小学therebe句型的题和答案 ,there be句型题目及答案


there be句型题目及答案

there be 句型表示某处有某物,如There is a window in the wall.意思是:墙上有一扇窗户。

there be句型题目及答案

关于there be句型的题

There is (a pen and a pencil ) in the box. 有个铅笔和港币在盒子里。
问题是: 在盒子里有什么?
What's in the box?
what's …是什么(等于what is);…有什么(等于what has)
是what's 的含义决定了这个地方问句中没有there。

关于there be句型的题

there be句型的题目及答案


  1. There ____C___ a lot of traffic at this time of day ,so you'd better_______more careful
    A. has,be        B. have,been
    C. is,be          D.are,are
    2. There___A____ some water in the cup
    A. is B.am  C. are D. be
    3. ___A___there enough good news in today's newspaper?
    A. Is B. Are  C. Were D. Was
    4. How many people ___B___in your family
    A. do you have      B. are there
    C. you had          D.there are
    5. There __A_____ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them
    A. is  B. are  C. has  D. have
    6. How many teachers___B___there in your school
    B. is  B. are  C. have  D. has
    7. There___A___an apple tree near the river
    A. is  B. am  C. are    D. be
    8. There__D____ a talk about American country music in our school tonight
    A. will have          B. is going to have
    C. is going to has     D. will be
    9.There __A____anything new in today's newspaper
    A. isn't  B. aren't  C. hasn't  D. haven't
    10. There___C___sheep in the field
    A. is small          B. are much
    C. are a few        D. are a little
    11. There are ___D___in the field .They are eating grass
    A. a horse         B. much horse
    C. many horse     D. many horses
    12. There is no rice in the bag C
    A. is it           B. isn't it
    C. is there        D. isn't there
    13. There __D____many trees here two years ago
    A. was  B. is  C. are  D. were
    14. __A____? There are five
    A.How many boxes on the table
    B. What are those   C.What's this
    D. How many boxes are there on the table
    15.___D___on the table
    A. The pen is     B. There is the pen
    C. Pen is         D. There has a pen
    16. There _A_____a new bed and an old desk in the room
    A. is   B. are   C. have   D.has
    17. There ___B___an important meeting tomorrow
    A. will have            B.will be
    C. is going to have    D. is going to has
    18.__D____many trees here three years ago
    A. There is         B. There was
    C. There are       D. There were
    19. There ___D___thousands of works in that one
    A. am    B. have  C. be  D.  are
    20. There ___D___a lot more people in this room than in that one
    A. is   B. am  C. have  D. Are



there be句型的题目及答案

小学there be句型专练及答案

在四年级教材中,首次出现There be句型:
There is a bee on the board.


there be:表示某地有某物,指没有生命的物体有。
例如:There are many books in the schoolbag.

have/has: 表示有生命的人或者动物有。
例如:I have many books.

1. 教室里有很多桌子和凳子。
There are many desks and chairs in the classroom.

2. 冰箱有很多水果。
There are many fruits in the fridge.

3. 小猫有一身干净而洁白的毛。
The cat has clean and white hair.

4. 树上有两个风筝和一只鸟。
There are two kites and a bird in the tree.
There is a bird and two kites in the tree.

5. 男生们都留着短头发。
The boys have short hair.

6. 书桌里有三本故事书和一个书包。
There are three story-books and a schoolbag in the desk.

7. 苹果树上没有苹果。
There are apples on the apple-tree.
-- There are not apples on the apple-tree.

8. 树上没有三个苹果但是有三个风筝。
There are not three apples on the tree, but there are three kites in the tree.
此句要注意苹果、风筝和树的不同属关系,在翻译时要注意in the tree和on the tree的区别。

9. 家里没有人。
There are not people at home.

10. 书架上有很多书。
There are many books on the shelf.

小学there be句型专练及答案

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