海洋动植物英文 ,各种海洋动物的英文单词










7、sea turtle海龟






蓝藻、硅藻、甲藻、金藻,绿藻 Algae, diatoms and dinoflagellates, chrysophyte green algae
海洋动物可分为海洋无脊椎动物、海洋原索动物和海洋脊椎动物等3类。分别为Invertebrates, protochordata vertebrates



中文名称 英文名称 木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish 岩石峭壁 rocky cliff
~ Sea Snakes ~
NAME: Sea snake is the common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes.
HABITAT: Sea snakes inhabit tropical waters from the Indian ocean to the Pacific ocean. Sea snakes are particularly abundant in the Persian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal.
SIZE: Most sea snakes are not large, ranging from about 1.6 to 3.3 feet in length, although Stokes's sea snake can reach nearly 6 and a half feet.
REPRODUCTION: One group of sea snakes, sometimes called the true sea snakes, give birth to live young and lack the enlarged ventral scales typical of most terrestrial snakes. The other group, sometimes referred to as seakraits, lay eggs; because they must leave the water to deposit their eggs, they retain straplike ventral scales, although these may be smaller than those of terrestrial snakes.
SWIMMING: The paddlelike tail of sea snakes is wide and compressed and makes an effective swimming organ.
BREATHING: Unlike eels, sea snakes have no gills and must rise to the surface of the water for air, but they can remain underwater for several hours, obtaining dissolved oxygen from water that they swallow and eject.
FEEDING: Many species feed on elongate fishes, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom.
BEHAVIOR: Sea snakes are generally not aggressive and usually will not bite humans unless handled roughly or forcibly restrained.
VENOM: Sea snakes are highly venomous, and bites, though rare, are fatal.
COMMON SPECIES: The yellow-bellied sea snake, one of the most common sea snakes, ranges along the Pacific coast from southern California to northern South America. It is less than 3 and a quarter feet long and is black or dark brown with a bright yellow belly.
SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Sea snakes are usually classified in two subfamilies, the Hydrophiinae and the Laticaudinae, both in the family Elapidae. Some taxonomists classify them instead in two families, the Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae, separate from the family Elapidae. Stokes's sea snake is classified as Astrotia stokesii. The yellow-bellied sea snake is classified as Pelamus platurus.



海洋动物 sea animals
seal 海豹
hippocampi 海马
sea lion 海狮
walrus 海象
coral 珊瑚
echinus 海胆
starfish 海星
dolphin 海豚
cetacean 鲸鱼
shark 鲨鱼
cuttle 墨鱼
acaleph 水母
mussel 蚌
anglerfish 琵琶鱼
oyster 牡蛎
caribe 水虎鱼
chelonian 海龟
langouste 龙虾
flatfish 比目鱼
flying fish 飞鱼
sweetfish/ayu 香鱼
trumpet shell 海螺
石斑鱼 grouper
海鳗 eel
海蛇 sea snake
狮子鱼 lion fish
刺河豚 balloon fish
鳐鱼 manta
神仙鱼 angel fish
蝶鱼 butterfly fish


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