服装销售单词句子对话 ,简单的服装销售软件



Amber: This is a neat shop. There are so many fashionable clothes here.这间店不错嘛。衣服都挺流行的。
Ethabella: It's one of my favorite clothing stores. Check this out (holds up a skirt) 这是我最喜欢的服装店之一。看看这件(举起一条短裙)。
Amber: That's nice. How about this (points to a pant suit) Would this style look good on me?<不错。这件怎幺样(指着一件女套装)我穿这个会好看吗?
Ethabella: Sure would. Why don't you try it? 当然好看。为什幺不试一下?
Amber: I think I will (motions to a waiting saleslady) Can I try this on ? 我也是这幺想的。(向售货小姐示意)我可以试穿一下吗?
Saleslady: Yes. The dressing room is right over there (Amber goes to the dressing room, puts on the outfit, and steps out) 可以。试衣间就在那儿。(Amber走进试衣间,穿上那套衣服后走了出来)
Amber: (to Ethabella) How do I look? Does this make me look fat? (面向Ethabella)看起来怎幺样?我穿这个是不是显得有点胖呀?
Ethabella : No way. It really fits you well. 不会的。非常合身。
Amber: I think I'll buy it. How about you? Did you try on the skirt? 我想买下它。你呢?你试了那件裙子了吗?
Ethabella: Yeah. It fits OK, but I noticed a lovely blouse on the way to the dressing room. Unfortunately, it doesn't match. (to the saleslady) Do you have this in other colors? (holding up the skirt) I need one that will go with the blouse. 试了。很合身,但是我在去试衣间的路上发现了一件非常漂亮的衬衫。说实话,看上去好象不那幺合适。(面对着售货小姐)这个有其它颜色的吗?(举起那件短裙)我需要一条和这件衬衫配套。
Saleslady: Yes, I believe we may have something for you . Let me check (goes to the skirt rack and returns with two skirts, the same style but different colors) I think either of these would go well with the blouse. 可能有。让我看一看(走到挂裙子的架子那儿拿了两件款式相同颜色各异的裙子)我想这两件都可以和这件衬衫搭配。
Ethabella: This one is perfect. By the way, what material is this skirt made of? And is it machine-washable? 这条非常棒。顺便问一下,这条裙子是什幺料子的?可以机洗吗
Saleslady: It's 80% cotton, 20% polyester, and yes, it is machine washable. 有80%的棉,20%的聚酯纤维,可以用洗衣机洗
Ethabella: OK, I'll take both of them (hands the skirt and blouse to the saleslady)好的,两件我都要了(把裙子和衬衫一同递给了售货小姐)。购物英语情景对话
Reception 接待
1. Do you find anything you like?
2. What can I do for you?
3. Can I help you?
4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served?
5. Is there anybody waiting on you? u<`da E
Choosing and buying选择与购买
Choosing 选择
1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. u<`da E
2. I’d like to see some towels. u<`da E
3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。 ***
4. Let me have a look at this watch. uUlsda E
把这只表让我看看。 u<`E
5. Would you show me this cup? uUlsda E
6. I’m interested in this new type of car.
7. I’m just looking, thanks.
8. I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind.
An attempt 试穿
1. Could you try it on please? How is it?
2. I like this one. May I try it on?
Inquiry 询问
1. Do you have any on sale? u<`E
2. Do you carry hundred�percent cotton pants?
3. Can you get me one?
4. If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery? u<` E
Size and color 尺寸和颜色 ***
1. The fit isn’t good.
2. It’s too big.
3. Too small.
4. It seems to fit well.
好像蛮合身的。 u<`E
5. They punch my toes.
6. Can I have a size larger? u<`da E
可以给我一个大一点儿的吗? ***
7. How about this blue one?
8. This color is very pupular.
9. This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress.
uUlsda E
Price 价格
1. How much does it cost? u<`da E
2. What’s the price for this suit?
3. How much do I have to pay for it?
我要付多少钱? u<`da E
4. How much are these ties?
这些领带要多少钱? u<` E
5. I’ll give it to you for 5250.
6. Can you make it cheaper?
Check 付钱
1. How can I pay?
2. May I write a check for you?
我能开支票吗? u<`da E
3. Do you take traveler’s checks? ***
你们接受旅行支票吗? u<` E
4. Sorry, we don’t take checks.
对不起,我们不接受支票。 ***
5. How about 98 down and 100 a month?
6. I’ll take this.
The others 其他
1. Take one’s measurement. @UUlsC|3.
2. I think we’re out of your size.
我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已卖光了。 u<`E
3. Check back next Sunday.


