强调句在英语作文中的运用 ,英语写作倒装句高分句型





  It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道…)


  It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

  It is…that + 句子…构成强调句型(The Emphatic Pattern)

  英语常用的强调结构是“It is/was+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+ who(that)…”。一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用who;指事物时,用that;在美国英语中指事物时常用which来代替that。


  It is conceivable that + 句子(可想而知的)

  It is obvious that + 句子(明显的)

  It is apparent that + 句子(显然的)

  It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,知识在我们的.一生中扮演一个重要的角色。


  (1) It is the responsibility of to do sth.


  It is the responsibility of every citizen in our society to do his utmost to protect the environment.

  (2) It is the , I suppose, that havehas given rise to .

  【分析】该强调句型强调句子主语,I suppose作为插入语。这是一个很好掌握的四级长句,在作文中需要分析原因时,可以用它阐述自己的看法。

  It is the tighter job market, I suppose, that has given rise to the increase in the number of unemployed college students in China.

  (3) It is only when that .


  It is only when you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value him.


  1. 直到最后一刻,我才得知事情的传闻。

  2. 他是否接受我的观点,我并不在乎。

  3. 我不应干预此类事。

  4. 在拥挤的公交车上抽烟,是不礼貌的行为。

  5. 爱迪生是位真正的天才,这是不容置疑的。

  6. 直到他走进教室,才意识到忘了做家庭作业。

  7. 在我们家,饭前洗手是每个人的习惯。

  8. 一个人应该精读一门,博览各科。

  9. 她觉得回复这封信,是她应尽的责任。

  10. 大多数年轻人都认为过轻松不用努力的生活是最好的,这是令人遗憾的事。


  1. It was at the eleventh hour that I got wind of what was going on.

  2. It does not matter whether he accepts my opinions or not.

  3. It is not my place to interfere in such affairs.

  4. It is impolite behavior to smoke in a crowded bus.

  5. It is undeniable that Edison was a genius in the truest sense of the word.

  6. It was not until he entered the classroom that he realized he had forgotten to do the homework.

  7. In our home it is a rigid rule for each person to wash his hands before eating.

  8. It is wise to read everything about something and something about everything.

  9. She felt it incumbent upon her to answer the letter at once.

  10. It is to be regretted that the majority of young people should look upon an effortless life as the highest good.


  1. 百折不挠式

  We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)


  【点评】该句为马丁·路德·金生命的体验,我们在作文中谈到某种麻烦的解决方法时,借用过来妙不可言。另外We must do…, but we must never…用于观点的转折或者递进效果很好。

  2. 深入生活式

  Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life. (Goethe )


  【点评】歌德之才,恐非我辈能及,但大师的语言却给我们无穷的灵感。表示“形成”记着用“is formed in”,简单之处见真章。


  一、用“...and that”,“...and those”,“not...too much”,“否定加否定”等结构

  They fulfilled the task, and that in a few days.


  I gave her some presents, and those the day before yesterday.


  I can’t thank you too much .


  I am not un faithful to you.


  二、 用短语“in every way”,“in no way”,“by all means”,“by no means”,“only too”,“all too”,“but too”,“in heaven”,“in the world”,“in hell”,“on earth”,“under the sun”等

  His behaviour was in every way perfect.


  By all means take your son with you.


  The news was only too true.


  It was over all too soon!


  Where in heaven were you then?


  Nobody under the sun would buy that car.



  Dishonest he is!


  In wine is the truth.



  Red Army fought a battle on this very spot.


  Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon.



  I myself will see her off at the station.


  You can do it well yourself .



  The baby is generally healthy, but every now and then she does catch a cold.


  Do be quiet. I told you I had a headache.



  He drank it to the very last drop.


  Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.


  He didn’t answer even my letter.


  I will too go! 我要去的!

  The scenery is just superb.




1.一般情况用It is(was)……that…如:   He read three books in the library yesterday.  我们分别可以强调主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语。如:  It was he who(that)read three books in the library yesterday.(强调主语)  It was three books that he read in the library yesterday.(强调宾语)  It was in the library that he read three books yesterday.(强调时间状语)  2.当被强调部分指人时,可用that,也可用who;指物时,只用what,如:  It was Tom who(that)I met last week.  It is a new boke that his brother wants to buy.  3.强调状语时,只用that,不用when、where.如:  It is at 5 o'clock that the train will arrive.  4.被强调的部分是主语时,注意句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致。如:  It is he who is late.  It is they that were late.  5.一般疑问句的强调句为“Is (was) it that…?”;特殊疑问句为:“特殊疑问词 is (was) that…?”结构。如:   Was it ten years ago that his father died?(他的父亲是十年前去世的吗?)  When is it that you will set off?(你到底什么时候出发?)  6.“not…until…”句型的强调结构为“It is not until…that…”应注意把否定词not转移到until前面。如:I didn't go home until rain stopped.(直到雨停了我才回家)。  强调句为:It was not until rain stopped that I went home.  I didn't know the news until yesterday.(直到昨天我才知道那个消息)  强调句为:It was not until yesterday that I knew the news.



