Seasons为题写一篇小短文 ,以seasons为题写一篇小短文



季节(Seasons)What are the names of four seasons? Four seasons include spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has three months. One year has four seasons and twelve months. People have different things to do in four seasons.Spring is the first season in a new year. It is a raining season. Every Chinese celebrates Spring Festival in this season. Children are very happy. They get lucky money and play fireworks. Many families use flowers and lights to beautify their houses. Yeh, delicious foods are everywhere.Summer is the second season in a year. The weather is beautiful, and the temperature is very hot. People like to go traveling and sightseeing in summer. Students enjoy their summer vacations. Children like to eat their favourite ice cream and go swimming.Autumn is the third season in a year. Farmers are very busy in this season of harvest. It is getting windy. Leaves are falling. Everyone starts to prepare for Mid-Autumn Festival in this season. Yeh, delicious mooncake and all kinds of fruits are in the markets.Winter is the last season in a year. The temperature is freezing. Snow is heavy in northern cities. Popular outdoor sports are icekating, skiiing and snowboarding.Do you know what four seaons are by now? Of couse, you do. Next time, you should learn to write your own essay. If you never try to write in English, you will never learn the writing skills you need. Certainly, I am glad to show you a sample composition of mine. I hope it is gonna help you out. Have fun!



my favorite season英语小短文

The Seasons
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has three months.
Spring is the first season of the year. In this part of the world, the spring months are March, April and May. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green. This is a busy time for the peasants.
Summer begins in June. Then come July and August. During the summer months, the plants and flowers are at their best.
Next come the autumn months: September, October and November. Autumn is a wonderful season. The fields are golden with crops. It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy. Winter is the last season of the year. December, January and Febmary are the winter months, it is cold in winter. The days are short and the nights are long. In many places it snows. On New Year's Day, we wish each other a happy New Year.
冬天是一年中的最后一个季节。12月、1月、2月是冬季的月份。冬天天气寒冷, 昼短夜长。许多地方都下雪。在新年,我们互相祝愿新年快乐。


以four seasons为题写一篇英语小作文

They are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,fall and winter.
Spring is a warm season.Many bird and insect in spring.And the flwoers in garden,they are so beauteful.Summer is a hot season.We can swimming in river.Fall is a cool eason.The leaves are yelow.Winter is a cold season.We can play snowman.

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以Four seasons为题写一篇小作文。 要求40字


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