关于火灾逃生的英语句子 ,在火灾中怎样保护自己英语作文六十词加翻译



To calm do not panic, leave the scene to have order, not crowded, otherwise we can't run block. If temporarily unable to evacuate to try to lie on the floor, with a wet towelblocked nose and mouth, avoid smoke inhalation. High escape to find strong rope orwith curtains, bed sheet, clothes and so on to form a rope and check the firm down, not blindly jump. Near the window for help. Disconnect the power, turn off the gas. Not formoney affect escape time. Women's stockings and chemical fiber clothing is best offaway from the fire source, chemical fiber clothing flammable. Gloves to bring the best,lest scratch blistered fingers escape. Listen to the fire personnel command,coordination work. To have a firm confidence and desire to survive, I believe we canchange danger into safety.



  火魔无情,当你被困在火场内生命受到威胁时,在等待消防员救助的时间里,你能够利用地形和身边的物体采取积极有效的自救 措施 吗?以下是我和您分享的三篇火灾逃生 方法 的 英语 作文 。以供参考。


  many people now rive and work in very tart buildings. it is often not so easy to get away from these buildings in an emergency, resulting in great toss of lives. so how to survive in case of a fire is a problem concerning all those involved.

  no one knows for sure when a fire witt happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it in the dark when lights have failed. find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to learn how to use it.

  don't lose your head if unfortunately a fire breaks out. first, telephone the fire department immediately when the fire just gets started. take care not to be overcome by smoke, which containing monoxide gas, can kill you quickly. cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke. don't get in an elevator, as you may get trapped if the electricity fails. if you can not get away by yourself, it is of great importance to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help.

  in short, if you make preparations before hand and take precautions during the fire, chances are that you will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day.


  What should you do to be out of free?

  1.As you sit in any crowd, pick out an exit which is not the one where most persons enter and plan to use if necessary

  2.If a rush starts,do not get into it. Stay still. Let it pass. Then go to the exit you hace chosen.

  3.Do not cry out. Speak quietly.Act calmly

  4.Do not stop fo your hat and coat unless they are at hand5.If there is smoke,crouch.The best air is about three feet above the floor6.When you are outside the building,stay out.Many dead would be alive if they had not returned for something7.When you get out,move far from the door so others can get out.


  One night, when I was about to go to sleep, I suddenly heard an explosion of bomb. I watched out from the window and saw that heavy smog rise from a factory near my home. Then flames leap out. My father realized that it was an explosion and then caused a fire. He called 119 and 120 immediately. At the same time, my neighborhoods looked out from balconies and windows. They made phone calls, telling others what happened, or discussed with others. After a while, several fire engines and ambulances arrived. They immediately starting to put out the fire and rescue the trapped people. About half an hour later, the fire was put out, two people injured and no people died. It was lucky. However, it reminds us that we should focus on preventing fire carefully in daily life. A slightest mistake may cause serious consequences.



“how to protect ourselves in a fire disaster”. When a fire breaks out, we should keep calm and dial 119 as soon as possible and remember to tell the exact site where the fire broke out. Cut off the electricity and don’t open any windows because the oxygen comes in will make the fire bigger. If possible, try to find the extinguisher to put out the fire. Don’t take elevators and stick to the stairs if you are trying to escape. Also, we should cover our mouths and noses with a wet cloth to protect ourselves from the smoke. I hope these tips can give you a great help in your daily life.


以上就是关于关于火灾逃生的英语句子 ,在火灾中怎样保护自己英语作文六十词加翻译的全部内容,以及关于火灾逃生的英语句子 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年12月09日13时17分01秒
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