校园情景对话英文二人 ,英语简单4人3分钟情景对话



  如今 学习英语 的人越来越多,用英语聊天似乎成了一种时尚。下面是我给大家整理的简单英语2人情景对话,供大家参阅!

  简单英语2人对话:likes and dislikes

  A: do you like animals? I really like dogs.

  B: so do i. I don’t like cats.

  A: why? I think cats are ok.

  B: I can’t bear being near cats. They don’t seem to like me either.

  A:I like wild animals. I don’t like spiders and snakes. I think spiders and snakes are disgusting.

  B: I’m fond of snakes. I think they’re great. I agree with you about spiders though. I think spiders are horrible. I think it’s because they have so many legs.

  A; I think bears are wonderful. Pandas are fantastic. I loathe people who kill them for their fur.

  B; I agree. I’m carzy about mice. I think they’re so cute!

  A; really? I don’t see the attraction. I’m afraid of mice.

  简单英语二人对话:likes and dislikes

  A; what do you think of the people in our class? I think most of them are fine.

  B: I think so too. I don’t like mark. He’s so arrogant. I despise arrogant people.

  A: mike is fascinating. I’m fond of people who have something intelligent to say.

  B; carol’s fun to be with. I really look forward to hearing her jokes. What do you think of tom?

  A: he’s all right. I don’t dislike him, but I don’t really like him much either. What do you think of him?

  B: I think he’s ok. He’s very quiet, so it’s hard to know what kind of person he really is.

  A: I’m fond of jane. She’s a very interesting girl. She’s crazy about boy-bands.

  B; really? I’m mad on them too. I should get to know her better. Are you keen on music?

  A: I think that dance music is excellent. I love going to a disco and dancing to the music. I enjoy meeting new people there.

  B; my parents loathe dance music. If I play it at home, they always complain. Are you parents the same?

  A: my mom hates it, but my dad thinks its ok. He doesn’t mind as long as I don’t play the music too loud.

  B; are you hungry? Let’s go and get some pizza. I think pizza is delicious.

  简单英语2人对话:feelings and emotions

  A: hello! How are you today?

  B: hi. I’m feeling very nervous. I just had a test and I’m not sure how well or how badly I did.

  A: it’s not use worrying about it now. you’ve done test and you can’t change any of your answers.

  B: that’s true. I really should go home and prepare for the next test, but I’m feeling tired.

  A: let’s go and get a coffee together. That will help you to wake up again!

  B: ok. I feel like sitting down and having a chat. How have you been recently?

  A; oh, you know me. I’m always happy! If I think I’m getting into a bad mood, I call some friends and socialize or have a chat.

  B: that’s a good idea. I usually just sit at home alone and get increasingly moody.

  A: I hate spending too much time at home. I get bored of it really quickly. I’m always excited about going out to party or other social event and meeting people.

  B: perhaps I’m being too shy. I should go out more too and not spend time worrying about tests!







  Have we got anything to do after school?



  Yes, we are going to have a general cleaning.



  General cleaning.



  Don’t you remember we do it every Wednesday after school?



  Oh, yes. What’s my group going to do?



  Clean the windows, will you?



  The same as last week?



  If you’d like to have a change, you can sweep the floor.



  That’s OK.




  Mr. Zhang, may I ask for half a day’s leave?



  What’s the matter?



  My stomach has been aching for several days and my mother is going to take me to the hospital this afternoon.



  I’m sorry to hear that. Go and have a thorough check-up. I hope you’ll get it over soon.



  Thank you.




  Hi, Mary, shall we go home together?



  Sorry. I’ll have to stay behind for a while. Our monitor asked me to help him putup this wall-mewspaper. Will you go first?



  OK. See you tomorrow.



  See you.







  张:What do you think about college life?


  章:My life in this college is very busy. I join many activities in my spare time . I make friends with everyone whom I meet.Over class,I often play basketball with classmates .Some times,I involve in the college play.


  赵: Wow, your college life is very rich.


  张:What about you ,zhaoyun?


  赵:I like Travelling ,so from life at university,I travelled to Xiamen,Yunnan,shangdong with my friends.On weekends I likeshopping,reading and seeing English movies.However, I learn how to balance entertainment and study.


  张:Yeah! I like traveling,too. I've been to Singapore and I can not forget their fresh fruit. Singapore is a small country in Asia, also a good environmental protection country. how about you,zhoulin?


  周:To be honest, the student Union is a good place where one can develop social skills, get his abilities trained.I take part in many student activities.For example, I’ m a volunteer, teaching the kids to learn to dance and write.I think it’s meaningful for everyone to give a hand to others.


  张:I can not agree with you more. When I was in high school, I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college. I think the college life is not the same as high school life. My life in university is busy but valuable.You can see that study brings me knowledge, student activities improve myself, library changes my horizons, the others things make me independent.


