有关家庭教育的英文参考文献 ,寻知参考文献




第一本  堪称教育圣经     卢梭的《爱妮尔》

第二本 卡尔·威特   亲子教育的经验和方法

第三本  (美)艾尔菲·科恩YCL  无条件养育

第四本   P.E.T 父母效能训练手册       


可以看看关于Growing Pains和欢乐家庭的影评,可能会有帮助的~



The family education, science, parents and children. Lead
China's education is always attract much attention. This year, the quality education has become two big education is one of the hotspots. And the focus of basic education gathered in quality education. What is the quality education? My personal interpretation is, the quality of education is not only the knowledge accumulation and skills training, also including the ideological, moral, ethical, emotion, aesthetic and various training of civic responsibility, it is actually the civic diathesis. At the same time it has the personalized characteristic. Personal potential and creative thinking can be fully arouse, personal value can be fully realized.
Minister of education in the media interview: "quality education is difficult. Some schools, ignoring the importance of intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education, students get all-round development; nor comprehensive science of intellectual intellectual, often by killing the learning interest of the students, and creative spirit and practice ability."
Who can think, children sleep problem should also be increased to "two sessions" legislation, the height of the seriousness of this problem. While many first-class university President, nankai university HouZiXin principals of elementary education problem particularly representative concern. "The sun and fun to our children," this is a very loud Tim advocate. The promoter of quality education and the education administrative department of government, principals, teachers, parents are each of the promoter of quality education. Our parents to set up scientific forward-looking family education concept, constantly adjust the strategy of family education, with the development of society and the individual development, is very necessary.
Quality education is to cultivate the core and how to cultivate people how? Our school to "open to behave, diligent to work for the motto," to "live, live, live teaching management to cultivating students' learning. Our students are active, "character alacrity, hand brain flexibility, vigor". In 2002, our school "elegant" education, puts forward the school decorous, jedaiah hall "school", gentle, gentle and students. Our school has been advocated the quality-oriented education of the students, parents and get the social recognition and highly appreciated. (a graduating student, therefore, we welcome) facing the freshmen, we should focus on students from the following aspects.
1 good habit of children
Habit including living habits and learning habits. Both specific content, form, but the problem is out of the same. Education is the habit of educational function. But just is the most easily to neglect and omissions. What is the most fashionable attention of bilingual education, art education of these so-called special education and talent education, to let the children all night. "Sow an action; reap a habit; sow a habit; reap a character; sow a character; reap a fate." The elementary school is good habits, don't miss it.
2. Cultivate rational reasonable child
Primary school life is a collective life, a kindergarten has more and more independent upon the van requirements of management and communication time and opportunity. Children must have the collective consciousness of rules. To cultivate children's self-control.
(1) set rules, but the truth about the first rule, not blindly obedience,
(2) in children have completely within the rules free;
(3) violated the rules children will be punished,
(4) less good manners, and to inspire the role.
3 cultivate love of learning
A: border ubung macht den meister, boundary lines, state: 3: self-taught, state and mastery. A grade is mainly cultivate good habits of study, serious tasks, cultivating interest of study, dares to their comments and questions.
4. Cultivate autonomous independent child
Students develop self management ability.
5. Cultivate happiness perceptual children
Can feel happy and share the happiness, can have a thankful heart.
Second, the interpretation of the child's soul, and share the happiness Shared password troubles
A child's confusion in often cannot accurately express, can only say "no fun," "don't like", but we can easily from their home, the mood changes, even small study found that many children's bag. However, a child is more of a growing unconsciously, the growing confusion over our parents. Our parents to interpret these troubles, and the child has some concrete countermeasures, and effectively, and help them in imperceptible in cultivate good habits, cultivate rational reason, love of learning, independent, happy and perceptual children. Ten confused --
Children in school, had puzzled, there are many new to mom and dad, but mom and dad's work too busy, always work overtime?
Countermeasures: 1, please parents to overcome difficulties, can make time to pay attention to the first month of the entrance
The first month into elementary school students, the most important is not fit for a month, is also the most unstable for a month, and some habits, the best period in this month. The formation of a phase difference. When children need to care, need to encourage (incentive), the need to understand, need help, need more standard, and these needs and desires, children will be reflected through different ways, waiting for the parents to read, as parents be observant of emotion, interest, children, listen to the voices of children, patiently listen to understand the children at school by the situation, in order to guide. The guide for their lives have great influence. If our parents should cherish this opportunity.
2 how parents know that a child confusion of good study habits?
Countermeasures 1: see learning tools and textbooks are complete, neat?
Countermeasures 2: practise finishing bag
3 children home said today confusion didn't learn anything? (listen)
1: don't question children countermeasures in class? Children do not have strong generalization ability, cannot summarize each lesson to learn what is normal.
2: open teaching countermeasures, ask the teacher made what song today? The story about what? Do what game? Which child speak the most interesting? This writing specific problems can facilitate children express.
Countermeasures on two consecutive days 3: child really could not say anything. Parents can face more children in hurry. Can let the children said something she would say, how to play, understanding where teachers. Then tell her class at the teacher's eyes, the teacher's eyes are looking at you, you will become the most intelligent children heuristic guidance.
Parents should be encouraged to countermeasures 4: students can effectively carries on the classroom learning. Along with the increase of age to encourage students to put forward valuable problem. (do not understand, important, key, seeking for children, thinking) if not all of his study, he still passively in the study. As the blind child in language learning. Your child is learning. Change the concept of learning, children is not only the teachers and parents to hint us children need to learn to think independently, and innovative thinking. So, in the form of autonomous learning without any time, we also urged.



