什么反应,反正又不是男朋友。呵呵。我也绝对不可能会多想什么,我只知道她告诉过我,她很忙,就那么简单。像是平时说她们在忙,要挂电话,我都说,好,然后,直接挂了。自己也不会多想。在交友方面,我比较的主动,所以,只是付出,回报知道有就可以了。其他的事情也不那么的在意。)



  英语作文跟好朋友吵架 篇1

  I had a big argument with my good friend yesterday because of the baseball teams.During the break time,we argument about which team is the best in the league big.I thought it is yangqi and he thought it is redsocks.After the argument,he went of to say goodbye to me and close the door loudly.I was so angry with him.

  Then he still didnt talk to me during the next break time.He didnt even look at me.I started to feel sad because he is my best friend.When it was time to go home I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usual.He looked at me with a strange look and still turned away.But this time,he did say goodbye to me quietly.

  In the end,while I was watching TV the phone ring.It was him and he said he was sorry about what he did,he felt childish.I said never mind we are still good friends.Now I feel much better I hope we wont argument any more.

  英语作文跟好朋友吵架 篇2

  Weeks ago I witnessed the quarrel between my two roommates. It shocked me the two good friends fired out just for a very trifling matter. It was in the morning at weekend when I was washing my face in the bathroom. Suddenly I heard Ann and Sue shouting at each other. I hurried to come out to see what happened. It turned out that the noise of Sue’s closing the door waked Ann, whose bed is just beside the door. Ann thought Sue deliberately closed the door heavily. Sue didn’t have made her fault and said Ann was making trouble out of nothing. So their argument became ambits of quarrel. Though later they stopped quarreling under our persuasion, neither of them would like apologize to the other.

  Such a quarrel leaves me to think a lot about dormitory harmony. If either Ann or Sue can be a little tolerant or take a better way to express herself, this quarrel, I think, can be avoided easily. It is no doubt that a harmony dormitory life benefits all the members. But it needs our common efforts to build it.

  英语作文跟好朋友吵架 篇3

  The other week I had a bitter quarrel with one of my roommates. Six of us live in small room about eight square meters, desperate for more space.

  Weeks ago, one of my roommates brought in a very large suitcase and placed it under her bed, but days later she (he) found something wrong with her (his) suitcase. As we live on the ground floor, her case soon got wet. She took it out and, after drying it up, she/he just put it on her desk because she had no other choices. I happened to be opposite her desk and her suitcase was so large that it not only occupied the whole of her desk but half of mine as well. I was very much annoyed, so I angrily pushed it forward without first talking to her about it. I pushed a bit too hard and the case fell off her desk, messing up everything it contained. On seeing this, she flew into a temper and angrily shouted at me. The quarrel started and lasted about two hours.

  When I calmed down days later, I thought over the quarrel and began to see something. I should have talked to her about it first and then worked with her to find a solution to the problem. Living in a room with limited space, we should learn to get on well with one another.



  Everyone has a friend. A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty. But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends. Maybe we can quarrel with each other because of something. What should we do if we quarrel with our friends? Let me tell you.
Being a friend, you must understand your friend. If he has something different from you. You should respect your friend's idea and try your best deal with the things. But if you really can't get the same idea, even quarrel about it. I think you should applogize him or her when you get calm. Say "sorry" to him or her, and he or she will forgive you. You can get on well each other later.


以上就是关于第一次与朋友吵架英语作文,英语作文朋友之间吵架怎么解决的全部内容,以及第一次与朋友吵架英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月07日11时39分38秒
下一篇 2023年01月07日11时45分07秒


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