父母对孩子的影响作文英语,英语作文 写关于父母对孩子的影响的.字数400到450.大家都帮帮忙.要交...


英语作文 写关于父母对孩子的影响的.字数400到450.大家都帮帮忙.要交了

nowadays in china,many students are the only child in their family.they are the apple of their parents' eyes or even their granparents',so they are free of any house work or menial labor.and moral education is no more than some bookish thing.studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.
to educate them to be independent,the most effective way is to let them experience on their own.therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.

英语作文 写关于父母对孩子的影响的.字数400到450.大家都帮帮忙.要交了




Many important links in a child's life can not be separated from the
company of his parents. When the child is born, it means that you will
accompany his growth, from not speaking to going to school; From walking
to traveling and playing; From sticking to mom and dad to knowing how
to do things by yourself, you are constantly witnessing the growth of
your children.


You are the father and mother of the child, but in the process of his
growth, you need to play a variety of roles. Some psychologists have
pointed out that parents play four different important roles in
children's life: caregiver, regulator, soldier and protector, and
spiritual mentor.


Caregiver, this identity mainly appears when the child is 0 to 6 years
old. When the child is born, he knows nothing about the world, and can't
speak or walk. More importantly, he needs the care and care of his
parents, so that the child can grow up well in this stage, and gradually
learn to communicate with others and accept the world.


When children grow up from the previous stage, they accept the world and need to learn to adapt to the life style of the world.


This identity is mainly for children aged 6 to 12. At this time, they
learn to communicate and walk, but they still know little about many
things. At this time, they only know what they want to do, but they
don't know what they can and can't do. Therefore, they need their
parents around them, We should give him regular education and guidance.


Soldiers and protectors are mainly children aged between 12 and 18. At
this stage, children no longer stay at home every day. They begin to go
out to play, start to read books and have friends of their own. This
stage is also a child's adolescence, he will have his own different
ideas, occasionally rebellious, but also gradually close to adults.


Therefore, at this time, parents are more likely to be soldiers and
protectors of their children. Parents need to accompany their children
and let them know that you have been standing beside them. While
protecting their children from external dangers, they also fight side by
side with their children to meet the current difficulties and problems.


Spiritual tutor, when the child is an adult, sometimes even the child
can stand in front of you to help you. Parents can be the spiritual
tutor of the child, share their past success and failure experience with
the child, talk about life problems with the child, and listen to the
distress of the child. Maybe the parents can't give substantial help
sometimes, But it can give children some spiritual support.


Of course, parents play more than these roles in the process of
children's growth. You will be the companion, guide and educator of
children's growth. It is said that parents are the earliest teachers of
children. Maybe what you say and do now is already affecting children's



A few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap.Parents complained that children didn't show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents didn't understand them at all.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.
One cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life.In traditional socieries,children live in the same area as their parents,marry people their parents know and approve of,and often continue the family occupation.In our society,people often move out of the home at an early age,marry or live with people their parents have never met,and choose occupations that are rather different.
In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to be better than them.However,these ambitions for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they discover that they have very little in common.
Finally,the speed of change in our society is another cause of it.In a traditional culture,people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities.
No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of our life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.



Although friends make an impression on your life, they do not have the same influence that

your family has. Nothing is as important to me as my family. From them, I  

learned everything that is important. I learned about trust, ambition, and love.

Your family is with you forever. They are not going to leave you because they find another 

daughter they like better. They are not going to leave you because they think you are too 

much trouble. A family is permanent, while friends come and go.

Your parents are your role models. They will encourage you to do your best, to push 

yourself, and to improve yourself. Friends want you to stay the same: they don't want you 

to be different. A family is ambitious for you. Friends are not.

Your family teaches you about love. A family's love is not judgmental. They love you for 

everything you are. Friends may love you because you have a new car or because you go 

out with them on Saturdays. A family loves you. Friends only like you.

Without my family, I wouldn't know what to do. I wouldn't feel as secure. I might not have 

the ambition to go to school. I probably would be afraid to love. My family is my greatest in









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