打扫房间英语情景对话 ,酒店英语情景对话大全五分钟





  A Hello,this is QuaCheng hotel,is there anything I can help you,sir?


  B Yes, I'd like to book a room.


  A Sure,we have different type of rooms,which would you like to choose?


  B I'm not very certain,could you give me a brief introduction,please?


  A Ok,our hotel provides standard single room and double room,accordingly,we also have special treatment for VIP.


  B Thank you,I want to reserve a single room which is better located between 4th floor to 7 floor.Well,I need the personnel in your hotel to open the window and clean the room before I arrive there.Is that ok?


  A Ok,sir,I already taken some notes about your requirements.Now let me check the room on my computer.Well,one standard single room in 6th floor and the number is 0603,need clean and open the window,anything else?


  B Thanks,how much does it cost?


  A That is 580 RMB


  B Don't your hotel have discount?


  A I'm terribly sorry,sir.If you need a discount,you should be our VIP and stay here for at least 3 days.


  B OK,that's alright!


  A When will you arrive at our hotel,sir?


  B Around 15 to 3 P.M.


  A OK.It's a great honour for us to serve for you and we are all waitting for your arrival.!


  B Thank you very much!Byebye!



  R: Good morning. Can I help you?


  T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us? In the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter.


  R: Umm, just a moment.


  T: We're attending the 'Sun, Sea and Sand' conference and exhibition.


  R: Well sir, I'm afraid you have nothing booked. All we have left are two small rooms at the front of the hotel. They will be a bit noisy I'm afraid, as there is a pub opposite.


  T: What? That's terrible! How did that happen? What do you want to do May? Should we find somewhere else?


  M: Well, I suppose we have no choice, really. It's too late to find another hotel now. We'll just have to take them.


  R: Right, so that's all booked now. We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance.

  R :好的,那么就订这两间房了。你们需要提前签一下信用卡的单据。

  T: OK. Oh no, I can't seem to find my card. And where's my wallet?


  M: Did you leave it somewhere? In the taxi?


  T: Oh no! I think I did, I left my wallet in the taxi. I put it on the seat when we got in. Oh what a disaster!


  R: Careful sir, your briefcase!


  T: Aaagh! All over the floor. All my papers!


  R: Not to worry sir. We'll soon get them together.


  T: Sorry, May. What a mess, oh what a mess! I'll have to phone the taxi company to see if they found my wallet. Em, by the way, can you lend me some change for the phone?


  M: OK. Here you are.



  R = receptionist, T = Tony, M = May

  R: Good morning. Can I help you?


  T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us, in the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter.


  R: Umm, just a moment. Yes, two single rooms with en-suite bathrooms?


  T: That's right. We're attending the 'Sun, Sea and Sand' conference and exhibition. Does that mean we get a discount?


  R: Yes. We are one of the conference partner hotels, so there is a ten per cent discount. Is it for ten days? Is that right?


  M: Yes, until the thirteenth. That's ten days.


  R: Right then. We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance. But when you check out, you can settle the account by card or cash, or cheque, as you wish.


  T: OK, thanks.


  R: Right. You, Ms. Hunter, are in room 202 and you, Mr. Marshall, are in room 207. If you take the lift over there to the second floor the porter will accompany you with the baggage.


  M: Thank you very much.





  -(Knocking at the door.)-(敲门。)

  -May I come in?-我可以进来吗?

  -Come in,please.-请进。

  -Please don't come in.-请不要进来。

  -Just a moment(a minute),please.-请稍等一下。

  -I'm sorry to disturb you.May I clean the room,sir?-对不起打扰你了,我来打扫一下房间好吗?

  -All right.Come in,please.-好的,请进来。

  -Please clean it when I am out.-我马上要出去,请等一会儿打扫。

  -May I change the water of the thermos now?-我现在可以换水吗?


  -Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon.Will you please give me some more hot bottles and tea cups?


  -Well,we'll send tea into the room when the visitors come.


  -By the way,is there any mail for me?-顺便一下,有我的邮件吗?

  -No.If there is,I'll give it to you in time.-没有。如果有的话,我会及时给你送来的。

  -Why did you come in without my permission?-你为什么没经我允许就进来了?

