帮父母做家务少儿英对话 ,关于做家务的英语口语对话怎么说



英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。佛山韦博英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:关于做家务的英语口语对话。 Son: Dad,can I go outside to play? Dad: Well, did you get your Saturday's work done? Son: Ah, Dad. Do I have to? Dad: Well, you know the rules. No playing until the work is done. Son: So, what is my work? Dad: Well, first you have to clean the bathroom including the toilet. And don't forget to scrub the bathtub. Son: No, I want to do the family room. Dad:Well, okay, but you have to vacuum the family room and the hall, and be sure to dust everything.Oh, and don't forget to wipe the walls and clean the baseboards. [Okay.] And after that. [Oh, no.]Next, sweep and mop the kitchen floor and be sure to polish the table in the living room. Son: Okay.Okay. Dad: And make your bed and pick up all your toys and put them away. And... Son: More? Dad: Yeah.And then, how about going out for lunch and getting a big milk shake, but you probably don't want to do that. Son: No, No. I want to. Dad: Okay.While you're doing your work, I'll be out in the yard raking leaves and pulling weeds. 翻译如下: 儿子:爸爸,我可以出去玩吗? 爸爸:哦,你周六的工作完成了吗? 儿子:啊,爸爸。我必须得完成吗? 爸爸:那么,规矩你是知道的。完成不了任务是不能玩的。 儿子:那么,我要做什么呢? 爸爸:首先把浴室打扫一下,包括马桶。不要忘了擦洗浴缸。 儿子:不,我想打扫休息室。 爸爸:那么,好吧,但是你必须用吸尘器打扫一下休息室和客厅,必须确保所有东西都除一下尘。哦,不要忘了擦墙及护墙板。(好的)完了之后(哦,不是)接着打扫和拖一下厨房的地板并确保把客厅的餐桌擦亮。 儿子:好吧。好吧。 爸爸:整理一下你的床铺,收拾一下你的玩具,把它们归纳好。然后…… 儿子:还有? 爸爸:是的。然后出去吃午饭,吃个大的奶昔怎么样,虽然可能你不太愿意。 儿子:不,不。我想去。 爸爸:好的。你做你的工作时,我到院子里翻翻土然后除杂草。 以上就是佛山韦博英语为您整理的关于做家务的英语口语对话,佛山韦博英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入佛山韦博英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。



1.帮爸爸妈妈做家务的一些英语句子.如:(1)I helped mum clean the

i helped my mum wash the dishes.

i helped my mum mop the floor.

i helped my dad clean the table.

i helped my dad sweep the floor.

i helped my mum wash the clothes.

i helped my mum clean the windows.

i helped my dad clean up the room.


The new year is coming,My parents are all in busy with the housework.I am glad to help them very much.I choose to clean the windows.The window shone the room also to be able to shine.I wash the cleaning rag.i Wash everywhere carefully.Beacause of the cleaning rag is wet.Then the windows look like a painted face.I use the surface paper to clean the windows again.Finally,the windows are translucent.The sunlight penetration window shines.The sunlight shines on I am smiling the face.。


[原创,如有错误,欢迎指出!若满意,请采纳!]文章如下:《我帮助父母打扫房间》I helped my parents clean the room今天,爸爸妈妈去工作了。


Today, mom and dad go to work. I was alone in the house. Before I left, my mom told me to clean the house.我戴上了手套,搬来了一盆水,我用湿的布用力的擦着衣柜。从上到下,从左到右。


I put on gloves, to move in a basin of water, I use the wet cloth to wipe his wardrobe. From top to bottom, from left to right. I repeatedly scrub. The sweat dripping down.等终于完成任务时,我才体会到父母的艰辛。我终于明白了参与家务活动是我们每一个人的工作,我们要分享家务劳动!Tasks when finally, I understand the hardships of parents. I finally understand in household activities of every one of us is working, we want to share the housework!。


I am six years old now, I will go to primary school soon, this is my last summer vacation before I go to primary school. I say goodbye to my friends, we play together all the summer, my friends tell me that they will go to the same school with me, I am so happy. I have a great time this summer。





I helped my parents clean the room


Today, mom and dad go to work. I was alone in the house. Before I left, my mom told me to clean the house.


I put on gloves, to move in a basin of water, I use the wet cloth to wipe his wardrobe. From top to bottom, from left to right. I repeatedly scrub. The sweat dripping down.


Tasks when finally, I understand the hardships of parents. I finally understand in household activities of every one of us is working, we want to share the housework!



Mom, I help you to do the housework



I am helping Mum with her housework. (正在)
I helped Mum with her housework. (过去)
I help Mum with her housework. (按英文习惯,在这种情况下,很少用一般现在时,因为这是一次性的动作)
另外,一般提自己妈妈都用Mum,如想用mother,则需加my,改成my mother。


以上就是关于帮父母做家务少儿英对话 ,关于做家务的英语口语对话怎么说的全部内容,以及帮父母做家务少儿英对话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年12月14日16时09分03秒
下一篇 2022年12月14日16时15分44秒


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