常用介词短语归纳 ,英语介词有哪些呢







重叠介词:from among,from behind ,until after,at about,after about等;

短语介词:如 according to,because of,by means of,in addition to,in front of, in spite of,into等。









  1. above构成的惯用短语

  above all 尤其是,最重要的是

  above suspicion 无可怀疑

  above praise 赞美不尽

  above criticism 无可指责

  above reproach 无可厚非

  above price 价值连城

  above one’s head (understanding) 不可理解

  above one’s income 入不敷出

  above the average 超过一般水平

  be above oneself 兴高采烈

  2. after构成的惯用短语

  after all 毕竟,到底

  day after day 日复一日

  one after another 接二连三

  page after page一页又一页地

  year after year 年年岁岁

  wave after wave一波又一波地

  bus after bus 公共汽车一辆又一辆

  time after time 一次又一次

  3. at构成的惯用短语

  at the sight of 看到

  at the news of 听到

  at one’s ease/ at one’s leisure 在闲暇时

  at the thought of 想到

  at a draft 一口气

  at liberty 闲暇,自在,随意

  at peace 处于和平状态,心情平静

  at large 详细地

  at home 安适

  at one’s height 登峰造极

  at stake 在危险中

  at bay 陷入绝境

  at one’s convenience 在某人方便时

  at the end of在…结尾,在…末端

  at rest 长眠,静止

  at a loss 迷茫

  at sea 茫然

  at fault 迷惑

  at one’s will 随意

  at command 依…的命令

  at random 随意地

  at intervals 时时

  at one’s mercy 任人支配,有人摆布

  at expense of 以…为代价

  at dusk 黄昏

  at one’s service 乐意帮助

  at length 终于

  at hand 不远,在身边

  at least 至少

  at the risk of 冒险

  at half price of 半价

  at any rate 至少,无论如何

  at most 至多

  at cost 照原价

  at a loss 亏本

  at a bargain 廉价

  at full speed 以全速

  at a profit 获利

  at the risk of 冒…的危险

  at the point of 就要

  4. beyond构成的惯用短语

  beyond words 难以言喻

  beyond all hope 毫无希望

  beyond control 难以控制

  beyond belief 难以置信

  beyond all comprehension 不可理解

  beyond dispute 无可争议

  beyond all comparison 无可比拟

  beyond one’s grasp 力所不及



  by rule 按规则

  year by year 年复一年

  by degrees 逐渐地

  step by step 逐步

  little by little 渐渐地

  honest by nature 天性诚实

  by trade 就职业而言

  by chance 偶然

  by good luck 侥幸

  by mistake 弄错

  by request 应邀

  by accident 偶然,意外地

  by turns 轮流 可以

  large by half 大一半

  reduce by half 减少一半

  by retail 零售




  cut out for 有…才能

  bound for 启程前往 地

  for all 尽管,虽然

  for all I know 就我所知

  for certain 的确

  for life 终生


  from构成的惯用短语 from far 从远处

  from now on 从现在起

  from top to bottom 彻头彻尾


  in构成的惯用短语 in chorus 合唱

  in full dress 盛装

  in mourning/ in white 穿丧衣

  in high feather 兴高采烈

  beyond doubt 无可怀疑

  beyond controversy 无可争

  by way of 经由

  by force 用武力

  by heart 熟记

  by persuation 凭说服

  by wholesale批发

  by sight 仅识其面

  by auction 拍卖

  by contract 承包

  by post 邮寄

  by express 以快件方式

  by appointment 约定

  by means of 用…方法

  by all means 用一切手段,当然

  by virtue of 凭借

  by airplane 乘飞机

  by boat 乘船

  for the present 暂时

  for good 永远,一劳永逸

  for the moment 暂时

  answer for 负责

  for the time being 暂时

  from above 自上

  from bad to worse 每况愈下

  in whispers 低语

  in disguise 假扮

  in spectacles 带着眼镜

  in a good mood 心情好

  in high (low,poor)spirits 情绪高昂(低沉)