Can I help you ?If you need anything just let me know.
What kind of clothes do you prefer ?
How about this one ?
What's your size ?/what size do you prefer ?
Wait a moment,please.I'll get your size
等等 我去给你拿这个尺寸的
Sorry,we don't have your size/
对不起 我们没有这个尺码了
Thanks for your waitting.
It's your size it, fittingroom is over ther 。
I think it looks terrific on you.
What else do you want to buy ?
All together is XXX Yuan.
XXX is taken and this is your change and receive
Thanks for your coming and I hope see again
谢谢您的光临 欢迎下次再来
cheap copy haw haw~~~


这里是一些关于售货员和顾客常用的对话,售货和退货的内容,里面相关的物品名词,你只要进行替换,就可以解决你在销售时所需要的基本语言。 Can I help you? (我能帮你吗,)需要帮忙吗? Yes, I’m looking for something to wear to a formal party. 是的,我在找一件能够穿到正式晚会上的礼服。 What size do you wear, ma’am? (Sir.) 你穿什么样尺寸的衣服呢。女士,(先生 (对方回答) An eight or a ten. 八号,或者10号 Let me show you what we have. 让我给你看看我们都有什么样的衣服 This dress is very beautiful. 这条裙子很漂亮。 It’s the latest fashion from Paris. 这是来自于巴黎的最新的时装 What about this skirt here? 你看这儿,这件短裙如何? Good choice. 你很有眼光, You could try it on 你可以穿上它试试。 Let me try it on. 让我试试 Where’s the dressing room? 试衣间在那里? Right over here. 就在那里 you look wonderful. 你看起来很美 It looks good on you 这件衣服很适合你 Really? Isn’t the skirt a bit too long? 真的吗,对我来说难道这件裙子不是太长了吗? We could always make it shorter for free. 我们可以免费把它改短 That’s true. How much is it? 那倒是的,这件裙子多少钱? The skirt is $125. 这件裙子$125 Oh. That's a little too expensive. 哦,有点太贵了。 but don't you think you deserve for this skirt. 但是你不觉得你很值得买它吗, it makes you beautiful and dignity 她衬托得你美丽而高贵 Maybe you want try this one 也许你可以试试这件 it's on sale 大减价 it is the lowest price 这是最低价格了 And the blouse is on sale for only $69. 这件衬衣大减价,只有$69 Okay, I’ll take it! 好吧,我要它了 退货returns 顾客 I bought these pants here the other day, 前几天我在这里买了这条裤子 but they’re too big. I’d like to return them. 但是这条裤子太大了,我想退货。 售货员 Do you have your receipt with you? 你有发票吗? 顾客 Sure, here you go. 当然,在这里。 售货员 Sir, these pants were on sale. 先生,这条裤子是销价出售的。 We don’t take returns on sale items. 我们不接受销价出售的物品的退货。 顾客 How about a store credit? 你们商店的信誉和保证呢? 售货员 I’m afraid there are no returns at all on sale merchandise. 恐怕根本就没有接受销价商品退货这一款。 I’m sorry, there is nothing we can do. 很抱歉,我们帮不了你。


