小学基数词和序数词专项训练 ,英语单词基数词变序数词的口诀有哪些





一,二,三,特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d.八去t,九去e, ve要用f替。


twenty→twentieth, forty→fortieth, ninety→ninetieth
twenty-first,two hundred and forty-fifth



1.______ martyrs have heroically laid down their lives for the people.

a. Thousand upon thousand of b. Thousand and thousands of

c. Thousands upon thousands of d. Thousand and thousand of

2.They received ______ of letters about their TV programs.

a. dozen b. dozen and dozen c score d. dozens

3.Who is that man,______ in the front row?

a. one b. the one c. first d. the first

4.We have produced ______ this year as we did in 1993.

a. as much cotton twice b. as twice much cotton

c. much as twice cotton d. twice as much cotton

5.The earth is about ______ as the moon.

a. as fifty time big b. fifty times as big c. as big fifty time d. fifty as times big

6.The population of many Alaskan cities has ______ in the past three years.

a. more than doubled b. more doubled than c. much than doubled d. much doubled than

7.The moon is about _____ in diameter as diameter as the earth.

a. one-three as large b. one three as large c. one-third as large d. one third as large

8.Five hundred yuan a month _____ enough to live on.

a. is b. are c. is being d. has been

9.______ of the buildings were ruined.

a. Three fourth b. Three four c. Three-fourths d. Three-four

10.Consult _____ for questions about earthquakes.

a. the six index b. index six c. sixth index d. index numbering six

11.She went to the countryside ______.

a. in the morning at nine/on June first,1968 b. on June first,1968/in the morning at nine

b. at nine in the morning/on June first,1968 d. on June first,1968/at nine in the morning

12.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth ______ covered with water.

a. are b. is c. were d. be

13.This month the production of stainless steel in our steelworks has increased ______ 2,000 tons.

a. with b. in c. on d. by

14.With the miniaturization of the structural components the weight of these electric devices has decreased ________ 30 percent.

a. as b. with c. in d. by

15.The Olympic Games are held ______.

a. every four years b. every four year c. every fourth years d. every four-years

16.As he is not in good health, he goes to his factory only ______ just to learn something about the progress of experiment.

a. once a week b. one week c. one time a week d. one a week

17.Three students ______ in this university come from the South.

a. of ten b. out of in ten c. out of ten d. in tens

18.Strings of the same thickness made of nylon are ______.

a. five times stronger than those b. five time stronger than those

b. five times strong than those d. five times stronger as those

19.the wheels of the old wagon are nearly ______ those of a modern car.

a. twice the size of b. twice size of c. twice sizes of d. twice the size of

20.One day on the moon is ______.

a. two Earth week long b. two Earth weeks long

b. two Earth weeks longer d. two Earth weeks length



one thousand eighty seventhree hundred forty three thousand four hundred fifty sixfifty-five million six hundred and forty-seven thousand eighty







以1-10数字为例,序数词为:1 first, 2 second, 3 third, 4 fourth, 5 fifth, 6 sixth, 7 seventh, 8 eighth, 9 ninth, 10 ten。




(1)作主语:The two happily opened the box. 两个人高兴地打开了盒子。

(2)作宾语:I need three altogether. 我总共需要三个。

(3)作定语:Four students are playing volleyball outside. 四个学生在外面打排球。

(4)作表语:We are sixteen. 我们是16个人。

(5)作同位语:They three tried to finish the task before sunset. 他们三个人尽力想在日落前完成任务。



(1)作主语:The second is what I really need. 第二个是我真正需要的。

(2)作宾语:He chooses the second. 他挑选了第二个。

(3)作定语:We are to carry out the first plan. 我们将执行第一个计划。

(4)作表语:She is the second in our class.在我们班她是第二名。

注:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词the;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再......”,“又......”。示例:We'll go over it a second time. 我们再念第二遍。


在英语中,使用序数词时前面要加定冠词 the,但是,在下面的情况下则不加 the:

1、当序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,序数词前不用 the。

Mother was my first teacher in my life.妈妈是我生命中的第一个老师。

Tom is Lily's third boyfriend. 汤姆是莉莉的第三个男朋友。

2、当表达分数时,序数词前不用 the。

One fifth of the students here are from the country. 这儿1/5的学生来自农村。

Three fourths of the students here are from the country. 这儿的3/4的学生来自农村。

3、当表达“又一,再一”时,序数词前不用 the,但可加不定冠词。

Please give me a second chance. 请再给我一次机会。

The poor woman had a third baby. 那个可怜的妇女又生了第三个宝宝。


He was born on June 6th, 1974. 他出生在1974年6月6日。

5、当序数词在句中作状语时,序数词前不用 the。

Who got there second? 谁第二个到那儿的?

I finished the work first. 我最先完成那项工作。

6、当表达考试(赛跑等)中获得的名次时,序数词前不用 the。

She stands first in her class. 她在班上成绩排名第一。


Mary's twelfth birthday.玛丽的十二岁生日。

以上就是关于小学基数词和序数词专项训练 ,英语单词基数词变序数词的口诀有哪些的全部内容,以及小学基数词和序数词专项训练 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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