其基本结构为"It + be + 被强调部分 + that/who+句子其余部分",
It was in the park that I met my old teacher yesterday.(强调地点状语)
It was yesterday that I met my old teacher in the park.(强调时间状语)
It was my old teacher that I met in the park yesterday.(强调宾语)
It is Mr Smith who/that thinks Tom is a clever boy.(强调主语)
如: Where was it that you met your English teacher
It was the day before yesterday that you lost the money,wasn't it
It is the monitor who wins the first prize in the exam.
It was the farmers who/that lived a hard life be fore liberation.
It might be yesterday that John bought a book for Mary.
It will be Xiao Wang who go with you.
4.强调句型也有疑问句形式.一般疑问句的强调形式,只需将is/was提前,移至句首即可,即:"Is/Was it…that…".特殊疑问句的强调形式,须将陈述句变成一般疑问句,再在句首加上疑问词,即"疑问词(被强调部分)+is/was + it + that + 句子其余部分".如:
Was it last year that the building was completed
How was it that he went to school
It's a wise father who knows his own child.无论多聪明的父亲也不见得了解自己的孩子.
It's an ill wind that blows nobody(any)good.此失则彼得(没有使所有的人都受害的坏事).
5.not…until…结构在强调句型中的运用:until引导的时间状语从句中可以用在强调句型中,其结构为"It is/was not until…that…".如:
It was not until the class began that he came in.
It was not until last Friday that he finished reading the book.
It is who am going to attend the meeting.
It is Tom who often helps me with my English.
It was I/me who cleaned the classroom.
It was at the gate that we met the inspectors this morning.
It is our parents,that/whom we often turn to for help.
一般说来,如果把句子中的 "It is/was…that"去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整句子,且句子意思依然完整,则为强调句型;否则,应为其他句式.如:
It was a small house that I used to live in.(定语从句)
It was at the school gate that I met an old friend of mine.(强调句型)
It was seven o'clock when we reached the mountain village.(时间状语从句)
It was at seven o'clock that we reached the mountain village.(强调句型)
It is a pity that you didn't see the film yesterday evening.(主语从句)
It is a good idea that we will have a swim this Sunday.(主语从句)
例1:It was __________ it was raining so hard that we had to stay at home all day.
A.since B.for C.as D.because
例2:I can't quite remember __________ I was taken to Beijing.
A.that it was when B.when it was that
C.when was it that D.that was it when
假设原句为:I was taken to Beijing when I was a child.对时间状语进行强调,变成:It was when I was a child that I was taken to Beijing.再变成特殊疑问句:When was it that I was taken to Beijing 再放到宾语从句中:I can't remember when it was that I was taken to Beijing.
例3:It was the training __________ he had as a young man __________ made him such a good engineer.
A.what;that B.that;what C.that;which D.which;that
[析]答案为D项.本句强调的是主语the training,其后又服which引导的定语从句,还原后应为:The training which he had as a young man made him a good engineer.
例4:It was __________ he said and something he did __________ disappointed me at that time.
A.what;that;that B.that;what;that
C.what;what;that D.what;that;what
例5:Was it through the teacher __________ you came to realize the importance of learning English
A.who B.whom C.how D.that
[析]答案为D项.此题强调的是介词短语through the teacher,而不是名词teacher.故A,B项具有很强的迷惑性.
例6:It is the young man __________ looked for __________ caught the murderer.
A.that;who B.that;they C.they;that D.they;which
[析]答案为C项.本题考查了定语从句和强调句式.they looked for 前省略了关系代词that,that一方面引导定语从句,同时又在从句中做looked for的宾语,强调句为:It is the young man who/that caught the muderer.本句意思是"是那个他们在寻找的年轻人抓住了杀人犯".
例7:Was it seven o'clock __________ you finished your task
A.when B.that C.then D.which
例8:She told us that it was a small mountain village __________ she lived with her grandparents.
A.that B.which C.where D.when



