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  ▶1. 主动句变被动句


  Eg1: It is said that …据说/相传

  Eg2:I suggest that … It is suggested that …

  Eg3:Effective measures should be taken before things get worse.表建议

  Eg4: your prompt attention to my enquiry would be highly appreciated. 表感激

  Eg5:Students should study hard.

  Students are expected / well-advised to study hard.

  ▶2. 简单句变从句


  A. 主语从句:

  Eg1:What worries many parents is that Internet or computer games may impact kids’ study.

  Eg2:It is said that an emperor of ancient China discovered Tea 5,000 years ago. (it为形式主语;that从句为真正主语)


  Eg1:Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life is measured by how much they can borrow, not by how much they can earn.

  Eg2: I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to study hard.

  Eg3:明智的人不为别人的想法所影响。The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.

  C. 表语从句:

  Eg1:That is why China is called the “Kingdom of Bicycles”.

  Eg3:In team games, practice is what improves our sense of cooperation.

  D. 同位语从句

  Eg1:(Martin Luther King) I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." (该句中a dream = that 从句,)

  Eg2:Others hold the different idea that online shopping brings us some problems.

  E. 含同位语句式

  A.人 身份

  Eg. I am convinced that …

  As a college student, I am convinced that …

  I, as a college student, am convinced that …

  B. 物 性质

  Eg. A strong will brings us power …

  As a vital quality, a strong will brings us power…

  A strong will, as a vital quality, brings us power…


  Eg1:As I see, the causes of this phenomenon are diverse.

  The causes of this phenomenon, as I see, are diverse.

  Eg2:All of a sudden, the silence of the lake was broken by a scream.

  The silence of the lake, all of a sudden, was broken by a scream.

  Eg3:Even so, others hold a different view.

  Others, even so, hold a different view.

  Eg4:Like anything else, automobiles have more than one side. (汽车跟很多其他事物一样,具有两面性)

  Automobiles, like anything else, have more than one side.

  F. 定语从句:


  2)在中心名词后加入定从,关系词who, whose, whom, where, which, when

  Eg1:Taobao is a particularly popular website. ? Taobao is a particularly popular website, where/in which customers can purchase various goods.

  Eg2:I will advice my foreign friend to visit Great Wall, where he or she can acquire knowledge of Chinese history.?

  ▶3. it 句式

  A. 形式主语 it is +被动/形容词/名词+that从句/to do …

  Eg1:It is suggested/ well-advised / supposed / proposed that sb. should (not) do …

  Eg2:It is essential / necessary / advisable / convenient/ difficult/ hard/ comfortable for sb. (not) to do

  Eg3:It is essential / necessary that sb. should (not) do …

  Eg4:It is useless/useful doing sth.

  B. 形式宾语

  Eg1:An increasing number of students find it difficult to spell common words correctly.

  Eg2:An increasing number of parents find it hard to have opportunities to chat with kids, who spend too much time on computers.

  Eg3:A host of youngsters find it rather boring and hard to understand literature.

  ▶4. 强调句

  A. 强调谓语:

  Eg1:I love you. /I do love you. / I did love you.

  Eg2:Cell phone/ Internet/ computer brings us convenience.

  Cell phone/ Internet/ computer does bring us convenience.

  B. 强调句式:It is/was +被强调成分+that/who+句子其他成分。


  a. 先写出正确的简单句、并列句或复合句,明确单句的各个成分。

  b. 在被强调成分(除谓语和补语外)两边添加it is/was 和that/who, 其他成分不变,必要时调整顺序。

  【强调句式特征】去掉it is/was…that/who结构,整个句子无冗余或成分残缺。

  Eg1:My mother always encourages me not to lose heart when I have difficulties in study.

  It is my mother who/that always encourages me not to lose heart when I have difficulties in study.

  It is when I have difficulties in study that my mother always encourages me not to lose heart.

  Eg2:Parents’ protection does not enable kids to build up adequate ability to face social competition.

  (强调句式否定形式)It is parents’ protection that does not enable kids to build up adequate ability to face social competition.

  Eg3:The Internet does not enable some youngsters to spend adequate time in chatting with others face to face.

  It is the Internet that does not enable some youngsters to spend adequate time in chatting with others face to face.

  ▶5. 倒装

  A. 表否定的副词、短语或状语位于主语之前或句首,主句半倒装(一般疑问句语序);如never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, little, on no account, by mo means, in no case,

  Eg1:I will never agree. Never will I agree.

