英语report范文及翻译初中 ,an unusual day英语作文带翻译


an unusual day英语作文带翻译

  An uausual day
  Yesterday our class had an exciting excursion in Xishan . We prepared a lot of field trip equipment for this activity, for example,tent,flashlight,binoculars,sleeping,bag,sneakers,water bottle,camera and film,pens,note-book. We set out from the gate of school at 9:00. After half an hour, we arrived the destination. Some students had a great picnic, and some went fishing by the river. I ,with some my friends, collected many leaves and insects, because we love biology. We did an interesting experiment ,and then wrote a report which got a praise by my teacher. We left there at 5:00pm, and we were all very happy for this excursion.What an unusual day!

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,an unusual day英语作文带翻译图2

英语的daily report大学

Today I daily report on the subject, the turtle. This is the tortoise, the neighbors, but this country has been to China as an enemy. I'm very despise the country, because I often, turtle through various means to humiliate China. The tortoise, a big industry into turtle one movie, day turtle this often will be tortoise one movie input Chinese. China's youth day by the turtle into turtle people movie poisoning, which is adverse to the development of China. Into the turtle people movie like spirit jay turtle tablet, poisoned China youth mental health. 170 years ago, Britain through the crow turtle piece of aggression against China, now, the day the tortoise also tried to through the spirit jay turtle tablet to contain China's development by China, the next generation. I tried to encroach on turtle Chinese fishing turtle fish turtle island, China youth

,an unusual day英语作文带翻译图3


Report on the Survey on the Condition of xx

We have just conducted a systematic survey on the condition of xx, and I am writing a report on what we have found.

The survey is based on a case study of mass samples. We took 100 typical xx into consideration, carried out a comparative study, and then arrived at the present conclusion. According to our findings, xx问题is prevalent among most of the subjects. 

Some of them are aware of it, and take conscious efforts to solve it, while some others are totally unaware of the problem. What’s more, most of the samples need help to improve the status quo.

In the end, the survey is of academic value to some extent, and we expect more studies concerning the topic.

,an unusual day英语作文带翻译图4


1、首段中“conducted a systematic survey”是“展开了系统的调研”;

2、 次段中“mass samples”为“大样本”






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