1. It is / was 被强调的部分 that ( who, which ) 句子的其他部分,
2. What … is / was …这种句式就称为强调句。强调句主要有两种形式:
1. It is/was 被强调的部分 that(who,which) 句子的其他部分
1)Western health-care system are spending huge sums of money on the surgical treatment 主语 宾语 of the disease.状语西方国家医疗保健机构在心脏病的手术治疗上开支巨大。
It is Western health-care system that (which) are spending huge sums of money on the surgical treatment of the disease. 正是西方国家医疗保健机构,在心脏病的手术治疗上开支巨大。
It is huge sums of money that ( which ) Western health-care system are spending on the surgical treatment of the disease. 西方国家医疗保健机构在心脏病的手术治疗上,开支确实是巨大的。
It is on the surgical treatment of the disease that Western health- care system are spending huge sums of money.西方国家医疗保健机构,就是在心脏病的手术治疗上付出了巨大的开支。
2)Ann Peters’ husband rushed her to a nearby hospital last night. 主语 宾语 状语昨晚,安妮.彼德的丈夫立即送她去四周医院。
It was Ann Peters' husband that (who) rushed her to a nearby hospital last night.
It was her (she) that (who) Ann Peters' husband rushed to a nearby hospital last night.昨晚安妮.彼德的丈夫立即送的是她,去四周医院。
It was to a nearby hospital that Ann Peters' husband rushed her last night.昨晚安妮.彼德的丈夫立即送她去的就是一家四周的医院。
It was last night that Ann Peters' husband rushed her to a nearby hospital.就是在昨晚,安妮.彼德的丈夫立即送她去四周医院。
1)当原句叙述的是现在或者将来发生的事情用"It is … that…"的句式(如 例句1);当原句叙述的是过去发生的事情则用"It was … that… " 的句式(如例句2)。
2)在这种强调句式中,一般用that引出句子的其他部分。假如被强调的部分是表示人的意义的名词时,可以用who代替that引出句子的其他部分;假如被强调的部分是表示事物意义的名词时,可以用which代替that引出句子的其他部分。但是,无论被强调的部分是表示地点、还是表示时间意义的名词,都不可以用where 或者when 。例如:
It is that man who (that) is teaching our English.(就是那个人教我们英语。)
It was my telephone number which (that) Miss White happened to know.
It is in front of the religious leader that the bride and groom stand together to be married.新郎、新娘通常就是一起站在宗教头领面前举行结婚。2)假如被强调的部分是人称代词,应该用该人称代词的主格形式;在口语或非正式文体中也可以用其宾格形式。
It was she (her) who told the police.就是她报告警察的。
It was you who we were talking about.我们刚刚谈论的就是你。
3)没有强调句子谓语的强调句,但有其通常的强调手段:do / does / did 动词原形 。例如:
I do believe that he is an honest man. 我的确相信他是老实人。
She does like literature. 她确实喜欢文学。
They did go to see you yesterday, but failed to meet you.
4)What … is / was …
"What … is / was …"是名词从句结构,也是强调句的另一种构成形式。它常用来强调主语、宾语。假如所叙述的是现在或者将来发生的事情用"What is … that…"的句式;假如所叙述的是过去发生的事情用"What was … that…"的句式。例如:
What he wishes most is to become a pilot.(强调宾语)
What interested me most in that movie was the beautiful scenery of Alps. (强调主语)那部电影使我最感爱好的是阿尔裨斯山那漂亮的风景。
What I like is her speaking manner. (强调宾语)
What encouraged us was the example he set for us. (强调主语)
英语的基本语序是“主语 谓语”,假如将谓语的一部分或全部放在主语之前,这种语序叫倒装。倒装既是一种语法手段,也是一种修辞手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。
A. 语法倒装
1. 一般疑问句
当我们把一个肯定句转变为疑问句时,常把肯定句中的助动词或情态动词放在句首。这类助动词或情态动词包括:be, have, can, do, shall, will, may, must, dare, need, ought或 used 等。
He will do it.
——Will he do it 他会做这件事吗?
This is my mobile phone number.
——Is this your mobile phone number? 这是你的手机号码吗?
假如肯定句中没有助动词或情态动词时, 我们可以在句首用do 的某种形式, 以构成倒装语序。
Jack likes to eat fish. 杰克喜欢吃鱼。
——Does Jack like to eat fish 杰克喜欢吃鱼吗?
非凡疑问句的构成:非凡疑问词 一般疑问句
What does he like to eat?? 他喜欢吃什么?
When will they go to the Great Wall? 他们什么时候去长城?
Where did you go last night? 昨晚你去哪里了?
Who is not coming to dinner tonight 今晚谁不来吃饭?
3. 反意问句
在反意问句中,用一般疑问句的形式,前后两分句的主语,人称要一致。前一分句是肯定,反意问句用否定形式,并一定要缩写;前一分句是否定, 反意问句用肯定形式。
Everything is ready, isn't it 一切都预备好了,是吗?
Bobbie seldom got drunk, did he 博比很少喝醉,是吗?
You had a wonderful time last night, didn't you 昨天晚上你玩得很愉 快,是吗?
Here comes Santa Clause! 圣诞老人来啦!(谓语前置)
What bad manners they have! 他们真没礼貌!(宾语前置)
How happy the children are!孩子们多么幸福啊!(表语前置)
5. 某些含有“really”意义的简短表达,也用倒装语序,但它们并不需要任何回答。
--- Elsa saw a snake last night. 埃尔莎昨天晚上看到一条蛇。
--- Did she 真的吗?
--- Our new boss is very easygoing. 我们的新老板人很随和。
--- Is he 是吗?
--- Philip has already finished his report. 菲利普已经完成了他的报告。
--- Has he 真的吗?
There was nobody in the room. 房间里没有人。 In the valley there lies a river. 山谷里有一条河。
There is no harm in trying. 不妨一试。
①在虚拟语气中,假如不用if,且从句中有were, had, should等助动词,需将助动词were, had, should放在句首,用倒装语序。
If I were a bird, I could fly freely.
——Were I a bird, I could fly freely. 假如我是一只小鸟,我就能自由翱翔。
If I had known it earlier, I would have lent him the money.
——Had I known it earlier, I wouldn誸 have lent him the money. 要是我早知道这件事,我就不会把钱借给他了.
Long live peace! 和平万岁!
May our friendship be ever lasting! 愿我们的友谊长存!
You should have been here five minutes ago,said the teacher. 老师说:“你5分钟之前就该来了。” Douglas,said the teacher, do be careful next time.“道格拉斯,”老师说道,“下次一定要小心。”
B. 修辞倒装
Never before have we seen such a sight. 以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。
Only in this way can we learn English well. 只有用这种方法,我们才能学好英语。
Selfish does our life make us students. 是生活把我们的学生变得如此自私。
Up went the rocket into the sky. 嗖的一声火箭上了天。
Before us lay a lot of difficulties. 我们面前有很多困难。
Happy are those who are contented. 知足者常乐。
Next came a man in his forties. 接下去进来一个四十多岁的男人。
Long did we wait before hearing from her. 我们等了很久才收到她的信。 C. 一些句型的固定用法
Such were his last words. 他最后的话就是这样。
Hardly had I got home when the telephone rang. 我一到家,电话就响了。
How came it that she knew the secret 她怎么会知道那个秘密的?
二、 倒装的种类
A. 完全倒装
On her left sat her husband. 她左边坐着她丈夫。
Here is the book you want. 你要的书在这儿。
Down went the small boat. 小船沉下去了。
B. 部分倒装
Only by working hard can one succeed. 只有努力才能成功。
Never have I seen her before. 我以前没见过她。
提示:假如句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。
Well do I remember the day I joined the League.入团的那一天,我记忆犹新。
Little did I think that he could be back alive 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。


