常见的英语错误 ,英语语法错误检测在线





  Adverb Use副词用法

  1. 去哪儿都行。

  Incorrect: Anywhere will do.

  Correct: Any place will do.

  2. 会议定在今天下午3点召开。

  Incorrect: The general meeting is scheduled to be held this afternoon at three.

  Correct: The general meeting is scheduled to be held at three this afternoon.

  3. 昨天早上在费尔大街,她偶遇了她的男朋友。

  Incorrect: She ran into her boyfriend yesterday morning in Fair Avenue.

  Correct: She ran into her boyfriend in Fair Avenue yesterday morning.

  4. 不要对我抱太多期望。

  Incorrect: Don't expect me too much.

  Correct: Don't expect too much from (of) me.

  5. 给我点钱吧,如果你有的话。

  Incorrect: Give me money, if you have.

  Correct: Give me money, if you have any.

  6. 他待我十分友好。

  Incorrect: He treated me very friendly.

  Correct: He treated me in a friendly way.

  Conjunction Use连词用法

  1. 和我不一样,她对英语很精通。

  Incorrect: Different from me, she is proficient in English.

  Correct: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

  2. 莫妮卡,借我点钱吧,比方说500美元。

  Incorrect: Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Monika.

  Correct: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Monika.

  3. 去年夏天我本想去欧洲,但费用太高于是放弃了。

  Incorrect: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.

  Correct: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.

  4. 我就是这样做的。

  Incorrect: This is the way how I did it.

  Correct: This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.

  5. 我来这儿的路上遇到了交通事故,所以迟到了。

  Incorrect: There was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late.

  Correct: There was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.

  6. 他们不理解我的想法。

  Incorrect: They didn't understand my mind.

  Correct: They didn't understand what I was thinking.

  7. 无论是他们还是我都不对这个错误负责。

  Incorrect: Neither they nor I are to blame for this mistake.

  Correct: Neither they nor I am to blame for this mistake.

  Preposition Use介词用法

  1. 让我来帮你完成工作吧。

  Incorrect: Let me help you to do your work.

  Correct: Let me help you with your work.

  2. 我建议你去休个长假。

  Incorrect: I recommend you to take a long vacation.

  Correct: I recommend that you take a long vacation.

  3. 过来。

  Incorrect: Come to here.

  Correct: Come here.

  4. 太阳从东方升起。

  Incorrect: The sun rises from the East.

  Correct: The sun rises in the East.

  5. 小偷是从窗户爬进来的。

  Incorrect: The thief got in from the window.

  Correct: The thief got in through the window.

  6. 让我们从第10页开始。

  Incorrect: Let's begin from page 10.

  Correct: Let's begin at(on) page 10.

  7. 我耐心有限。

  Incorrect: There is a limit in my patience.

  Correct: There is a limit to my patience.

  8. 请在白线内等待。

  Incorrect: Please wait inside the white line.

  Correct: Please wait behind the white line.

  9. 你家房子买了火险吗?

  Incorrect: Is your house insured for fire?

  Correct: Is your house insured against fire?

  10. 我没地方住。

  Incorrect: I have no house to live.

  Correct: I have no house to live in.

  11. 脸好脏!照照镜子。

  Incorrect: What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.

  Correct: What a dirty face! Look in the mirror.

  12. 这是我房间门钥匙。

  Incorrect: This is the key of my room.

  Correct: This is the key to my room.

  13. 我准备去上一个为期两年的英语课程。

  Incorrect: I am going to take a two-year course of English.

  Correct: I am going to take a two-year course in English.

  14. 末班车11点开,现在已经快11点了,赶紧的!

  Incorrect: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry!

  Correct: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly (almost) eleven now, Hurry!

  15. 把手从电线末端挪开。

  Incorrect: Leave your hand from the end of the wire.

  Correct: Let go of the end of the wire.

  16. 靠右走。

  Incorrect: Keep the right.

  Correct: Keep to the right.

