我的爱好英语作文6句 ,我的爱好英语作文80词带翻译




我的爱好英语作文 篇1
      I like reading. I think I’m not a sporty person, so in my spare time I spend much time reading. Reading newspapers, I can know the important events in the world. Reading work-related books, I can learn a lot of knowledge to benefit my career. Reading magazines, I can relax myself after stressful works. I often read in my study, on bus, in subway and so on. On the average, I spend three or four hours reading every day. Although the life in my spare time is not colorful enough, I enjoy it very 我喜欢读书。我想我不是一个运动型的人,所以在我的业余时间我花了很多时间看书。读报纸,我可以知道世界上的重要事件。阅读与工作相关的书籍,我可以学到很多知识,对我的事业有好处。阅读杂志,我可以放松自己后,压力的作品。我经常在我的书房里看书,在公共汽车上,在地铁等。平均来说,我每天花三到四个小时读书。虽然我的业余生活是不够丰富,我非常喜欢它。
我的爱好英语作文 篇2
      I like reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in years ago, I didnt like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didnt think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because therere lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. Thats a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. Im always lose myself in the interesting hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I dont know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that Im you can find the interesting things in a book, so dont waste your time in the computers any more. If you read very much, you?ll get lots of 我的爱好英语作文 篇3
      Different people have
      different hobbies . I have a lot of hobbies like reading books,
      watching movies so on .I like reading books because I get lot of knowledge, I find more interesting things, so I like
      reading different kinds of books. I also like watching movies .Ienjoy my free time ,so I usuallywatch movies in my free time .Its makes me happy .I thinkwatching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies .I love life My hobbies make life colorful like Chinese 我的爱好英语作文 篇4
      My favorite things is reading .At my free times I usually set on desk and read a favorite book named Give me three days light .It is about a girls life story. I likethe girl because sheis optimistic and hard-working . Weshouldlearn from her. I must be study I go to the library . This is the most interesting thing in my booksmakes me happy. I thinkit can learn a lot from reading I will keep reading 我的爱好是阅读。在我的空闲时间里我会在坐在书桌前读书。我最喜欢的.书是《假如给我三天光明》。这是一本讲述一个女孩的生活的书。我很喜欢这个女孩应为她很乐观而且勤奋。我们应该向她学习。我也要努力学习。有时我会去图书馆。这是我的生活中最有趣的事情了。阅读能让我感到快乐。我认为这很有趣。我能从阅读中收获很多东西。所以我将会保持阅读。
我的爱好英语作文 篇5
      My hobby is lisetening to like listening to music listening to music makes me I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very favorite music is the music that has good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English love listening to will keep this hobby 【参考翻译】
我的爱好英语作文 篇6
      Everyone has his own hobby, and my hobby is reading. Book is the ocean of knowledge, the source of power, the steering wheel of life. As long as we have the book, just like with everything. Good Shakespeare said: "life without books, just like no sun, wisdom without books, like a bird without wings." Reading gives a person with pleasure, give a person with light, give a person with I was babbling, mother read fairy tale to me. Now, I grow up, can read for yourself. Therefore, as a child object of reading "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale", "Grimms fairy tales" into Chinese classic four great always forget all about eating and sleeping, night reading books, so something year, I borrow from a friend finally back to a book - "a dream of red mansions", I get the book I will fondle admiringly, swear must finish reading the book 我的爱好英语作文 篇7
      my hobbies are changing all the time. many years ago, i used to watch tv. i thought watching tv was very interesting . i could learn something from it. but now i don’t like it. i think it’s a waste of time. i enjoy collecting stamps. it is great fun. i can learn a lot about people, places,history and special times from stamps. i am fond of listening to music,too. it can rela 我的爱好英语作文 篇8
      Everyone has their own preferences, such as: chess, chess, painting, reading, skipping but I love since I read the 2007 Games, the men's 110 meters hurdles, Liu Xiang win honors with 9 seconds 38 I love running. All day on campus, jumped, danced, ran. On one occasion, our gym class, the teacher said: "Today our class competition running good?" We said in unison: "Well, yeah, that running, my heart is flattered, I thought: hee hee, running is my strength, and this time I win! only heard the teacher said: "Ready, run! Students all of them have like a horse flying in the playground, I am of course a very strict, a drum of gas more than the students, and catch up with the students, students who had all been dumped me far , in front of got left a fellow student, I used the power of the body, finally overtook him, ah! In front of the end, I accelerate, accelerate, yes, I finally won a championship!
