招聘特奥会运动员英语作文 ,奥运会运动员英语介绍



Liuxiang(刘翔)-the flying man in the world!
Liuxiang made a perfect fly in the olympic games in 2004, and won not only the gold metal but also the respect in the world!
His fly knocked all the suspicions and discriminations down completely!
"It is so perfect! I never expect to run so fast! Oh it is a dream to me, and it seems I am still in a dream!", he said!
But it is just true, and it is himself who made the dream into truth!
Xiuxiang, our hero, has been regarded as a flying man all of the world!



This simple ten words, give infinite power of Chinese people, especially for I but the speech is also a kind of strong spirit to encourage, this is the slogan of the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings.
The Chinese people's Olympic game to 2008 Pekings is total to take a kind of expectation.Remember at the beginning process of bid for the Olympic game, the Chinese committee of Olympics also obtains 2008 Olympic games to hold the power with difficulty.This time the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings, for China is a develop of a fair show, is also a fair show that emerges the Chinese magic power toward international community.
The meeting badge" China prints Peking that dance of · move" of the Olympic game Chinese special features.The characteristics of Peking and Olympics exercise the chemical element handiness combine.Red, in China always is to represent the good luck pleased to celebrate the color.Meeting the badge adoption red, represented the Chinese people to the international community of fine wish the wish." Chinese Peking, welcome the friend of the world-wide locations" adopted the Chinese Chinese brush-pen word Chinese characters simplified Chinese style, design special.Explain out without reserve the calligraphy magic power that China spreads fame the overseas.
China is an everyone's court for harmonize, we are living under the environment that dulcify thus, everybody is a happy child.The mascot" the FU WA" of the Olympic game also just represented us this is happy.Innocent child.
The FU WA is be"ed face"" clear and bright"" the NINI" of" the shell shell" by" the HUANHUAN" five be filled with the Chinese race special features of doll constitute.The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is welcome you".This expressed the Chinese people's amity to the people in the world again.The color of the FU WA also acts in cooperation the Olympics at the right moment five yellow turquoise blue of red orange of wreaths, expressed perfect annotation of Olympics to spirit of Olympics of Peking.
The Olympics of 2008 Pekings, the dream of a Chinese, bears in the applause of the world and the tears of the Chinese nations.Be a member of the Chinese nation, I will use the most sincere voice, saying loudly:
" Bless you, belong to China, belong to Peking, belong to our 2008!"



The Olympic Games will be opened up just after a month in 2008. Toady is the volunteer recruited day. I got up earlier than before, after breakfast, walked to the Olympic Village full of enthusiasm.
The Olympic Village is very hilarious. All of the people are participating in the volunteer selected test. The test form mainly carries on interview which is different from my school’s five teachers made a term in which one person asks the question and other four people recorded something on the paper.
Because I have made enough preparation therefore the questions of teacher have not baffled me at all. From expression of teacher, I could guest that my answers were satisfied by them.
No surprising, I passed the test. I will be a volunteer honorable.
I was so excited that could not sleep that evening. The Olympic Games opening ceremony scene that I had seen before flashed in my head continually, imaging the scene which I was a volunteer in 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
I hold the red green a tour-guide flag walking along the Wangfujing Avenue, the French football team member were walking behind me. Look, Qi Danei, my favorite football star. Qi Danei kicked a football into the sky, the ball turned into the moon and hang in the sky, I was so excited and l shouted loudly.
“Walk up!” It is my mother’s sound. I opened my eyes. Oh, I just had a dream. What a nice dream!
No surprising, I passed the test. I will be a volunteer honorable.
I was so excited that could not sleep that evening. The Olympic Games opening ceremony scene that I had seen before flashed in my head continually, imaging the scene which I was a volunteer in 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
I hold the red green a tour-guide flag walking along the Wangfujing Avenue, the French football team member were walking behind me. Look, Qi Danei, my favorite football star. Qi Danei kicked a football into the sky, the ball turned into the moon and hang in the sky, I was so excited and l shouted loudly.
“Walk up!” It is my mother’s sound. I opened my eyes. Oh, I just had a dream. What a nice dream



你去查一下呗~奴, The photo depicts an exciting scene: the famous athlete Liu Xiang striding forward in the Olympics Games in Athens. Determination is universally regarded asa highly praised quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship one is confronted with. It is this kind of spirit that enables us to endure the difficult moments and attain our goals. The determined spirit gives us light when we are in dark moments and encourages when we are frustrated. With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and noobstacles can stand in our way. There are many examples of success being achieved solely through the strong will of the spirit. As in the picture, the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any sportsman. It is determination that leads to success. It is not easy to cultivate this determined spirit. To do this, we must establish a firm faith in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them. We must boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the weak points of our moral character. Around us, there are quite a few people with this intense determination and spirit and set a good example for us to follow. 译文: 这幅照片描绘了一个动人的画面:著名运动员刘翔在雅典奥林匹克赛场上奋力拼搏。拼搏精神作为一种很高的素质得到了广泛的赞扬。在解决和克服摆在我们面前的难题的时候,拼搏精神给了我们力量,但它并不是与生俱来的卓越品质。正是这种精神使我们能够战胜困难,达到目的。 [---P---]拼搏精神在黑暗中给我们以光明,在挫折中给我们以勇气。有了这种精神,任何敌人都不能打垮我们,任何困难都不能阻挡我们。有许多例子可以证明,具有拼搏精神才能成功。就像照片中所描绘的,一名运动员正朝终点奋力奔跑,力夺金牌,因为金牌是所有运动员成功的象征。正是这种拼搏精神指引我们走向成功之路。 培养拼搏精神不是一件简单的事情。为此我们必须树立坚定的信念,并且准备为之献身。我们必须大胆地经受考验,克服困难,磨练意志,从而消除我们性格中的弱点。在我们周围,有好多这样具有拼搏精神的人们, 为我们树立了良好的榜样。


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