教育的重要性英语作文100字 ,英语作文带翻译00字:大学教育重要


英语作文00词 主题为 教育为什么重要 明晚之前给我注意字数

The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain.Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us.It develops in us a perspective of looking at life.It helps us build opinions and have points of view on everything in life.People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge.Some say,education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different.They are partly right.But the conversion of information to knowledge is possible because of education.Education makes us capable of interpreting rightly the things perceived.Education is not about lessons and poems in textbooks.It is about the lessons of life.

英语作文00词 主题为 教育为什么重要 明晚之前给我注意字数




  Since we go to school, we are taught that no pain, no gain, it means that if people want to be successful, they must work hard. But the truth is that not everyone can get what they want, even they work hard so much, but if working hard does not bring success, why should they still need to work hard. In my opinion, working hard doesn’t mean the person can success certainly, success needs more factors, like the time, the luck and other things. There is no doubt that if the person does not work hard and fight for his goal, there is no way for him to get what he wants. Some actors start their career at the very young age, when they are also 40, they become famous suddenly, if they give up, they can’t be waiting for their reputation. So working hard, there is much chance to get succeed.



  When we watch the TV series, there is always the similar plot, in order to fulfill the dreams, the protagonist give up the best time for the treatment, though they are seriously ill. This sounds so inspiring, the spirit of pursuing the dreams moves so many audiences, but for me, besides moved, I feel more sorry about the protagonists, for their unwise choices. Life is important, only the living person can have the rights to talk about the dreams, if they lose their lives, everything is impossible. So health is more important than dreams, people need to keep themselves healthy first, and then they can better fulfill their dreams. The wise person will choose to get the treatment and give up the dreams for a while, when they recover, they continue their dreams. So health first, then other things rank second.



  In an era of information explosion, people can easily be distracted by irrelevant information. It is particularly well-known that a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.


  Admittedly, a consideration amount of information expands our horizon and gives us convenience. Just with a simple click, we can get a plenty of information from the Internet. We are so skilled at searching information online. Nevertheless, we seem at sea of information invariably when we open webpages for which the information is too abundant and much of them turn out to be useless. How can we avoid being lost in a wealth of information?


  First of all, ensuring what information you want and make a list of them. Then you can save useful webpages which get you out of the time-consuming information. Last but not least, we should be self-control and never be attracted by the distracting information. As long as you follow those tips, you will get what you want efficiently.




Education background is becoming more and more significant in the modern world.First of all,good education enable people to have high quality taste of beings around.No matter when,you'll feel proud of yourself and never get depressed.What's more,it's a good start of you career.In addition,the society precious people of good education background.The higher your academic career is ,the more chances are there for you to be accepted by companies.From a far big picture,a society of various well-equipped people will be in harmony.And finally,we come to the most concerning part,which is,the job oppotunity.Although the mass claim that they just judge the KSA's of a single applicant.However,the fact lays before everyone: within the same condition of two candidates, corperates are likely to choose the one with higher education certificate.And sometimes even come to a place people call "unfair".All in all,be equiped with high education,we're sure that people will go through better in the society,
教育背景正变得越来越重要,当代世界,第一所有良好的教育使人们能够有高品质的味道. 无论何时,你会感到骄傲自己从来没有压力.更多的是,这是一个良好的开端你职业.I 此外,宝贵的社会人民的良好教育背景.The较高的学术生涯是,更多的机会是您所接受的公司.远远大图片,一个社会的各种良好装备的人.最后,我们来到最令人关注的一部分,这是这项工作机会,尽管大众声称,他们只是判断库特萨蒙同仁公司的单一的求职。 然而,事实面前人人规定:内在相同条件的两个候选人, 很可能会选择一个与高等教育证书.同时有时甚至到了地方被人们称为“不公平” 。总之,具备高学历,我们相信,人们会去通过更好的社会,




Nowadays, online education has become very popular among people. Those who want to learn something, whether they are young or old, all can have their classes on different subjects. Some can even get a certificate or diploma after completing the required courses. Therefore, the number of people receiving this kind of education is on the rise. 

Why is it so popular? The reasons are as follows. 

For one thing, the quick development of the Internet has provided many people a chance to attend class given by famous schools and teachers. 

For another, compared with having classes at school, online education saves our time, energy and money, especially to those who are too busy to study full time. The most important reason is that the schedule is flexible so that we can have a free choice to study what we need badly and decide when, where and how to study.

As far as I'm concerned, I appreciate this new form of education and also have got some benefits from it. It's indeed a helpful complement to the traditional education means.







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