  in violation 违反

  in a good temper 脾气好

  in a rage 盛怒

  in despair 失望

  in distress 悲痛

  in trouble 处于困境

  in any event 无论如何

  in pain 在痛苦中

  in alarm 惊惶中

  in astonishment 惊奇

  in a fog 困惑

  in debt 负债

  in chaos 混乱

  in haste 匆匆

  in fashion 流行

  in the operation 在施行

  in love 恋爱

  in ruins 荒废

  in the right 正确

  in width 在宽度方面


  in shape 在外形上

  in heaps 成堆地

  in broad daylight 在白昼

  in quest of 寻求

  in memory of 纪念…

  in token of 作为…的表示

  in fear 在恐惧中

  in dilemma 进退维谷

  in good repair 情况良好

  in disorder 混乱

  in a fever 发烧

  in touch 联系

  in public 公开地

  in doubt 怀疑

  in the wrong 错误字

  in length 在长度方面

  in every respect 在每一方面

  in the raw 在自然状态

  in favour of 赞成

  in behalf of 为帮助

  in addition 另外

  in anger 愤怒

  in hope 在希望中

  in fun 开玩笑

  in comfort 在安乐中

  in the blues 忧郁

  in tears 流泪

  in conclusion 总之

  in wonder 惊奇

  in horror 恐惧

  in need 在危急中

  in good condition 情况良好

  in one’s way 妨碍

  in sickness 患病

  in the air 传播

  in progress 在进行中

  in session 在开会

  in secret 秘密地

  in print 在印刷

  in hand 在进行中,在考查

  in bloom 盛开

  in the bud 发芽期

  in miniature 小型,小规模

  in pursuit of 追求

  in reward of 作为…的报酬

  in all proportions 按各种比例

  in safety 安全地

  in good order 秩序良好

  in confusion 零乱

  in good health 健康

  in force 在施行中

  in labour 在分娩中

  in use 在使用中

  in earnest 认真地

  in black and white 白纸黑

  in flower 开花

  in blossom 盛开

  in search of 寻求

  in honour of 对…表示敬意

  in revenge of 作为…的报复

  in brief 简单地说

  in essence 在本质上

  in disrepute 声名狼藉

  in fact 事实上

  in general 一般来说

  in the event of 万一

  lie in 在于

  in line with 按照

  in other words 换言之

  in support of 支持

  in stock 有库存,有现货

  in part 部分地

  in turn 依次

  in terms of 用…的术语,根据

  in no time 马上

  in respect to 关于

  in regard to 关于

  in the open 在露天

  in all 总计

  in time 及时

  in vain 徒劳

  in view of the fact that… 鉴于…这一事实

  indulge in 沉溺于

  be absorbed in 专心于 immense in 沉湎于

  be engaged in 从事于

  9. of构成的惯用短语

  of one’s own accord 自愿

  of one’s own choice出于自己的选择

  of oneself 靠自己

  ease sb. of 减轻某人的…

  relieve sb. of 接触,减轻

  deprive of 剥夺

  cure sb. of 治愈

  heal sb. of 治疗

  break sb. of 戒除

  absolve sb. of 赦免,免除

  rid sb./ sth. of 免除

  clear of 清除

  break of 分离

  strip of 剥夺

  cheat sb. of 骗夺


  10. on构成的惯用短语

  on the ground of 基于…的理由

  on account of 由于

  on the wane 正在衰落,正在亏缺

  on edge 紧张

  on one’s mind 在沉思

  on duty 值班

  on guard 警戒

  on leave 休假

  on strike 罢工

  on the market 出售

  on holiday 度假

  on hire 出租的

  on view 展出

  on display 展示

  on a picnic 野餐

  on the way 在途中

  on the wing 飞行,传播

  on the increase 增加

  on fire 失火

  on the alert 警惕

  on the brink of 处于…的边缘

  on the point 即将…的时候

  on trial 受审

  on the rise 上涨

  on the watch 警戒,注意

  on the carpet 在讨论中

  on the verge of 处于…的边缘

  on margin of 接近…的边缘

  on condition that 在…条件下

  on this understanding 在此条件下

  on the decline 在下降

  on such terms 根据这样的条件

  have effect on 对…有影响

  on purpose 故意

  on second thoughts 三思之后

  on the contrary 相反的

  on the average 平均

  on behalf of 代表

  on the one hand 一方面

  on the other hand 另一方面

  have sth. on good authority 从可靠的方面获悉某事

  11. out of构成的惯用短语

  out of fear 出于恐惧

  out of revenge 出于报复

  out of danger 脱险

  out of sight 看不见

  out of politeness 不合礼节

  out of step 不一致

  out of stock 缺货

  out of necessity 出于必要

  out of date 过时

  out of work 失业

  out of trouble 摆脱麻烦

  out of place 不恰当

  out of the ordinary 不平凡

  out of shape 健康不佳






3. 由by构成的介词短语,如: by no means(决不), by oneself(独自), by the way(顺便), by all means(一定要), by chance(偶然)。 4. 由from构成的介词短语,如: apart from(除了), far from(很不), from time to time(不时), from now on(从现在起)。 5. 由in构成的介词短语,如: in public(在公开场合), in detail(详细的), in advance(事先), in fashion(流行), in return(作为回报)。 6. 由off构成的介词短语,如: off balance(失衡), off duty(下班), off the price(减价), off guard(不提防), off one's head(有点发疯)。 7. 由on构成的介词短语,如: on average(平均), on business(因公), on the job(上班), on foot(走路), on time(准时)。 8. 由out of构成的介词短语,如: out of danger(脱离危险), out of hand(缺人), out of reach(不可及), out of debt(还清债务), out of sight(看不见)。 9. 由to, up to, with, within, without构成的介词短语,如:


以上就是关于常用介词短语归纳 ,英语介词有哪些呢的全部内容,以及常用介词短语归纳 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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