  章:Do you have any show?




  章:What impressed me most is New Year’s day party.in that party,I played an important role in the play . I heard everyone who were in there gave me the most loudest applause . I was excited at that moment.This is also a stage I can broaden my knowledge and increase my experience.

  我印象最深的是新年晚会,在晚会上,我在剧中扮演重要角色。我听到有人在给我的最热烈的掌声。我在那一刻兴奋。这也是一个阶段我可以扩大我的知识和经验的增加。 赵: You are wonderful!


  章:Oh,Thank you very much.Do you think the college study has any difference?


  赵:Ok.I think the college study has many difference.The teachers always let us study ourselves,and they don’t oversee us strickly.We must learn to how can we study hard by ourselves.At other times,I often read the books after the classes and recite the important parts. 是的,。我认为大学学习有很多差异。老师总是让我们自己学习,他们不严格监督我们。我们必须学会如何通过自己的努力学习。在其他时候,我经常在课后阅读背诵书籍重要部分。 周:I’m from Wenzhou, Wenzhou and Hangzhou is not the same as the local customs and foods. So I often find Food and to share with friends on weekends back.


  张:In a word ,everyone’s college life is different,each have their own wonderful.let us enioy the college life.



  A: Nice to meet you! Honorific Mrs Johnson. Welcome to University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.My name is Tom.Today, I will give you a tour around our beautiful campus. B: Nice to meet you! Tom. Think you very much for your treat. A: Mrs johnson, please follow me.Our campus can be traced back to University of shanghai founded in 1906. She a history of 109 years. B: Oh! So long for her history! She must have a strong sense of history. I like it ! A:Of course.The road we walk on is named afterzhan’en avenue. Along this avenue you will see somebeautifulancient buildings.

  B: Great! I look forward to them. zhan en! it sounds like a chinese name. isn’t it? A: Yes,it is. His fullname is zhan en Liu. He was the first chinese president of University of Shanghai after 1928. Pepole named the avenueto commemorate him. B: He must be a giant. What is the building of right? It is very grand. A: It is the comprehensive teaching building of our university. It consists of four parts and provides a place for almost half of the teaching activities. Mrs johnson, please follow me and walk on.

  B: Ok. Let’s go. Tom,there are so many trees along the avenue. It looks like we are walking in the forest. A: Right. There are a considerable number of trees in our campus.Camphor tree is the most common kind of tree. They can sen fortha delicate fragrance. It makes pepole in a cheerful frame of mind. Our campus also hasa large area of greenbelt. It makesour campus full of vitality. B: I can feel it. It is very wonderful to live and study in here. A: Mrs Jhonson,now, we arrive at the International Cultural Park of Hujiang.She is an international cultural community, and consists of seven different styles of old buildings.She reproduces the original style of University of Shanghai historic district.And she is not only a multicultural exchange center, but also will be open to the whole school teachers and students to open the international culture learning, experience base.

  B:Wow,it’s very good! Can you tell me more about it. A:Sure, it is my pleasure. Our University is the predecessor of the University of Shanghai, originated in the Church University.In the campus,there are many Gothic buildings. thosesmall villas presented in front of us have respectively have two to three layers, a slope of the roof, dormer windows, windows with ornate brick arch,

  indoor with brick fireplace.seven single villa although are different, but they all reflect the United States characteristic villa style features. B: They are so beautiful. May I have some group photos with those ancient buildings? A: Sure, You are welcome. B: Tom , they are so beautiful that I will never forget them. A: It is an honour to me for you like them. Mrs Johnson,our tour is end. Wish you have had a good time. B:Yeah,your campus is beautiful. I hope I could have a chance to study here, you are so happiness, Tom.

  A:Thank you ,Mrs Johnson. We welcome your arrival at any time.


  After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk.

  H: Don‟t tell me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself?

  H:别告诉我这就是你生活的全部内容,只有学习和工作,你休息娱乐吗? L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I‟m good at playing basketball.

  L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得 很好。

  H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games?


  L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural competition. It‟s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates. L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很 多同学的好机会。

  H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports competition.

  H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注 重体育比赛。

  L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a comprehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly competitive educational environment.

  L:哈佛也不例外。它相信一项竞技运动项目有益于学生的身体、社交和情感,在这 个竞争很激烈的教育环境下,这些素质是相当重要的。

  H: Sure. I have the same feeling. You know, study sometimes is one‟s own matter. Often students can‟t feel the pressure of competition in study. So the longer students stay in school, the more naive or even lazier they will become.

  H:肯定了,我有同感。你知道,学习有时候是一个人的事情,学生在学习的时候经 常感觉不到竞争压力,所以学生在学校呆的时间越长,就会变得越幼稚甚至懒散。

  L: If you participate in athletics, you will value cooperation, competition and victory very much.


