常见鸟类的英文 ,各种鸟类的英文翻译是怎样的呢




  英 [prt] 美 [pert]

  1. It's a burin of a parrot beak.


  2. Bridging stimulus set an example, when a hand is raised to command the bird to perch in one corner of the cage, the demonstrative actions serve a bridge for the parrot to choose in abeyance following the hand cuing, because a toy is ready at reach.


  3. Although she is not sure what dill pickles, she saw a green canister of a bright red pepper, like parrot beaks shining.


  4. There was another knock, and the parrot was at a total loss to continue the story.


  5. A very little wit I s valued in a woman, as we are pleased with a few words spoken plain by a parrot.



  英 [dv] 美 [dv]


  1. With the background changing between old Beijing's hutongs and the modern cityscape, the performance is developed from the viewpoint of a dove of peace.

  2. PetroChina and Sinopec both dove more than 3 percent in the afternoon despite a strong performance during the morning session.

  3. For mains, we dove into a Mediterranean dorado with lime sauce.

  4. " The dove is on the window sill, " Livni said.

  5. Crews dove underwater to thread five large slings around the plane and through holes they drilled in the wings.

  6. After a dove pulls a red ribbon from his mouth, Zhang cradles that dove in his hands and exits the cage.

  7. Spurred by huge panic selling, it dove straight down and shed more than 100 points in the last trading hour.

  8. The park has 20 hectares of virgin forest, and is home to precious plant species of dove tree and taxus.

  9. The advertisements are designed to sell products from Dove's firming collection lotions and creams meant to reduce the appearance of cellulite.


  英 [spr] 美 [spro]


  1. Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, and the other is sparrow.


  2. They shoot the very far and small sparrow with the bullet of a precious pearl.


  3. The sparrow is a resident bird of this area.


  4. I was not only nearer to some of those which commonly frequent the garden and the orchard, but to those smaller and more thrilling songsters of the forest which never, or rarely, serenade a villager — the wood thrush, the veery, the scarlet tanager, the field sparrow, the whip-poor-will, and many others.




birds 统称鸟类
eagle 鹰
bald eagle 白头鹰
condor 秃鹰
hawk, falcon 隼
heron 苍鹰
golden eagle 鹫
kite 鹞
vulture 秃鹫
cock 公鸡
hen 母鸡
chicken 鸡, 雏鸡
guinea, fowl 珍珠鸡
turkey 火鸡
peacock 孔雀
duck 鸭
mallard 野鸭, 凫
teal 小野鸭
gannet 塘鹅
goose 鹅
pelican 鹈鹕
cormorant 鸬鹚
swan 天鹅
cob 雄天鹅
cygnet 小天鹅
gander, wild goose 雁
dove 鸽
pigeon 野鸽
turtle dove 斑鸠
pheasant 雉, 野鸡
grouse 松鸡
partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
ptarmigan 雷鸟
quail 鹌鹑
ostrich 鸵鸟
stork 鹳
woodcock 山鹬
snipe 鹬
gull, seagull 海鸥
albatross 信天翁
kingfisher 翠鸟
bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟
woodpecker 啄木鸟
parrot 鹦鹉
cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉
macaw 金刚鹦鹉
parakeet 长尾鹦鹉
cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟
crow 乌鸦
blackbird 乌鸫
magpie 喜鹊
swallow 燕子
sparrow 麻雀
nightingale 夜莺
canary 金丝雀
starling 八哥
thrush 画眉
goldfinch 金翅雀
chaffinch 苍头燕雀
robin 知更鸟
plover 千鸟
lark 百鸟,云雀
swift 褐雨燕
whitethroat 白喉雀
hummingbird 蜂雀
penguin 企鹅
owl 枭,猫头鹰
scops owl 角枭,耳鸟



eagle 鹰
bald eagle 白头鹰
condor 秃鹰
hawk, falcon 隼
heron 苍鹰
golden eagle 鹫
kite 鹞
vulture 秃鹫
cock 公鸡
hen 母鸡
chicken 鸡, 雏鸡
guinea, fowl 珍珠鸡
turkey 火鸡
peacock 孔雀
duck 鸭
mallard 野鸭, 凫
teal 小野鸭
gannet 塘鹅
goose 鹅
pelican 鹈鹕
cormorant 鸬鹚
swan 天鹅
cob 雄天鹅
cygnet 小天鹅
gander, wild goose 雁
dove 鸽
pigeon 野鸽
turtle dove 斑鸠
pheasant 雉, 野鸡
grouse 松鸡
partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
ptarmigan 雷鸟
quail 鹌鹑
ostrich 鸵鸟
stork 鹳
woodcock 山鹬
snipe 鹬
gull, seagull 海鸥
albatross 信天翁
kingfisher 翠鸟
bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟
woodpecker 啄木鸟
parrot 鹦鹉
cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉
macaw 金刚鹦鹉
parakeet 长尾鹦鹉
cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟
crow 乌鸦
blackbird 乌鸫
magpie 喜鹊
swallow 燕子
sparrow 麻雀
nightingale 夜莺
canary 金丝雀
starling 八哥
thrush 画眉
goldfinch 金翅雀
chaffinch 苍头燕雀
robin 知更鸟
plover 千鸟
lark 百鸟,云雀
swift 褐雨燕



在英语中有关鸟的单词有一些,如果,bird, fowl ,avian.例如:The birds were singing ourside outside our window.这些鸟儿正在我们的窗外唱歌。这个单词第一次使用是在十二世纪以前。fowl 指的是家禽,各种鸟类。例如:Asian breed of fowl with dense plumage and featherd legs.羽毛丰厚并且腿上有毛的亚洲种大型鸡。这个单词第一次使用是在十二世纪以前。avian指的是鸟类,与鸟类相关的。例如:This finding marks the first ducumented infection of this species with an avian influenza virus.这一次发现标志着首次记载了这一物种感染了一种禽流感病毒,这个单词第一次使用是在1870年。


以上就是关于常见鸟类的英文 ,各种鸟类的英文翻译是怎样的呢的全部内容,以及常见鸟类的英文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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