吵架的英语作文 ,英语作文和朋友吵架了带翻译



During my first year, I and my friends fight, the way it is.
In an art class, my friend told me to take crayons, I very readily lent him. When he was in the picture, when suddenly I do not know how else crayon off, he took half back to me, the other half of their own to continue painting. When I saw this half crayons, I thought: how he broke the crayons do not tell me, also half left, only half still me? I glanced at him glances over to see him still holding my crayon drawing it? Also painted with relish. At this point I was so sad, I lent him crayons how the other half still in his hand? I am very happy to say: "You broke my crayon not say, but also left half in their own hands, and I want you to lose my new crayons." "Lose to lose, what is so amazing. "He loudly said. So we fight, who do not ignore who after.
After school, I went home and told my mother this thing, my mother criticized me, and then said: "You students to tolerance, not because of a little trivial quarrel." After listening to her mother's words, I'm sorry. The next day the school, a good friend who met him on the whereabouts of a sincere apology.
Solidarity between our students to help each other and resolve conflicts. Let's not let little things ruin the friendship between us.



Tom, you shouldn't argue with your parents. They sometimes do
things to Hello, pitiful world parents heart, all parents hope that
their children can grow up happy. Your parents sometimes say you is for
you, you should not quarrel with them, and they should be understood



I stomped into my room this afternoon and threw the door shut. I was just so angry, so sad. For the millionth time, my parents and I disagreed at the question of getting me tutoring. My father persisted that if I don’t go to Maths and English tuition, then I would fail my exams, get kicked out of school and wind up poor and starved on the streets! That is so unfair! Why can I not get good grades through my own effort and talent? There is something in this world that is more important than that number on your exam paper, and that something is your own ability to learn and create. But my parents just don’t understand that. Well, perhaps that is called the generation gap. But I really hope that we can communicate with each other and solve this problem.



My mother and I had a quarrel
School type in the evening, I had a fight with my most loving mother, I am very sad, I think my mother is also very sad.
On the way home, my mother was very angry so loudly that I, then the grandparents also say me. I was so angry and fly into a rage, but I still don't say that, because I know I can't quarrel with their parents, but I still small voice saying: "don't That's going too far.".
At home, my mother to eat something, I say I will go, mother and glared at me, so I'm afraid.
But I think my mother is also good for me, my beautiful mother. Right?


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