用英语介绍你的业余爱好 ,我的业余爱好英语作文80词



  每个人都有自己不同的业余 爱好 ,爱好可以让我们的心情瞬时变好。下面是我为你整理的我的业余爱好 英语 作文 80字,希望对你有帮助!


  I grew particularly fond of music, I like to sing, I like shells guzheng, music brings me into my own paradise. I sometimes shells edge edge sing, I am intoxicated. I let the summer under a tree singing, cicada is also singing in the trees, we sing together, sometimes I play guzheng, it seemed to follow my tunes to sing, I am very happy to know this is a bosom friend. I unknowingly on obsession on the music, obsessed with a guzheng. I also take part in various performances, I performed very well, my dream is that I can become a great musician, the music I listen to all shells.


  There are a great many hobbies to choose from. Some people enjoy collecting coins or stamps, others choose to spend their time on sports or music. I have many hobbies, but playing basketball is my favorite one. At weekends, we always build a team to play basketball against another one in our neighbourhood. The competitions brought us so much fun. I think playing basketball is a good way to build up one's body and relax oneself. But I will always remember that it's unwise to spend too much time playing.


  My hobbies diffrent people have diffrent hobbies i have a lot of hobbies like reading books.watching movies and so on.I like reading books because I get lots of know ledge I find more interesting things so I like reading diffrent kinds of books I also like watching movies I enjoy my leisure time so I usually watch movies in my free time it's makes me happy.I think watching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies I love life.myhobbies make life



  As a middle school student,I learn many subjects,I study so hard every day. When I get home,I will do my homework and then go over the book. But when holiday comes,I feel a little confused,because I don't want to study and do something new.Then I don't know what to do, my mind get blank.

  作为一个中学生,我学许多科目,我每天那么努力学习。当我回家时,我会做作业,然后复习书本。 但当假期来临的时候, 我感到有点困惑,因为我不想学习,想做一些新的事情。我就不知道要做什么,我的头脑一片空白。

  I decide to develop my interest.Some day,I happened to see a tennis match,and I couldn't stop watching, then I fell in love with tennis. So I started to learn playing tennis,I felt so happy.

  我决定培养我的兴趣。 有一天, 我碰巧看到一场 网球 比赛,我无法停止下来看,然后我爱上了网球。因此我开始学习打网球,我感到很高兴。培训 兴趣爱好

  Now tennis is my favorite sport,I find a way to relax myself.

  现在网球是我最喜欢的运动,我找到一个 方法 来放松自己。


  Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.

  不同人有不同爱好。例如,有人喜欢读书,有人喜欢 游泳 ,还有人喜欢 收藏 等等。

  I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don't like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn't get knowledge from others.I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can't go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people,places and history.It's very interesting.What is your hobby?Let's share each other!


  I have many good friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book reading.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is gardening.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet girl.She likes knitting.She always knits some sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are good friends.

  我有许多好朋友。他们都有他们的爱好。Ann学习很努力,因此她爱好读书。Tony爱劳动,他爱好园艺,他总是在他的院子里植树种花。Judy是一个文静的女孩,她喜欢 编织 ,她总是给她的玩具娃娃织毛衣。我们爱好不同,但我们是好朋友。

  I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling.



  I'm interested in drawing. When I was in the kindergarten class, I saw other people making fun of it and I said to my mother, "mom, I want to learn to paint"! My mother said, "well, you have a great interest, but I hope you will learn and stick to it!" At first, I found it difficult to draw, but my mother and teacher often encouraged me, and I felt very happy when I finished painting a picture.

  Because I have to draw on weekends, I have less time to play. Have a good friend come looking for me to go to the children's palace, I very want to go, but I didn't promise, because I don't want to take up painting, although some classmates said I: painting a picture, what's the use, it is better to go to play, but I know the painting is my everything, I still believe, work hard, I can definitely as a painter. Slowly painting became my best friend, I also enjoy listening to the advice of teachers and classmates, so I draw level unceasing progress, finally I play a prominent role in the school art festival, almost every entry is the first prize. It was not until the second semester of the third grade, that my performance was the third prize. This was the biggest setback I had experienced since I was learning to paint, and I was shocked! My mind was in a mess, my heart felt like a knife, and my heart was broken. I decided to give it up. My classmates came to comfort me, and my mother told me that I had a chance to compete. I hope I can take heart.



Everyone's interests are different. My interests are very broad. I have many different interests. I like sports, playing games, reading and so on. I especially like sports and playing games. 

These two hobbies can make me relax. After being tired, playing games and sports are good ways to relax. However, playing games and sports can not be excessive. We should have a certain plan. Sports should be planned and games should be controlled.



怎样用英语介绍自己的业余爱好 范例作文

DearHarry,Thankyouforyourletter.(谢谢你的信)Haveyoubeendoing.(你最近过得怎么样)Youwanttomyhobbies,now,i'lltellyou.(你想知道我的业余爱好吗,现在,我来告诉你)Ienjoyplayingcomputer(我喜欢玩电脑)Ilikesports,especiallyinthemountains.(我喜欢做运动,尤其是爬山)Itnktheclimbmaybehealthy(我认为爬山可以保持健康)Inmountainclimbing,ialwaysphotograph,iliketotakepictures.(在爬山的时候我经常照相,我喜欢照相。噢 还有就是 几天前帮我指导的ABC天卞英语中心的外教才和我提过 就是要掌握好英语是很容易的;坚持要拥有一个符合的学习环境以及闇练口语对象,外教水平很重要 欧美人士比东南亚好很多 口语标准很重要,持续逐日口语沟通 1 on 1家教式教学才能有非常.好.的进步幅度~上完课仍要复习听取课后录音反馈 更可以加深印象~若真的是无对象可练习 可以去可可或大耳朵获得课余学习材料研习,多说多问迅速的口语就培养起来,学习效果是绝对快速显着的!)Cameraforwecanleavewonderfulmemories(相机可以为我们留下美好的回忆)Andilikeandfriendsonweekendsandplayskateboardingfeatheredpad(而且我也喜欢和朋友一起在周末玩滑板和踢毽子)Iweekendwatcngtvatnightareusually(我周末的晚上一般看电视)Tsismyhobby,andyou?(这就是我的业余爱好,你呢?)Hopesoontohearfromyouegain(希望很快能收到你的来信)Iwishyouhealth,educationprogress(祝你身体健康,学业进步)Yours,LiHua这个100词绝对有了而且有翻译希望可以采纳


Dear sir,
I have many hobbies, such as listening to music, reading, running and
so on.As we all known, listening to music is a good way to coordinate our mood.Therefore,I enjoy listening to music,which can make me feel very happy. Moreover, I like reading very much.Reading makes a man.I have read the article whose name is ‘Of Studies’ that was written by Bacon.He said that studies serve for delight,for ornament and for ability.So we can not stop learning.In other words,never too old to learn.In additon,it is necessary to do exercise regularly.I love running, because it has great effects on my health.In a word,my hobbies have positive
influences on my body and soul.

以上就是关于用英语介绍你的业余爱好 ,我的业余爱好英语作文80词的全部内容,以及用英语介绍你的业余爱好 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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