  -It's my negligence.I beg your pardon.-我疏忽了,请你原谅。

  -I come and make the bed.Shall I do it now or later?-我来做夜床,你看是现在做还是等会儿做?

  -Since you have come,you may do it now?-既然来了,现在就做吧。

  -Here's your clean laundry.you'd better check it.-衣服洗好了,请您过目。

  -I am collecting the fee of the long distance call.-我来收长途电话费。

  -This is the bill for the room rent of half a day.-这是补半天房金的帐单。

  -Here is a telegram for you.-这儿有一封你的电报。

  -Why is it unsealed?-它怎么被拆开了?

  -Because there is no name of the receiver on the envelope,therefore the clerk unsealed it in order to find out the name of the receiver.


  -Have you lost anything today,sir?-先生,你今天丢过什么东西吗?

  -Yes,a wallet.I'm looking for it now.-丢了一只皮夹子,我正在找呢。

  -What is there in the wallet?-皮夹子里有些什么?

  -My daughter's photo and some money.-有一张我女儿的照片,还有一些钱。

  -Look,is this wallet yours?-看,这只皮夹子是不是你的?

  -Yes,it's mine.Thank you ever so much.-是我的,太感谢你了。

  -I want to borrow China Daily of these days.-我要看这几天的《中国日报》。

  -Please get some copise of China Pictorial for me.-请拿几份《中国日报》给我。

  -Please bring some chairs for me.-请拿几把椅子来。

  -Please get me some soap.-卫生间的肥皂要添了。

  -The slippers are wornout.Change them for me,please.-拖鞋坏了,请给换一双。

  -Get a hot-water bottle,please.-请拿一只热水瓶给我。

  -I feel a bit cold when I sleep.Please get me a blanket.-我睡得有点冷,请给我加一条毯子。

  -I need another pillow.-我需要加一只枕头。

  -All right,I'll get it for you right away.-好的,我就去拿。

  -Just a moment,I'll do it right now.-请稍等一下,我马上给你办好。

  -Excuse me.-对不起。

  -I am sorry.-很抱歉。

  -I beg your pardon.-请你原谅。

  -Pardon me for interrupting.-对不起打扰你们了。

  -Please excuse me for coming so late.-请原谅我来迟了。

  -I'm sorry I was so careless.-很抱歉我太粗心了。


  1. Good morning (afternoon, evening), sir (madam).


  2. How do you do? Glad to meet you.

  您好!(初次见面) 很高兴见到您。

  3. How are you? Fine, Thanks. And you?

  您好吗? 很好,谢谢。您好吗?

  4. Welcome to our hotel (restaurant, shop).


  5. Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.


  6. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.

  希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时) 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)

  I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.


  7. Have a good time!



  8. **Hotel, front desk. Can I help you?


  9. Sorry, I’ve dialed the wrong number.


  10. May I speak to your front office manager?


  11. Sorry, he is not in at the moment.


  12. Would you like to leave a message?


  13. Pardon. I beg your pardon.

  对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?



  酒店日常英语 句子 二:

  Receiving a walk-in guest. 为散客登记

  How many people do you have ,XX Mr./Mrs.? 先生/小姐,请问您有几位?

  What kind of room do you prefer,XX Mr./Mrs. Please ? XX先生/小姐,请问您想要哪种房间?

  Just a moment, I have to check if there’s a room available XX Mr./Mrs.


  Here is a brochure of our hotel and our tariff, XX Mr./Mrs. 先生/小姐 给您我们酒店介绍和价目表。

  We’ll give you a 10% discount, XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,我们给您九折优惠。

  Would you like to register, please? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请您登记,好吗?

  You have to register individually, please. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请您们分开登记,好吗?

  Would you fill in this registration form, please? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐请您填一下登记表。

  Would you please put your nationality there, sir? 先生,请您将您的国籍写在这儿。

  Would I ask you to put your name in block capital? XX Mr./Mrs.


  May I have your occupation, please? 请问您的职业?

  Would you sign your name, please? /I’ll need your signature. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请签名。

  Would I see your passport, please?/Sir, would you mind showing your passport? XX Mr./Mrs.


  I’m afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting, please? XX Mr./Mrs.


  How would you like to pay by cash or credit card,XX Mr./Mrs. ? XX先生/小姐,请问您是现金或是信用卡付款?

