关于蔬菜的英语句子 ,eating vegetables is good for us什么意思


eating vegetables is good for us什么意思

这句话很简单嘛,意思是食用蔬菜对身体健康有益。你可以自己去尝试多翻译一些英语句子,这对你扩大词汇量,提高英语成绩很有作用的。你翻译的时候 ,可以把每一单词弄懂,有一些是固定短语的你可以记住他们的意思用在自己的作文。满意请采纳,答题不易,谢谢

,eating vegetables is good for us什么意思图1


  The carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable, usually orange or white in color with a woody texture. The edible part of a carrot is a taproot. It is a biennial plant which grows a rosette of leaves in the spring and summer while building up the stout taproot, which stores large amounts of sugars for the plant to flower in the second year. The flowering stem grows to about 1 m tall, with umbels of white flowers.
  Carrots can be eaten raw, whole, chopped or grated into salads for color, and are also often chopped and cooked in soups and stews. A well known dish is Carrots Julienne. One can also make carrot cake and carrot pudding. The greens are edible as a leaf vegetable, but are rarely eaten. Together with onion and celery, carrots are one of the primary vegetables used in a mirepoix to make various broths.
  2.The pineapple---菠萝
  (Ananas comosus) is a tropical tree and fruit (berry), native to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay. The tree is a bromeliad (family Bromeliaceae), a short, herbaceous perennial with 30 or more trough-shaped and pointed leaves 30–100 cm long, surrounding a thick stem. The leaves of the Smooth Cayenne cultivar mostly lack spines except at the leaf tip, but the Spanish and Queen cultivars have large spines along the leaf margins.
  Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which digests food by breaking down protein. Pineapple juice can thus be used as a marinade and tenderizer for meat. The enzymes in pineapples can interfere with the preparation of some foods, such as jelly or other gelatin-based desserts. There is significant evidence pointing to the anti-inflamatory benefits of bromelain. Some have claimed that pineapple has benefits for some intestinal disorders while others claim that it helps to induce childbirth when a baby is overdue. These enzymes can be hazardous to someone suffering from certain protein deficiencies or disorders, such as Ehlers-danlos. It can also be used in savory dishes to enhance digestion.
  Pineapple is a good source of manganese, as well as containing significant amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B1.

,eating vegetables is good for us什么意思图2


lot of


,eating vegetables is good for us什么意思图3


你好, 高兴为你回答
用下列给出的一些词, 面包, 肉, 土豆, 汤, 番茄, 蔬菜写一篇英语短作文。根据题目描述, 全文的时态可以用一般现在时或者一般过去时, 写的内容和表达不是唯一的, 只要符合意思, 包含了给出的词语, 语法没有问题, 如果再能润色一下, 就是一篇不错的短作文。我帮你写了一个, 供参考, 答题不易, 满意还希采纳。
I am a primary school student. I love to eat because there are so many delicious food out there and I'd like to try
as much food as possible. Let me tell
you what I usually eat on a typical schoolday. To begin with, I have two slices of bread, a glass of milk and an boiled egg for breakfast, sometimes I have a bottle of soy bean milk or a cup of coffee with bread and jam, sometimes withSa garden salad. My mother makes the best jam in the world. After a quick and nuitritious breakfast, I go toschool. We don't have much time for
lunch break and my home is a bit far
from school, so I choose to eat lunch
at our school. The school cafeteria offers a wide range of food, such as meat, chicken, beef or fish, along with
vegetables, e.g. tomatoes, potatoes,
and some green vegetables. We can
also have some soup, it is usually vegetable soup or meat soup. They are delicious. Of course there is rice, too.
I think the food in our school is great
and is at affordable prices. But to be
honest, I prefer my mother's home
cooking. That's why I'm always excited about dinner after school is over.
我主要写了主人公早上, 中午吃什么, 家里她妈妈做的饭和学校的饭菜的内容, 还有区别, 用到的题目里面给的所有词, 希采纳。

,eating vegetables is good for us什么意思图4

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