  17. 不关你的事。

  Incorrect: It is not of only your business.

  Correct: It is none of your business.

  Word Choice单词选择

  1. 你的外套破了。

  Incorrect: Your coat is broken.

  Correct: Your coat is torn.

  2. 总之苏珊没犯错。

  Incorrect: Susan didn't make a fault anyway.

  Correct: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.

  3. 能借你电话用下吗?

  Incorrect: May I borrow your phone?

  Correct: May I use your phone?

  4. 他有所好转。

  Incorrect: He becomes better.

  Correct: He got better.

  5. 外面天还亮。

  Incorrect: It was still bright outside.

  Correct: It was still light outside.

  6. 在美国一般学生都不穿校服。

  Incorrect: Common students in U.S. don't wear a uniform.

  Correct: The average students in U.S. don't wear a uniform.

  7. 这道色拉是谁做的?

  Incorrect: Who cooked this salad?

  Correct: Who made this salad?

  8. 让我给你把把脉。

  Incorrect: Let me examine your pulse.

  Correct: Let me feel your pulse.

  9. 我把帽子忘在屋里了。

  Incorrect: I forget my hat in the house.

  Correct: I left my hat in the house.

  10. 你上过大学吗?

  Incorrect: Did you attend college?

  Correct: Did you go to college?

  11. 他的体温降下来了。

  Incorrect: His temperature went down.

  Correct: His temperature came down.

  12. 今天的报纸上有他写的关于香港的文章。

  Incorrect: Today's newspapers has his articles on HongKong.

  Correct: Today's newspapers carries his articles on HongKong.

  13. 开窗睡你会感冒的`。

  Incorrect: You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.

  Correct: You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.

  14. 我去医院探望了她生病的母亲。

  Incorrect: I visited her ill mother in the hospital.

  Correct: I visited her sick mother in the hospital.

  15. 她是第一名。

  Incorrect: She was first prize.

  Correct: She took first prize.

  16. 他失去意识很长时间了。

  Incorrect: He lost consciousness for a long time.

  Correct: He was unconscious for a long time.

  17. 他创造了世界纪录。

  Incorrect: He made a world record.

  Correct: He set a world record.

  18. 她婚姻幸福。

  Incorrect: Her marriage was happy.

  Correct: Her married life was happy.

  19. 今年夏天我要去自己的出生地看看,这是10年来的第一次。

  Incorrect: I'll visit my native place for the first time in ten years this summer.

  Correct: I'll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this summer.

  20. 这个座位有人吗?

  Incorrect: Is this seat empty?

  Correct: Is this seat taken?

  21. 我看他面熟。

  Incorrect: I know his face.

  Correct: I know him by sight.

  22. 我的手表不走了,我得拿去检查下。

  Incorrect: My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up.

  Correct: My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.

  Verb Use动词用法

  1. 你就是在这点上弄错了。

  Incorrect: This is where you mistake.

  Correct: This is where you are mistaken.

  2. 我哥哥一直在忙着准备期终考试。

  Incorrect: My brother has been busy in preparing for his final examination.

  Correct: My brother has been busy preparing for his final examination.

  3. 劳拉用了半天时间复习功课。

  Incorrect: Laura has spent half a day to revise her lessons.

  Correct: Laura has spent a half day revising her lessons.

  4. 我习惯了开灯看电视。

  Incorrect: I am used to watch television with the light on.

  Correct: I am used to watching television with the light on.

  5. 饭后,母亲提议去散步。

  Incorrect: After dinner, my mother suggested to go for a walk.

  Correct: After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.

  6. 政府正在考虑在伦敦新建一个机场的可能性。

  Incorrect: The government is considering the possibility to build a new airport in London.

  Correct: The government is considering the possibility of building a new airport in London.

  7. 他的新书将大卖。

  Incorrect: His new book will be sold well.

  Correct: His new book will sell well.

  8. 我有很多活要干。

  Incorrect: I have a lot of work to be done.

