我的新年决心英语作文带翻译 ,我的新年决心英语作文初二带翻译70字




In the new year. I want to get a better magic in the results of culture class, including making up my shortcomings and being able to maintain my scores in other subjects.

 Then in the new year's plan, in addition to cultural courses, we should also improve our physical quality, including the process of exercising every day, running, rope skipping, cycling and so on. 

Therefore, there are probably these contents in the new year's resolution, and there are probably so many aspects to improve.





A new year, a new beginning, when I stand on the edge of the new year, I can't help but think about the plan for the next year as before. 

Well said: a good start is half the success, so I decided that I should work when others are still relaxed, and then, at the beginning, I'm faster than others, of course, I'll get better results than others, but What I really decided to do was that I had to make use of any time I could, and although it seemed impossible, I would try my best to achieve my plan, which would prove that.




A new year ,a new start, when I stand on the edge of the a new year, I can't help thinking about my plan of next year. Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I'm quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others. But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good use of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. Moreover, I will do my best to live up with what I have planned, and the result will prove it. 新年新气象,在新年即将来临之际,我不禁开始盘算来年的新计划。正如古话说得那样,“好的开始是成功的一半。”所以在其他人还在休息的时候,我就要好好计划计划了。先计划好,这样才能比别人取得更好的成绩。即便看上去不可能,我也要努力把每分每秒都给计划好。此外,我还要努力把计划落实下去。让时间证明一切吧。



英语:Quickly to new year, as the saying goes “when one year lies in the spring”, this year I learn my each branch discipline diligently, obtains compared to the last year better result, like this can repay the parents, I must practice the piano, makes a rich appeal, has both ability and integrity youth!


以上就是关于我的新年决心英语作文带翻译 ,我的新年决心英语作文初二带翻译70字的全部内容,以及我的新年决心英语作文带翻译 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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