      Treadmill exercise the body that is, let me enjoy the pleasure of sports, I hope that through my efforts and constant exercise, and grow up like Liu Xiang, glory for the country!
我的爱好英语作文 篇9
      Different people have different example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny now I don't like can only learn from couldn't get knowledge from need a is my favorite hobby I can't go traveling a can visit many different places of interest by can learn a lot about people,places and very is your hobby?Let's share each other!I have many good all have their studies very her hobby is book loves labour,and his hobby is usually plants flowers and trees in his is a quiet likes always knits some sweaters for her have different hobbies,but we are good love have great fun in 我的爱好英语作文 篇10
      My Interests
      My hobby is fishing. I am fond of going fishing, for it is both interesting and iastructive-It tempers my willpower. Last Sunday I went fishing with my friend, He Ping. We started at daybreak. After three hours cycling, we arrived at the outskirts of Hefei and came to a stream. The water is clear and clean. One can see fish swimming. The meadow sprinkled with buttercups slopes to the stream. It is a good place for a few minutes everything was ready. Putting the bait of earthworms on the hook, dropping the hue into the strum, we sat there fishing with rod in hand. An hour passed. I did not catch a single fish. I lifted the fishing rod time and again. Time and again I was disappointed. There was no fish on the hook. On the other side of the stream, He Ping had caught several fish, one of which was very es it that you catch fish casily while it is so difficult for me? I s easy. Only you need Io be patient. He Ping answered. Make sure that you lift the fishing rod when the whole flat has sunk. I m sure a fish will greet you on the a while the floats were swinging. I kept my breath and waked. The floats became still again. Come on my hook, dear fish. I was saying to myself. In a moment the floats swang again and then sank abruptly, Just at that moment I lifted my fishing rod. To my delight I caught a fish. Grlnning, I took it off the Interests
      As an outgoing junior school student, I have many interests, such as watching movies, reading books, searching the Internet, playing puter games, attending various sports. In the spare time, the one thing I like most is watching movies, because it’s very convenient and interesting. Usually, movies tell wonderful stories to us. They are humorous, sad, happy, intricate or thought-provoking. You can get many from a good movie. Besides, my favorite sport is basketball. Every time after I play basketball, I feel relaxed. I focus on the game and I don’t let anything to influence on me. It’s really a wonderful 我的爱好英语作文 篇11
      Everyone has a do, hobbu is collecting stamps,and I have been collecting them for over ten have been collecting stamps since I was four years year when my birthday comes,my uncle will give me some stamps as a i have more than 424 of i have run out of room to store mother says i have to stop,but i do not want to give up because I really love is your hobby?
我的爱好英语作文 篇12


  I have many hobbies, such as reading, writing, singing, drawing, watching TV and doing exercise. I think hobbies can make my life colorful. And I can make friends easier, because we have common interests and we have many things to talk about. Besides, having some hobbies can bring knowledge to me. For example, reading is a good way to get knowledge. I can not learn all from class, so reading can bring me other knowledge. Singing and drawing are skills. They can help me to improve myself.


My Hobbies
I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, and keeping a diary.
In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one's health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play basketball with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.
At home, I like to sing . I hope I will be a singer when I grow up.
Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them.
在学校,我的体育老师经常说:“运动对一个人的健康有好处 ,还可以延长人的寿命。”因此,我非常喜欢体育运动。我经常在早晨和下午放学后跑步,我和我的朋友们一起打篮球,这些运动都会使我变得很健康。



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