  How long will you stay here,XX Mr./Mrs.? XX先生/小姐,您准备在我们酒店住多久?

  How would you like to settle you Account? In cash or by credit card? XX Mr./Mrs.


  Please pay at the cashier over there,XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请到那边的收银台付款。

  Would you mind filling out this form while I prepare your keycard? XX Mr./Mrs.


  May I have your passport so that I can fill in you visa number and place of entry , xx Mr./Mrs.


  Would you tell me your departure date? / What time will you check out? XX Mr./Mrs.


  Our rack rate is RMB 498,XX Mr./Mrs.. XX先生,我们的门市价格是498元。

  The room rate for a double room is RMB 368 plus 15% service charge, not including breakfast. XX Mr./Mrs.


  I have to ask you to pay RMB1500 for deposit,XX Mr./Mrs.. XX先生/小姐,您需要付1500元人民币作为押金。

  As a hotel policy, we require one day’s room charge as deposit for guests without a reservation.


  Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room , XX Mr./Mrs.?


  XX Sir/Madam, you room number is 2103. This is your room key. The rate is RMB 498 for one night, no service charge. And the bellboy will show you to your room. Have a nice stay.


  Please remember to return your key before you leave our hotel , XX Mr./Mrs.


  Sir, Here is your room key and room card for you. And your room rate includes one buffet breakfast in the western restaurant.


  The check-out time is postponed to 2:00pm/ You can check out before 2:00 pm tomorrow. XX Mr./Mrs.


  XX Mr./Mrs. Would you please sign your name here? XX先生/小姐,请您签一下名?

  XX Mr./Mrs. May I confirm your departure date , Please ? XX先生/小姐,能确认一下您的离店日期吗?

  Registering a tour group 为团队登记

  XX Mr./Mrs. Who is the Tour leader, please? XX先生/小姐,请问谁是领队?

  I’d like to reconfirm your reservation and the schedule for the period of your stay. XX Mr./Mrs.


  Is there any change in the number in your group ,XX Mr./Mrs.? XX先生/小姐,您的团队人数有变化吗?

  You have made a reservation for 14 double rooms and 6 single rooms. Here is the rooming list, is that right? XX Mr./Mrs.

  XX先生/小姐,您们预订了14个双人间和6个单人间。 这是住房名单,对吗?

  XX Mr./Mrs. Here are the room keys and breakfast vouchers. XX先生/小姐,这是房间钥匙和早餐券。

  XX Mr./Mrs. Your check out time is 8:00 a.m. on the 16th. Has there been any change in your schedule? We’ll arrange a morning call at 6:30 am.


  XX Mr./Mrs. If there is any change, Would you notify the Front Desk, please?



客人: Hi, I`m in room 222. 你好.我是住在222房间的客人. 办事员: Yes, Can I help you? 你好.你有什么事? 客人: Can I request some items to be brought up? 我能不能请你拿些东西上来? 办事员: Of course you can, this is room service. 当然可以.这是我们的房间服务. 客人: I would like to request some bandages. 我想要一些绷带. 办事员: No problem, I`ll come up in about five minutes. 没问题.我大概五分钟之后上来. 客人: Could you also bring me some extra drinking water? 你能不能再给我拿一些饮用水上来? 办事员: Okay. I`ll bring an ice bucket along with some water for you. 好的.我会带一桶冰块和水给你.客人: Sorry, but I will also need a shaver. 不好意思.我还需要一个刮胡刀. 办事员: Sure. Is there anything else you need me to bring up to your room? 好的.你还需要我带什么东西到你的房间吗? 客人: That is all thank you. Please try to hurry, I cut my finger. 就这些了.谢谢你.麻烦你快点.我把手割伤了.



1、cleaning the house打扫房间。

2、wash out toilet厕所(马道桶)。

3、mop the floor擦地板。

4、dust furnitures为家具除尘。

5、clean the window擦玻璃。

6、do the cooking做饭。

7、sweep the floor拖地。

8、tidy the room整理房间。

9、washing clothes洗衣服。

以上就是关于打扫房间英语情景对话 ,酒店英语情景对话大全五分钟的全部内容,以及打扫房间英语情景对话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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