  H: The goal of education is to produce all-round people, mentally and physically. There must be many other athletics in addition to basketball.

  H:教育的目的就是要培养综含型人才,不管是心智上还是体力上。除了篮球肯定还 有很多其他体育运动吧。

  L: The range is wide, from men's sports to women‟s sports, from basketball, baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, golf, ice hockey,lacrosse, to sailing,skiing, swimming and diving, water polo, and wrestling, etc.

  L:范围很广泛,从男子体育到女子体育,从篮球、棒球、美式足球、英式足球、排 球、高尔夫球、冰球、曲棍球到帆船运动、滑雪、游泳和跳水,很多。 H: Are these all competitive athletics?


  L: Not really. You don‟t have to do sports to participate in large games. You can just join some clubs which will hold some small-scaled competitions.

  L:也不完全是,你没必要为了参加大型体育比赛而做运动。你可以只参加一些俱乐 部,这些俱乐部也会举行一些小型比赛。

  H: That‟s good news for me.


  L: Harvard offers students many ways and facilities to do sports. If you don‟t want to compete with other, and just would like to take recreation to relax, you can go to the recreational centers.

  L:哈佛为学生提供了很多运动项目和设施。如果你不想比赛,只想休息放松一下, 你可以去休闲中心。

  H: What if I want to learn something new, like yoga?


  L: You do have a lot of question. Don‟t worry, there are Personal Training services which will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

  L:你问题还真多。别担心,有个人培训服务,可以帮你达到健身目标。 H: What a colorful university life.


  L: This is only a small part. Our life will be incomplete if there are no movies, music, books, foods, and things like that.

  L:这只是一小部分。要是没有电影、咅乐、书、美食之类的东西,我们的生活会是 不完整的。

  H; Can I enjoy all these things at Harvard?


  L: That‟s out of question. We need entertainment. You can find anything you want in Harvard Square: movie theaters, music clubs, bookstores,clothing shops, restaurants, and so on.

  L:没问题。我们需要娱乐,你可以在哈佛广场找到你想要的一切:电影院、音乐俱 乐部、书店、服装店、饭店等等。

  H: Everything? I‟m always fond of black jazz, but I haven‟t got a chance to appreciate real jazz music.


  L: I recommend The Regattabar. It opened in 1985 and since then it has become the leading jazz club not only in Boston, but in New England as well. Boston

  magazine bestowed its “Best of Boston” award thirteen times naming The Regattabar “Best Jazz Club” and in 1998 inducted The Regattabar into its “Best of Boston Hall of Fame‟‟.

  L:我推荐Regattabar爵士俱乐部。它1985年开业,从那以后就一直是波士顿甚至 是整个新英格兰地区的第一爵士俱乐部。〈波士顿志13次授予它“波士顿最佳” 奖项,指定它为"最佳爵士俱乐部‟‟,并在1998年把它列为„„最佳波士顿名人堂”。

  H: Wow, Harvard Square is really something. If we scour the Square carefully, perhaps we can have some unexpected gains. Don‟t dilly-dally, let‟s go. What a wonderful day! Hurry up!

  H:哇唔,哈佛广场还藏龙卧虎呢。如果我们仔细捜寻的话,很可能有意想不到的收 获。别磨蹭啦,走吧。多么美好的一天啊I快点!



The interesting thing in my school
One day,i walked in my school.I suddenly saw one of my friends look for something,So i came to her and said:" hey!What are you looking for?" She answered me,"i am looking for the coin i lost in my classroom before." i felt very strange and said:" why are you finding it outside your classroom but not in your classroom?" Then she answer me,"Because it is hard to find it in my classroom.But here is lighter."
Then i have no word want to speak to her.
Middle school,language lessons,the teacher asked students to explain a "fledgling" means.That students belonging to backward students of the type,scratching linger for a long time,last Xiaoshengdiwen teacher:"Is it just came out from the toilet mean?"
High school,a political test,all multiple choice exam,a total of 75 questions.Results of test scores of small,but a brother is not a question on the test --- 0.Later political teacher asked him:"Do you know the exam answer?Or how you can avoid all the correct answers,only the wrong of it?"
Middle school,a lesson in history,I was a teacher in class sleeping wake,the teacher asked me:"Marry a Princess Wen Cheng?" At the same table quietly told me:"Songtsan." Unfortunately,I did not catch,mouth to answer:"Song of cadres." Later,I ordered a week are not allowed on the history lesson.
Junior high school,one student was cattle class,or late,or a class on sound asleep,wake up before class.One day,he was late for 10 minutes,saw his math teacher said:"You can not be late again,otherwise you will sleep,ah!"


以上就是关于校园情景对话英文二人 ,英语简单4人3分钟情景对话的全部内容,以及校园情景对话英文二人 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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