  B. Only +状语位于句首,主句半倒装。

  Eg1:When my beloved is beside myself, I can feel the true happiness.

  Only when my beloved is beside myself, can I feel the true happiness.

  Eg2:When his computer crashes, he will come down-stairs for something to eat.

  Only when his computer crashes, will he come down-stairs for something to eat.

  Eg3:By doing small things, teenagers can accumulate ability and experience for something big.

  Only doing small thing, can teenagers accumulate ability and experience for something big.


  Eg1:Although she is a girl, Zeng Yike is called Brother Zeng.

  Girl as she is, Zeng Yike is called Brother Zeng.

  Eg2:Though it is convenient, online shopping leads to some problems.

  Convenient as/though it is, online shopping leads to some problems.

  Eg3:Although it is simple, what the picture conveys is thought-provoking.

  Simple as it is, what the picture conveys is thought-provoking.


  Eg1:no ____ is / are more _____ than ________.

  In contemporary society, no means of communication is more popular and common than cell phones.

  Eg2:A strong will is very important.

  The importance of a strong will cannot be too emphasized.

  Eg3:Education helps people to acquire knowledge, skills and new visions.

  Without education, it is impossible for people to acquire knowledge, skills and new visions.

  ▶7. Ving/ved 状语

  A. 两个动作同时发生且主语一致,将次要动作写成v-ing或v-ed形式做状语,即动作与逻辑主语之间为主动关系时写成v-ing形式、为被动关系是写成V-ed形式。

  Eg1:I climbed the stairs. I took a suitcase.

  I climbed the stairs, taking a suitcase.

  Climbing the stairs, I took a suitcase.

  Eg2:When they are compared with cars, bicycles are superior in several ways.

  Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in several ways.

  Bicycles, compared with cars, are superior in several ways.

  B.两个动作主语一致,但前后发生,则可将先发生的.动作写成Having +ved形式。

  Eg1:He had lived in this city for years. He had no difficulty finding the way home.

  Having lived in this city for years, he had no difficulty finding the way home.

  ▶8. 排比结构

  Eg1:Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. (Bacon)

  Eg2:We shall fight on the hills. We shall fight in the streets. We shall fight blood and sweet and tears. (Churchill)


  As a vital quality, confidence brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for life, and helps us to conquer difficulties.






  1. 语态和时态

  —Do you see those people on the little sandy island?

  —Yes, they _______ handkerchiefs for the last half hour. I wonder why.

  A. were waving B. waved C. had waved D. have been waving


  【高考考点】考查动词时态。现在完成进行时:表示一个从过去某一时刻开始的动作,一直延续到说话时还在进行或刚结束,句中常出现用for, since, how long等引导的时间状语。e.g. His telephone has been ringing for a long time.e.g. It has been raining since last Sunday. e.g. How long have you been wearing glasses?



  A选项是were waving——过去进行时,它指的是:①过去某一时刻正在进行;②过去某一阶段正在进行;B.waved——过去时,过去某时间发生的且已完成的动作,所以我们知道A和B这两个时态都是和过去有关,而和现在是没有一点关系的,所以A和B这两个答案错了。

  C. had waved——过去完成时:过去某一时刻或某一动作前完成的动作或状态,那么它所表达的时候是在过去的过去,例如:e.g. By the end of last year, we had built 5 new schools.到去年年底为止,我们已经建造了5所学校。首先,过去的时间是去年年底;而句子表达的意思是在去年年底之前,所以我们用过去完成时——had build.和现在是更加没有联系了,所以这个答案也是不正确的。

  题干中的时间状语是“for the last half hour”,注意这个last不是指“最后的”,而是指“刚才的——在刚才的半个小时里”,那么往往呢句中出现last,或者是last half hour、recent这种词的话,我们一般都会选择现在完成进行时,因为它指的是“刚才”,那么肯定指“从刚才到现在”。所以本题答案是D.

  2. 名词性从句

  The information could be helpful to ____will take over the job.

  A. those B. who C. whoever D. anyone



  【题干句意】“这个消息可能会对任何将接管这个工作的人有所帮助。”whoever = anyone who“任何怎么怎么样的人”所以这个答案是正确的。我们再来看其他几个答案为什么不对呢?高考英语语法必考点

  【详细解析】A选项是those,如果those填在这里的话就会变成缺少关系代词who,如选those,那those will take over the job“那些人将会取代这个工作”,它就变成了一个独立的句子,而不是一个从句,更加就不是一个宾语从句了,所以从原则上说它是错误的,那么怎样改才是正确的呢?很简单,只要在这个those的后面加一个关系代词who,把它变成一个定语从句——those who will take over the job,“那些将要接管这个工作的人”,那么这样就可以了。

  B选项是who在名词性从句中表示疑问,e.g. Who will take over the job has not been decided yet. D选项是anyone,错误的原因也是缺少关系代词who.