  Correct: I have a lot of work to do.

  9. 孩子们当时处境非常危险,一个杀气腾腾的疯子正挥着刀在幼儿园里乱跑。

  Incorrect: The children were very dangerous as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.

  Correct: The children were in great danger as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.



第一个是不同的名词(可数名词和不可数名词)有不同的量词修饰,而不能简单粗暴地混用。eg.I have an apple./I have a piece of paper.many/much,a few/a little





第六点,不同的地点要用不同的介词,有时候一个小小的介词会完全改变句子的意思。eg.at a car/in a car不同。



第九点,一般过去时和现在完成时的区别,like last week这样已经确定完全过去的时间出现的句子使用一般过去时,而例如this week,now,my life这样的句子要使用现在完成时。

第十个是比较简单的ed和ing的使用情况,不同的使用会导致完全不一样的句意。eg.I am interested/I am interesting.




  英语四级写作中,很多同学都会在简单的语法上犯错误。下面网我列举一些根据以往考试里考生在写作上易范的一些错误,希望童鞋们能写出更好更高分的文章~ 加油! 【 英语四级考试时间


  例如:My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误)

  My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)

  上面例句中,主语是My sister ,为第三人称,所以谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式goes才正确,这种主谓不一致的错误在写作中是很常见的问题,稍一疏忽就会犯,考生需要更加细心才行。


  例如:We should read books may be useful to us. (误)

  We should read books which may be useful to us. (正)



  例如:This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误)

  One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正)

  这一句的.错误有点中式英语的味道,逐字逐句对应翻译,there is 放在这里,累赘而又繁琐。


  例如:I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误)

  I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正)

  这个例句中前面是was walking ,所以后面也要用相应的过去进行时were,同一个句子里,没有特殊情况,前后时态时要保持一致的。

  We have little time to read some books which we interest. (误)

  We have little time to read some books in which we are interested. (正)

  这一句也可以说是定语从句语法错误,be interested in是我们都知道的固定搭配,所以它后面跟宾语一定要有介词in,所以从句引导词要用in which 。


  例如:It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误)

  In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正)

  这句中,be 后面是形容reading 的意思,所以要用到一个形容词,而selectively明显是一个副词。


  例如:In modern society, people are under various pressures(误)

  In modern society, people are under various kinds of pressure. (正)

  pressure是一种无形的但是有很多种类的事物,所以不能直接在后面加复数s,但是要形容他多,各种各样后面加一个种类kinds of 就正确表达出了复数形式。


  例如:The traffic accident was taken place at the junction of two highways. (误)

  The traffic accident took place at the junction of two highways. (正)

  发生是一个主动的过程,没有什么事是被发生的,所以不能用was taken place 。


  例如:They should spent much time. (误)

  They should spend much time. (正)



  例如:We must pay attention to it and make solutions to the problem. (误)

  We must pay attention and find a solution to the problem. (正)

   10、There be句型的误用。

  例如:There exists some new problems such as being dishonest. (误)

  There exist/arise some new problems such as being dishonest. (正)

  There be句型中动词一般用原型,exist/arise 不需要变成第三人称单数形式。







1. Thank you, thank you, I very much thank you.(I thank you very much)

2.I very much like the film.

3.Dear Wang little sister, from see you one eye, I shit love you. You eyes close, I die. You eyes open, I come back to life….

析: like与dislike

I like sth.

I like sth. a little.

I like sth a lot/very much.

I don’t like sth./ I dislike sth.

I don’t like sth at all./I dislike sth at all.


1.Youisa well man.(good--well) 你是个好人。

2. Therearemome money in my pocket.

3. He, as well as his classmates,aregood at English.



Iamcome fromChina, while Tomiscome fromthe USA.


I∧at home yesterday.(主语后缺was,介词、介词短语不能单独作谓语,作谓词时,前面要加be动词。)


I∧tall, but she∧short.(分别缺am,is)



Ireadinga book now.(Iam readinga book.)