顾客走进商店时,店员经常一边说May I help you?,一边走近顾客。
同义句:Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
How may I help you? 顾客可能说:
我想买件套装。I'd like a suit. 我在找一种……包。I'm looking for a ... bag.
I'm looking for a black, leather bag. (我在找一种黑色的皮包。) 店员可回答:
How's this? (这个怎么样?) 如果顾客说:
我只看看。I'm just looking. *没有特别想买的意思。
Just looking.
Just browsing.
I don't need any help.
I'm just browsing.
No just yet. (还不需要。) 店员可以回答:
您有什么需要帮助的尽管说。If you need any help, let me know. *这是店员对顾客常用的一种说法。 顾客看中某样东西:
这双鞋真漂亮!These shoes are great!
These shoes are wonderful.
这个多少钱?How much is this?
How much does this cost?
What does this cost?
What is the price of this?
How much? *比较生硬的感觉。如果顾客要讲价,会说:
太贵了!That's expensive!
That's expensive! (太贵了!)
How expensive! (怎么这么贵!)
That's too much! (太贵了!)如果顾客觉得很划算,直接想买:
真便宜!That's cheap!
How cheap! (怎么这么便宜!) 关于尺寸颜色的:
这种衬衫有小号的吗?Do you have this shirt in a small?
Do you have this shirt in a small? (这种衬衫有小号的吗?)Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?
这种毛衣有红色的吗?Do you have this sweater in red? 店员要查库存可以说:
Let me check. (我给你找找。) 顾客要试穿会说:
我可以试穿吗?May I try it on? *try on 表示“试穿、戴(衣服、帽子、眼镜)”。
May I try it on? (我可以试试吗?)店员应回答:
Sure. Let me help you. (当然,我来帮你。)顾客会问:
试衣间在哪儿?Where is the fitting room?
Where is the fitting room? (试衣间在哪儿?)Where is the dressing room.店员指路:
Right this way, ma'am. (请往这边,女士。)
我穿着太小。It's too small for me. *其反意为It's too big for me.(我穿着太大。)
It's a little bit tight. (有点儿紧。)
It's loose.(有点儿松。)
It's long. (长了。)
It's short. (短了。)尺寸正合适:
这套衣服正合适。This suit fits perfectly.
This suit is perfect for me.
这个真不错。This is nice.
This is good.这个比较好。
This is better. *用于进行各种各样的比较之后,还是这个比较好的情况。 店员可以提供另一件商品给顾客选择:
How do you like it? (你看这个怎么样?)
This is better. (这个比较好。)
I like this better.
That's more like it.
这条裙子和这件上衣挺配的,是吧?This skirt matches this blouse, doesn't it?
This skirt matches this blouse, doesn't it? (这条裙子和这件上衣挺配的,是吧?)
Yes, they look great together. (是的,看上去很配套。)
This skirt and this blouse go together well.
你觉得哪个好?Which is better?
Which one do you like better? (你喜欢哪一个?)
Which one do you think is better?
两个我都想要。I want both of them.
I want them both.
I don't want either of them. (两个都不想要。)
太艳了。It's too flashy.
It's too flashy. (这件太艳了!)
We have a more plain looking one. (我们也有素净点儿的。)
It's too gaudy.
It's too loud.
老气。It's too plain.
It's too conservative.
It's too bland.顾客想改衣服时:
您能给锁边吗?Would you hem it? *hem “(衣服的)边沿,边缘下摆的缝边”。
Would you alter it?
Would you shorten it? 您能改短吗? 谈价钱:
多少钱?How much is it?
How much does it cost?
Could you tell me how much it is? (您能告诉我多少钱吗?)直接拿走:
我要这个。I'll take this one.
I'll take this one. (我要这个。)
All right, ma'am. (好的。)
I'd like this one.
I'd like to buy this one. (我要买这个。)
I'll get this one.店员可以问:
您用现金还是卡?Will that be cash or charge?
Cash or charge?
Will you be paying by cash or credit card?
Would you like to pay by cash or charge?顾客可以说:
现金。Cash, please.
卡。Charge, please.
我可以用VISA卡吗?Can I use VISA?
Do you accept VISA?
Do you take VISA?
我可以分期付款吗?Can I pay by installment payment?
我可以付港元吗?Can I pay in Hongkong dollar?
Do you take Hongkong dollar?
Do you accept Hongkong dollar?最后包装一下:
请给包一下。Please wrap it.要收据:
Do you have a receipt? (您有收据吗?)退换货:
我想退货。I'd like to return this.
I'd like to return this. (我想退货。)
您能给我换一下这个吗?Could you exchange this, please?
这儿有点儿脏。It's got a stain. / It has a stain.
可以退款吗?Can I have a refund? *refund “退款”。
I'd like to get a refund, please. (我想退款。)
I'd like a refund, please. (请退款吧。)
I'd like my money back, please. (请把钱退给我吧。) 讲价:
能再便宜一些吗?Would you give me a discount?
Would you give me a discount? (能再便宜一些吗?)
This is a discount price. (这已经是打过折的价钱了。)
Can you make it cheaper? 店员说不能再降价了:
不满意就算了。Take it or leave it. *多用于商业的买卖中,向对方表示“就这价钱”、“随便你”、“不中意就别买了”,或“在出示的价格范围内您考虑买还是不买”,特别在商业谈判中常用。
Accept it or reject it.
Be satisfied with it or get nothing.
That's my only offer.
That's my last offer.
That's my final offer.

以上就是关于服装销售单词句子对话 ,简单的服装销售软件的全部内容,以及服装销售单词句子对话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年12月27日15时27分40秒
下一篇 2022年12月27日15时30分19秒


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