  比较those who和anyone who,前者是“那些……的人”,后者表示“任何……的人”。区别就是在于those who是一个复数的概念,“那些人”,后面的谓语动词要用复数;而anyone who是表示任何一个人,后面要用单数的谓语动词。

  3. 虚拟语气和情态动词

  —David, we went to Lake Geneva for the weekend.

  —That _______ a very nice change. I wish I had gone there.

  A. must be B. must have been C. could be D. could have been




  第一,must be表示的是“现在的状态”,He must be a teacher. 他肯定是一个老师。

  第二,must be doing表示“现在进行的动作”,They must be having a meeting in the office.他们现在肯定正在办公室里开会。

  第三,must have done表示“过去发生的事情”,You must have met him yesterday.你昨天肯定见过他了。让我们看一下将“must have been”填到题干里面是否正确?句意:“David,我们周末去了日内瓦湖。”“哦,那肯定是一个非常好的改变,我希望我也去那里了。”这里是表示一个肯定的推测;又因为是上个周末的事情,说明这件事情已经发生了,我们所以用B. must have been,而不是A。

  【详细解析】C选项是could轻微的怀疑或委婉的陈述看法,“可能”e.g. His story could be true, but I hardly think it is.他所说的这个故事可能是真的,但是我基本上不相信。

  D选项是could have done虚拟语气,某事过去有可能发生而实际没有,“本来可以”,表示惋惜、遗憾 e.g. The accident could have been prevented.这个车祸原本是可以避免的。e.g. You could have done better, but you didn't try your best.你原本是可以做的更好的,但是你并没有尽自己最大的努力。

  4. 代词

  Knowledge begins to increase as soon as one individual communicates his ideas to _______ by means of speech.

  A. other B. another C. the other D. an other



  【详细解析】other用作代词时,意为“另一个”、“别人”,不单独使用:the other, others, the others.

  1. the other ① 两者中的另一个,与one连用(就两者),one hand / the other hand ② 用作定语 + [pl.],另一方中的“全部其余的” I like this book, and I like the other books too. 我喜欢这本书,我也喜欢其他所有的书。

  2. others是other的.[pl.],泛指“别的人或物”(但不含全部) 。e.g. Some are carrying water; others are watering the trees. 一些人在提水,另外一些人在浇树。(others指的“其他人”不是剩下的全部,而是“一部分”)

  3. the others是the other的复数形式,特指“全部其余的人或物”。e.g. I have ten pencils. Two of them are red, and the others are blue.我有10支铅笔,其中的两支是红色的,其余的(8只)是蓝色的。

  4. another用作代词时,常与one组合构成one …another,“另一个人”、“另一回事”,指同一组内的两个个体。e.g. One person may like fishing, while another may prefer hunting.一个人可能是喜欢钓鱼,而另一个可能喜欢打猎。(世界上不可能有2个人,所以它指的是没有一个特指的,“其他一个人”)

  【题干句意】知识是开始增加的,当一个个人把他的想法通过语言表达给另一个人的时候。这里指的是另一个人,并没有一个特指的范围说是谁,是哪里的另外一个人,所以用one …another。D选项没有这种用法。

  5. 非谓语动词

  Almost every one of the graduates wants to deliver the keynote speech at the graduation ceremony. For the speaker, _______is an honour.

  A. invited B. being invited C. be invited D. inviting



  【详细解析】遇到动词要考虑四点:① 先判断是谓语还是非谓语;② 主语;③ 主语和非谓语动词的主/被动关系;④ 非谓语动词与谓语动词的时间关系e.g. Being exposedto the sun for too much time will do harm to one's skin.在太阳下暴露太久对皮肤有害。 e.g. The girl's being educated in a good environment is what her parents have expected.这个女孩在一个良好的环境中受到教育是她父母所期望的。

  A选项 invited是过去分词不能充当主语。C选项be invited不是非谓语形式。非谓语要么是to do不定式,要么是动名词ing,要么是现在分词ing,或者是过去分词ed. D选项语态错误,应该用被动。

















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