


The Lama Temple is located in the northeastern part of Beijing, and it has over 300 hundred years of history. In addition the Lama Temple is the biggest Buddhism temple in Beijing. The temple used to be the home of a eunuch and was converted to the royal court in the 33rd year of Emperor Kangxi's reign. The Lama Temple was named in Qing Dynasty under Emperor Yongzheng’s reign. The name Yonghe means eternal peace.
The Lama Temple has 5 courtyards and 5 main halls. The front court is bright and roomy and is decorated with statues, archways and carved murals. There is narrow path that leads to the next court. There are many evergreen pine and cypress trees in the court, which makes a peaceful and quiet environment. As the Lama Temple is designed with ancient architecture, the paintings and decorations of the temple are totally symmetrical. The halls are decorated with yellow glazed tiles and red walls, which makes the temple looks like a small palace. The main halls are at the end of each court and wing halls are on both sides of each court. The names of 5 main halls are Hall of Yonghe, Hall of Yongyou, Hall of Falun, Wanfu pavilion, and Suicheng Building. The Wanfu pavilion is the tallest hall in the Lama Temple. The Pavilion is about 25 meters high and it has the biggest statue of Buddha in the world. The statue of Buddha is 18 meters tall and is carved out of a whole piece of wood. Therefore this statue of Buddha attracts tourists from all over the world.
Many tourists come to the Lama Temple to burn joss sticks and make vows. On the first day of a month, a large number of people go to the Lama Temple to make wishes. On the fifth day of a month, many people come to the Lama Temple to thanks the Buddha if their wishes have come true. On the first day of a New Year, people from all over the world come to the Lama Temple to pray for a good year.



Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites, the obelisks and stele of Axum, the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre, in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela: the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches. In Ethiopia there are also nine national parks, two of which include the mountain groups of the Simien and the Bale, while the others lie in the Rift Valley towards Kenya. The unforeseeable wild landscapes are surely the main attraction of these parks, where many of the animal species are protected, and some of them are endemic to the area. The proximity of Ethiopia to the Equator and the variety of its habitats make it one of the richest countries in Africa in wild bird life.
  History and nature are not the only attractions of this surprising country. It is a unique experience to come into contact with its people, so deeply rooted in their traditional culture, to participate in religious rites in one of the many Coptic churches, to meet native populations like the Hamer, the Mursi, the Caro and the many others whose lifestyle is hard to imagine today, so far is it from our modern life.



答案:That is a wonderful place, which has a famous place of interest, Yueyang Tower.
解析:现行词 a wonderful place在从句作主语,后面Yueyang Tower是a famous place of interest的同位语。



The Great Wall that it is known to all is a famous scenic spot.


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