2、 当我敲门的时候他在看电视。

HewatchingTV when I knocked at the door.(Hewas watching…).



Heoften readEnglish in the morning.

2.Our teacher oftensaythat success lies in hard work.



I have asmallsister.


Iquestionedmy teacher a question.


1. My father is a teacher, mymatheris a nurse.

2. I have made greatprogresin learning English.(progress)



This is your book, that ismy book.(用mine代替my book,book 就不重复。)

2. We are allinhere.



Hewashere since three years ago.(has been)


He said is interesting. (缺主语,应是:What he said is…)


1. 他昨天去贵阳,坐在班车前面。

He went to Guiyiang, sittingin front ofthe bus.(in the front of )

2. She always complainsforthe society.(complain about)


I am veryangrily.

  2.This is an most interesting book.(误译为:这是最有趣的书。)

3. Of the three girls, she istall.(the tallest)



Ispendedthree days reading the novel.

It taked me three days to read the novel.


My henliedand layedan egg yesterday.(lay and laid)


1. I made manyfriendin the summer camp

2. She gave me someadvices.

3. Huangguoshu Waterfall is one of the biggestwaterfallin the world.(one of +the+可数名词复数,意为: “……之一”。)



Imother is a teacher andshemother is a nurse.


Ushard work.(We)


1.  他是我的一个朋友。

He is a friend of I.(mine)

2. OnTeacher’s Day, I gave my teacher some flowers.


1、 我的狗比你的狗大。

My dog is bigger thanyou.

2. I amsotall as Lucy.



Having discussedseveral times, the decision was finally made.(Having been discussed…)


1) He claimedto seea monster in the lake.(to have seen)


1)In order to health, I often walk in the morning.(in order to do sth.)

2) There was lots of rain in the area,to floodmany fields.(flooding)


Dressingin red, she looks beautiful.(Dressed)


1). Preparing dinner, the doorbell rang.

2). Walking in the street, a car hit an old man.




He is the only one of the students whodo well inChinese.(does)


The robot worker,who/thatwas invented last year, is cleaning the windows.(which)

3) “whose+n” 误认为只能指人。

She lives in the building,     door faces south.

4) “..of which/whom与…of them”混用。

He got quite a lot of birthday presents from his friends,none of    whichappealing to him. (them)

5) 关系副词与that/which

I’ll never forget the dayswhenwe spent together.(that/which作的宾语spent,且可省。)



Thathe did was wrong.(What引导主语从句,同时充当did的宾语)

As/Itis well-known to all is that Mr. Li is the most popular teacher in our scholl.(What引导主语从句,同时充当主语从句中的主语)


I don’t know if hecomes, if he comes, he’ll ring me up.(will come)

3)It’s why…和It’s because…引导表语从句用混。

His mother is ill, that’sbecausehe did come to school today.


以上就是关于常见的英语错误 ,英语语法错误检测在线的全部内容,以及常见的英语错误 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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    本文目录 1.8岁自我介绍加才艺表演 2.英语自我介绍及才艺展示 3.才艺表演用英语怎么说 4.才艺少年的自我介绍50字 8岁自我介绍加才艺表演 翻译成英文是English self introduction plus talent performance with translation 下图是翻译截图 英语自我介绍及才艺展示 HI, my name is________. It's very pleasure to meet you guys here. I'm a________(your grade, such as 10th grader) of ________(the name …

  • 谓语动词和非谓语动词用法 ,英语中的谓语和非谓语的形式和用法区别

    本文目录 1.英语中的谓语和非谓语的形式和用法区别 2.什么是谓语动词和非谓语动词? 3.谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别思维导图 4.谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别举例 英语中的谓语和非谓语的形式和用法区别 谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别: 1) 谓语动词在句中可单独作谓语,而非谓语动词不能单独作谓语. Miss Mary teaches us English. 玛丽教我们英语.(teaches 动词作谓语) Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week. 维克托先生上周来到了我们教室和我们谈话. (to have a t…
