我想去的城市用英文怎么说 ,我最想去的地方用英语怎么说



the place where i want to go mostly


应是I want going to.....就可以了


The place I want to visit most is Qingdao.


Shanghai is my favorite city. I like it because I was born in there, and a lot of my family members and my friends live there. The shopping in Shanghai is cheaper than here, but it’s expensive in China. I have a lot of things to do there, like: shopping, playing, going to my friend’s home… And there’re also a lot of places that are interesting. In Shanghai, people speak the same language as I do. I was there for 13 years! I left there on August, 18th, 2005. And I was there because I was born in there and I lived there.
There’re a lot of people in Shanghai. The people are like me. We all speak the same language. The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly. And Shanghai is also and international city. It’s beautiful and fancy. There’re a lot of tall buildings. That’s why Shanghai is my favorite city. It’s my home city. I love Shanghai!!!
I’d like to go back to Shanghai, but just for a visit. Although Shanghai is good, I’d like to live here because I’d like to study here. I only get a little homework and the air here is flasher than Shanghai. The weather is hot in Shanghai. And the best time of year to go there is spring, because in spring, the weather is cool and warm. But some people asked me:” Why don’t we go there in the fall? The fall is also cool and warm.” I don’t think so, because in Shanghai, the fall is still very hot. I’d like to recommend this place to other because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown. I hope if I ask my friends:” Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you like Shanghai?” The answers shouldn’t be:” No, I haven’t been to Shanghai. And I don’t even know anything about Shanghai!” Now, I’ll recommend you to go to visit Shanghai in summer vacation or winter vacation or spring break or every time you’d like, you’d want, because Shanghai is a very nice city. If you go there, you’ll soon like it!

以上就是关于我想去的城市用英文怎么说 ,我最想去的地方用英语怎么说的全部内容,以及我想去的城市用英文怎么说 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年12月15日12时15分51秒
下一篇 2022年12月15日12时18分39秒


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