以上就是关于强调句在英语作文中的运用 ,英语写作倒装句高分句型的全部内容,以及强调句在英语作文中的运用 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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    英语知识 2023年08月27日
  • 定语从句只用where的先行词

    定语从句是英语语法中重要的一部分,它可以用来修饰名词或代词,进一步说明它们的含义。在定语从句中,先行词通常是一个人、一个地方或一个物品。其中,只用“where”作为关系代词的定语从句也是一种常见的形式。 “Where”是一个词汇多义的词语,可以表示地点、场所或情境等。当它被用作定语从句中的关系代词时,它可以指代一个地方或场所,但这个地方或场所并不一定是名词本身所在的位置。而且,只有在特定的语境下,…

    英语知识 2023年08月28日
  • 英语作文优秀连接词

    本文目录 1.表示并列关系的连接词 2.表示转折关系的连接词 3.表示因果关系的连接词 4.表示强调关系的连接词 英语作文的连贯性是非常重要的,要让文章表达清晰,需要使用一些好的连接词。下面是一些优秀的英语作文连接词: 表示并列关系的连接词 and - 和 as well as - 以及 not only...but also - 不仅...而且 both...and - 既...又 这些词语可以…

    英语知识 2023年08月28日
  • 大学生热门话题英语作文

    随着全球化的到来,英语已经成为了一门必修课程,尤其是对于大学生而言。而英语作文作为一种常见的考试形式,也备受大学生的关注。 首先,英语作文的重要性不言而喻。通过写英语作文,大学生可以锻炼自己的语言表达能力,提高英语水平。同时,英语作文也是大学生考试的必考题之一,良好的英语作文水平可以为大学生在考试中赢得更好的成绩,为以后的学习和职业发展打下基础。 其次,英语作文的类型多样。常见的英语作文类型包括议…

    英语知识 2023年08月28日
  • so as to 的用法

    在英语中,“so as to” 用于表示目的或意图。它通常用于描述某个动作或决定的目的。以下是一些示例句子: 我每天早起,以便能够有足够的时间做早餐,以便我可以吃得健康。 老板请你加班,以便能够完成这个项目,以便我们能够按时交付。 我们需要定期维护机器,以便能够延长它们的使用寿命,以便我们可以节省成本。 需要注意的是,“so as to” 通常可以替换为“in order to”,但是“so as…

    英语知识 2023年08月27日