游乐场英语作文50字 ,介绍游乐场的英语作文高二



hangzhou Paradise Park
I went Hangzhou Paradise Park with my relatives last weekend. It's about a half hour drive from the center of Hangzhou.
This is a pretty big park, which includes a water park. We came he remainly to swim, so we did not spend a lot of time looking at the other attractions, like the roller coaster, pirateship, etc. However, we noticed that quite a lot of equipment was not working for what ever reason.
The water park was OK, The swimming area is kep tpretty clean. The water slidesare not very steep, but only accessible for people that are taller than 1.5m, which was a little bit of adisappointment for my nephew.
Next to the water park, thereareafew small restaurants. We went to a North Chinese dumpling restaurant, which served pretty goodfood.
Overall. if you want to come here to enjoy the attractions you may bedisappointed。 the water park serves it spurpose.



 We have long to Happy Valley.After buying tickets,eating breakfast from a nearby photo camera,consumption to nine,open valley it!A lot of people,almost all of the shoulder close to the shoulder,bumped toe heels,a sea of people.Only to hear "pop,blah" drums,the
staff opened the wicket Happy Valley,began wicket.People relic pot of dumplings,"boom"
sound poured in Happy Valley.To Happy Valley is to do it?
Play this game!Play they need to do?Map ah!
I demur from the cupboard to put the map took five maps,the beginning of my trip to Happy Valley.





  yesterday i went to the (amusement )park with my friends.At about 10:00 we arrived there by bikes.There are so many people enjoy thermselves happily.we went skating first of allthen we went to have a picnic.To tell the truthI really enjoyed my time with my friends when we were playing games and talking about our experiences.We all forgot the time so we went home late.In summary I had a happy day yesterday!How i wish we can stay there forever!



  Today I and my mother to play the amusement park.

  Merry-go-round before we play we start to play bumper car always I will not play after I am familiar with the edge of a middle of the with others engaged in a fierce collision and mother I hit it several Now! We have to play the most exciting roller coaster.

  Roller coaster can be stimulated before climbing to the height the same as the red down arrow and turned in the air twice in the first full-time and then I turn down my eyes I was scared to death. I am scared when it turned yellow and also speed up a lot of heart.

  Step by step we have to play Christmas we opened the windows together door to door are you a ghost unexpected things such as: skeleton ghost mummy and so on ... ...今天,我和妈妈去游乐园玩。





  Yesterday when I was walking on the road a bus hit a man. The man was knocked down. There was plenty of blood on the road. The man was seriously hurt. But the driver ran away. The crowd stared at the man but no one knew what had happened. Of course no one dialed 120. I took out my mobile phone and dialed 120. Soon an ambulance came. It took the man to the nearest hospital. Finally the man died. Everyone felt very sad. This is an unforgettable experience. It tells me when we are crossing the road we should be careful. We must obey the traffic rules. Why is it so unforgettable? Because the man’s life was over. Everyone has only one life. This accident is so terrible that I can’t forget it.昨天我在路上散步时,一辆公共汽车撞到了一个人。那个人被击倒了。路上有大量的血。那个男人受到了严重的伤害。但司机逃跑了。人群盯着那个人看,但没人知道发生了什么事。当然,没有人拨打120。我拿出手机拨通了120。很快救护车来了。把那个男人送到最近的医院。最后,这个人死了。每个人都感到很伤心。这是一次难忘的经历。它告诉我,当我们过马路时,我们应该小心。我们必须遵守交通规则。为什么会如此令人难忘?因为男人的生命结束了。每个人都只有一个生命。这次事故太可怕了,我不能忘记.。



  小朋友们都很喜欢去游乐园,那么怎么写关于游乐园的 英语 作文 呢?以下是我为大家整理的,有关游乐园的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。
  I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time.

  At first,we went to the roller coaster.It's really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamed

  It's an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again!
  Yesterday, my friends with I went to amusement park. We got a lot of fan. We got there was 10 o'clock and we haven't eatten anything in that time,so we dicided to eat something. We ate some buger and hotdog, drink some juice. after that meal.

  W played much things such as span house, roller coaster,bumper car, a pirate boat, shooter and so on .

  I think the best time is with friends to play in amusement park.
  This morning, the air is fresh, the weather was very sunny, sunny, I and my mother to buy clothes, the store of people coming and going, particularly exciting, buy the clothes, we went to a nearby park to play.

  Went to the amusement park, I saw a beautiful fountain, fountain stood many heat in the photograph, also see a lot of people in the appreciation of the exotic flowers and rare herbs, there are people who play in the playground in the game, and we play together.

  We first went to the pirate ship side, bought a ticket, sit on the pirate ship.

  The pirate ship launched, we fasten the safety belt, the pirate ship turn ah turn, sitting on top of the people screaming, rang people bashing t***/he thaw, the pirate ship, we went to buy the ring, five ring, I throw, but did not expect to throw a Amoy mud little doll, brother Gao Xing face joy bloom.

  Now it's him, he gently away, was thrown into a tumbler, then three, was thrown into the car, chess, and goldfish. After the play, we ate there went home happily.

  To play really happy playground!
  I went Hangzhou Paradise Park with my relatives last weekend.It's about a half hour drive from the center of Hangzhou.

  This is a pretty big park,which includes a water park.We came he remainly to swim,so we did not spend a lot of time looking at the other attractions,like the roller coaster,pirateship,etc.However,we noticed that quite a lot of equipment was not working for what ever reason.

  The water park was OK,The swimming area is kep tpretty clean.The water slidesare not very steep,but only accessible for people that are taller than 1.5m,which was a little bit of adisappointment for my nephew.

  Next to the water park,thereareafew small restaurants.We went to a North Chinese dumpling restaurant,which served pretty goodfood.

  Overall.if you want to come here to enjoy the attractions you may bedisappointed.the water park serves it spurpose.

1. 游乐园英语作文

2. 有关旅游的英语作文

3. 有关旅游大学英语作文范文

4. 小学英语作文:熊猫去游乐园

5. 有关参观动物园英语作文带翻译


以上就是关于游乐场英语作文50字 ,介绍游乐场的英语作文高二的全部内容,以及游乐场英语作文50字 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月03日13时05分01秒
下一篇 2023年01月03日13时10分22秒


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