敬老院招聘广告英语作文 ,招聘广告怎么写英语作文50字







Position: Front desk agent(we need two)

华夏酒店 HuaXia Hotel Work Place: Amoy area,XiaMen City


1、 Female,The preferred ages are 20-28 yrs

2、University graduate or above

3、 Excellent proficiency in Chinese, speak sensibly andwell

4、 Good team player and corporate attitude;

5、 Relevant working experience is preferred

Interview time: Otc.11 to Otc.16,20xx

Please send us your resume in both English and Chinese with a copy of your academic diploma and ID card, a recent photo and expected salary via fax/ mail/ e-mail ADD:NO.12,LUJIANGDAO ROD,AMOY AREA,XIAMEN CITY

TEL(FAX):0593-666888 CONTACT:Mr. CHAN


Expressways Resin

Expressways Resin is a growing international plastics and rubber distribution business that is part of a pan-Asian network of sister companies. We are the leading thermoplastic raw material distributor in Asia, and our customers and suppliers represent China’s leading blue chip manufacturers. We are an owned subsidiary of Taiwan Plastics Company, Inc.

Expressways Resin为一快速成长中的国际塑胶暨橡胶批发公司,在泛亚网络中尚 有许多姐妹公司。我们是亚洲的热塑性原料领导者,客户和供应商亦为中国顶尖的'蓝筹股制造业者,而且是台湾塑胶公司的子公司。

We have positions available in both our sales and logistics departments. We seek ambitious,team-orientated, university graduates to join a dynamic, growing company. Successful candidates will need to have a business degree, be interested in technical sales, and have some sales and marketing experience. Interest in-or past experience with- inventory management is a plus.

我们的业务部和物流部均有空缺,征求有上进心、喜欢团队工作的毕业生加入我 们充满活力、不断成长的公司。应征者需具备商学学位、对技术性业务有兴趣,有售货和行销的经验而且对库存管理也有经验和兴趣。

We desire applicants who are motivated by the challenge of constantly learning new skills in all aspects of the business, and who are excited by opportunities for career development.Our compensation package is among the best in the industry and reflects our commitment to nurturing talent.


Successful candidates will undergo an individual training and development program, personalized to reflect his or her needs. These programs are designed to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the position. Training and development needs will be discussed at regular reviews.


Please send a cover letter and CV to: xxxxxxx



The Oriental scientific instrument import and export group co., LTD is a large holdings of the Chinese academy of sciences professional foreign trade group co., LTD., founded in October 22, 1983. Company scale has amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars in the current year and for many years is listed as one of the largest 500 import and export enterprises in China.

Now we welcome chemical instruments a salesman. Your responsibilities are in charge of regional market development and sales, familiar with uv, HPLC, GC, LC/MS, GC/MS and other biological scientific instruments. You will need to have at least a bachelors degree in chemistry, biology, food, environmental protection, medicine and other relevant

professional and work background is preferred. You should have good interpersonal communication and language expression ability, good

English reading and writing ability and skilled computer operation ability. If you are interested in the job, Please send your resume to our company.






Rose restausant,the largest multi-service company in China, specializes in catering, good accommodation services, facility management, etc. Due to its rapid development in Shanghai, now we are looking for talent with minimum 3 years experience in services management in the following areas: Catering Manager Aged 27 to 30. College graduate. 3 years' experience in catering. Preferably in managerial position. Fluent English in both written and spoken communication. Self-motivated and service-oriented. Sales Administrator Bachelor degree majoring in English with good computer skills. Detailoriented and prior working experience as a translator will be advantageous. Business Development Manager Minimum 3 years' relevant experience preferably in service business. Bachelor degree or above. Proficient in English and computer operation. Self-motivated and team-oriented. We provide you not only a job, but a career in Rose. Our address is 17Bridge street Fifth Arenue.We are always here honestly looking forward to your coming if you have enough interest. and please contact with our HR Manager Alan.Tel:828----8782 mobile phone:手机:138xxxx6828 答案补充 汗,把中间的那些具体的删了就可以了



The school is holding an event to allow students to go to visit homes for the aged grandfather, grandma had. The teacher said, this is the week where Grandpa. We immediately asked the grandfather for several weeks, then weeks Grandpa told us some stories, we listened with rapt attention everybody. Also told us that he has a good life here, the Government is very concerned about their elderly here, here at home as their own, like a warm, well-being.
After the story finished, we prepared snacks and fruit to every one old hand, old people are deeply moved. After that, we all started grandfather grandmother who helped clean-up, and everyone has their own living, some sweeping, some to accompany the old people chatting, Wenhanwennuan, as well as the Cabo Li. Each student is done in full swing, too busy to clean up homes for the elderly up and down too dry clean, spotless. Although it has long been sweating profusely, but not one student complained, called tired, and called dirty. On the return trip, I know a lot. There have been many wretched, without family, homeless, the elderly, but they are still free, and happy to live with, because they are society's help, gathered together, has become a family. I am very grateful to those who helped, and so its non-pro non-elderly people, these helpless old people a sense of social warmth. 学校里正举行着活动,让同学们去敬老院看望老爷爷、老奶奶们。老师介绍说,这位是这里的周爷爷。我们大家马上向周爷爷问了好,接着,周爷爷给我们讲了一些故事,大家个个全神贯注地听着。还告诉我们他在这里生活的很好,政府非常关心他们这里的老人,这里就像他们自己家一样温暖、幸福。


以上就是关于敬老院招聘广告英语作文 ,招聘广告怎么写英语作文50字的全部内容,以及敬老院招聘广告英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年12月19日16时10分22秒
下一篇 2022年12月19日16时14分31秒


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