是否该写家庭作业的英语作文 ,做作业的利与弊英语作文



As a student, I think students need to do homework.
The teacher taught us, we should not only knowledge but also to seize the consolidation and practice. It is a need of work independently. Despite the homework is so important, but some students think homework took us a lot of time. We have no time to our interests. Some people think that every day do the same thing will make us feel boring, but the knowledge accumulation, which need daily constantly consolidate and practice will grow somewhat. So we should put homework as his own interest to finish, such ability won't live up to our expectations.




For most student work is beneficial. However, in some cases, assembled with the most compelling reason to assign homework to students. It is very difficult to quantify the amount of improvement in real learning and education, which is derived from a large number of homework assignments. The reality is that too much homework to spend on learning the task of trying to accomplish the workload may lead to mental fatigue. If too much time consuming, it will lead to physical fatigue.



标题:The importance of homework
1help children understand the knowledge learned in the class. Homework, often on the knowledge might not really understand, so in the homework will be understood.
2 found weaknesses. Study on the weak links, can be found in homework and make up.
3 enhancing learning skills. Some learning skills, often in homework is enhanced and improved. Leave the homework do exercises is to enhance learning skills.
4improved self-confidence. A students' confidence in long-term practice to do homework in the formation of the.
5foster professionalism. Started with youth make all-out efforts to complete the homework the teacher, not resort to deceit, will come very naturally to foster professionalism. A student from juvenile period does not finish should do their own thing, will work in a variety of positions do not have good professionalism.
Secondly, resulting in students' homework cause various:
1, speed is slow. Do homework often look right and left, love me. Operating more than one finish.
2, won't do. Due to the lack of understanding of knowledge on class, cause learning disabilities, but don't try various devices to solve, so leave.
In 3, the lazy. Day sex play, to stop myself. Can't do" homework play".
In 4, the family due to the lack of supervision. Many children in the home is the" little emperor", Grandpa and grandma are around, lack of discipline. Or because the parents work, work later. After school, nobody controls etc.. These reasons are students cannot fulfill operation risks.
Finally, our teacher and parents must be a good child education seriously homework. When students can not finish the homework in time phenomenon, must take decisive measures, should let the child feel:" learning is its own thing", gradually learn to control myself. Especially children do homework need counseling, parents should be patient counseling. The child after the operation is completed, the parents should be checked. If parents do not know the child operation is correct or not, can not comment. The teacher corrected later, parents should have a look, all right, to praise a child. Error, can help children get the wrong reasons. It has urged, with guidance, inspection, persevere, over time, children will naturally form a good habit of doing homework.
Do the work of students, and not born. They are in the correction process, often there will be repeated. Then, we need to obtain parental cooperation," fight in coordination". Only in this way, can form resultant force, make the students do homework" no place to hide". So parents and teachers should be in regular contact, in the joint efforts of both sides, so that the child can better learning and living, children's education is inseparable from the family and the society, parents and teachers to communicate to promote the healthy development of the child.

4.提高自信。 一个学生的学习自信是在长期的做练习写作业中形成的。



For most of the students,the homework are horrible and terrible. The teachers always give a lot of homework to us.So we have no time to play games. I think the homework are too much,too!They're boring!I dont like them very much. And I hope there are no homework in the world


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