1、“宝贝快点起床,要迟到啦!" 改成:”宝贝, 又是阳光明媚的一天啦,你听到小鸟叽叽喳喳的叫声了没,还有环卫叔叔阿姨扫地的声音“。 让孩子感受聆听这些自然的音符,留意观察到生活中美好的点点滴滴。
2、“宝贝,到学校了要乖,认真听老师上课, 作业要按时完成!" 经常听到妈妈们说这一句话, 这句话会产生多大的效果呢?当一个人被要求、被期待了,即使孩子为了听你的话表现出很乖,那不是他发自内在意愿的话,随着一天天长大,这种乖和听话也不会很持久。 不如改成:”宝贝,妈妈祝你开心愉快的度过这一天,放学回家妈妈等着你分享在学校里发生的有趣的事情。“给孩子输入的信念是学习是开心愉快的,有趣的。回家了妈妈也愿意聆听和陪伴我。
3、你带着孩子在公园玩,突然下雨了,"哎, 这个鬼天气,周末也不能好好玩一下。“你的这句话也许是无意,可传递出来的却是一种抱怨、一种内心的烦躁和抗拒。 不如换个说法: ”平时都是天晴逛公园,下雨天在公园里走走,感觉空气更加清新了。“换个角度,孩子无时无刻不在被你的积极乐观生活态度影响。
4、接孩子回家的路上塞车,"哎,烦死了,等到什么时候啊?回家还有一大堆事情呢!“很多妈妈说孩子没有耐心,脾气急躁,殊不知,父母的言行直接影响着孩子呢,平时的你是不是也是这么急躁呢? 那么与其抱怨交通堵塞,还不如把这个时光好好利用,可以趁机多和孩子聊聊天。
5、"妈妈,你的工作是不是很辛苦呀?“看到你疲惫的无精打采的脸,孩子忍不住问了。"是啊,妈妈要供你上学,不辛苦工作努力挣钱你哪有条件上好学校。” 也许只是孩子关心的话语,你却赶紧想利用这个机会开始教导孩子了,给孩子传递妈妈都是为了你。想达到一种 什么样的目的呢?想成为操控孩子的一种手段吗?如果孩子果真很听你的话了,也就代表他慢慢失去与自我的连接了。父母经常灌输这样的思想也会让孩子背负着沉重的压力去生活和学习。


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