我的奶奶20字作文英语 ,我的奶奶英文作文100字




  My grandmother is close to 60 years old this year, and she is 1. 7 meters, the waist will not bend, the back will not camel, the ear is not deaf, the eye does not spend. And her eyes were black and bright, and she had not a few white hairs. Although it is already a year of flowering, it still looks very young.

  One day after school, a phone call came. It was grandma. I answered the phone. I heard the grandmother in the microphone loudly say, "grandson, let your mother come down!" I heard excitement from my grandmother's voice, and she must have brought back many dishes. I hurried to tell my mother. Mother was "drums and drums" down the building. In a moment, mom and grandma came back, and two people were carrying heavy dishes in their hands.

  My grandma is an industrious person. She goes to farming every day. Every time she gets vegetables, she smiles happily. Every time she makes a delicious meal. "It's really sweet!" Grandma eats and says, "is it your own dish? It's safe and safe to eat." I said, "here is Grandma's sweat. Can it taste bad?" Then we laughed.

  This is my grandmother, a hard - working old man. I love my grandmother.






  My grandmother is tall and strong. Her hair is black and long. It looks like a black whip. Her skin is black, like a light black coal. In the past, grandma's skin was pale yellow. Later, because of working in the burning sun, the skin gradually darkened.

  Grandma is very hardworking every day, from morning till night, like a top pole that never breaks.

  Every day, grandma is the first one in our family. No matter the cold and summer, the first thing grandma gets up in spring and autumn and winter is to put the chicken out, cut the big Chinese cabbage that you don't eat, and then mix some corn noodles, eat it for the chicken, and then cook it and send me to school.

  Take the laundry for example. Every time you play the water in a small well, you need to put a full bucket of water in it and then take it to the side to wash clothes. Plus rinsing, it's better than a few buckets. Besides, a bucket of water is very heavy, and grandma is very old.

  Every evening, grandma was the last one to go to bed. The end of the busy work was over 11 at night.

  I will study hard and listen well, and I will repay my grandmother in the future.









My grandmother is my favourite person.She likes leading a simple life. And she likes wearing clothes which are made by herself. She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people.She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them.



My grandmother was a nice person, but also love me very much. When I was younger, I used to accompany her grandmother was always smiling teeth but not see the eyes, I was very surprised, and asked her grandmother: "Grandma, why do you come in my time, laughed so happy? "Grandma just smiled," Because I like you, ah ... one old, to plan a reunion, "the rest, I do not hear, just looked at my grandmother look a little lonely, hold tight live her.Old grandmother! Full head of white hair looked at her grandmother, watching her grandmother bent back, watching the gradual decline in physical grandmother, I sent a such a feeling.Although the old grandmother, but her love my heart has not changed. What tastes good things that he does not eat a bit, but retain a, give me to eat; own meals do a good job to call me to eat; to sudden changes in temperature when I put he kept the clothes, do not get sick; I was sick, my grandmother than anyone else worried .....Think about it, Grandma loves me not that a little thing from that reflected in it? Grandma, I love you!


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上一篇 2022年12月16日12时43分41秒
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