家庭趣事50字左右英文 ,小学四年级英语演讲稿我的家庭



下面就来听听我对那可恶的蚊子的介绍吧!蚊子:昆虫,身体细长,胸部有一对翅膀和三对细长的脚,幼虫和蛹都生长在水中。雄蚊子吸植物的汁液;雌蚊子吸人畜的血液,能传播疾病! 暑假里,我和爸爸妈妈回老家去看望爷爷奶奶。 有一天晚上,我坐在床上看书,蚊子在墙上部署好了战略后,一起从各个方面朝我袭击,我听见“嗡嗡嗡”的声音后急忙放下
书。“啊!”我一边六神无主地喊一边赶忙使出“快速抓抓抓”来应付阻挡。我左抓抓,又抓抓而命中率却只有0.1%,可他们的命中率却高达101%!我美味的鲜血都成了蚊子的囊中之物,而我也并不太吃亏,获得了丰厚的战利品——一个个不小的疙瘩。 爸爸听见“啊”的声音之后,迅速来到我的房间。他看见“一大群”蚊子围着我!立马用手“啪啪”地打了起来。
果然有几只蚊子被爸爸打死了。“还有几只呢!”我担心地说“没事儿,我给它们都打死!”蚊子嗡嗡嗡地边飞边说:“来呀,你不是说要把我们都打死吗?来呀!哈哈!” “怎么啦?怎么啦?”妈妈也闻声赶来。“啊,怎么有这么多的蚊子?”说着便从桌子上拿了两本书,也开始加入了这场“无烟的战役”。突然,妈妈看见爸爸背上有一只“蚊子”,“啪”的一声,书拍到了爸爸的背上,紧接着“啊呀”一声传进了我的耳朵里。
“疼啊,你干嘛?”“我……”妈妈看清楚爸爸背上的是颗小黑痣而不是蚊子后说:“我在给你捶背呢!嘿嘿!” 过一会儿,那几只蚊子终于“心甘情愿:地被爸爸妈妈打死了。 我真应该把你们两个打蚊子时的情景录下来,让你们好好看看!”爸爸妈妈便挠头边说:“有那么可笑吗?”“当然了!”“不会吧?”……我们顿时在一片笑声的海洋里。



One Saturday, our one family in the read a book, read the newspaper, all be sleepy straws., boring. I feel there is any sound, looked around, suddenly, I turned to find a" war." -- the mouse is carefree and content in my house" walk", our family it boosted the spirit, my father and I are" the dangerous". I got up at the mouse mouse fly one foot, a" Ling Bo." the quick dodge my attack with a" father a dig", the whole family also followed laughed. Mouse found themselves being hunted, scattered.My father and I a person to hold a weapon -- the broom on mice in hot pursuit, pursued while playing, but could not get it, mom laugh straight over the abdomen. After a great battle, the mouse was finally my" qwe" hit, and fly a few meters away, the mouse" Ji" a shriek, to escape to the sofa. Fortunately, my father and I eye, two a broom with a block, a mouse can go without the road," bystander" sounded a thunderous applause. My father and morale. I have a" Foshan no shadow kick", the mouse was played straight roll, I" throwing" a laugh. In the battle is over, the mouse stepped back a few steps, a pair of take death calmly posture, then rushed to the broom before leap, in the sky to draw a beautiful arc, even from me and dad encirclement jump out!The mouse like a mad woman into the seat, scared my mother uttered a loud deafen the ear with its roar scream, the mouse stayed for a while and then recovered in the cabinet of the. My father and I laughed and rolled, which still had the strength to hit the mouse.Grandpa to see us for a long time not catch mice, finally personally. Grandpa first mother boots in the corner, and then took a peanuts on the outside of the shoes. The mouse smell smell, also like to fly off with the peanut into shoes. I rushed to a pinch welt, a bash at. The rat shook out a look, had not" rat" ... ... The whole family a cheer, and victory.Oh, the rats is really interesting! In fact, as long as the small back home every thing, you will also find family fun oh!。



One Saturday,our whole family are to read a book,read newspaper,everyone is sleepy,boring.I always feel the house has what sound,look back for a moment,suddenly,I turn found a "war fuse" - mice are low-pressure in my "walk",our whole family the spirits,I and my father is "murderous look up into the sky".I got up and to the mouse fly up a foot,mouse a "ling2 Po wei2 a step" agile away my attack made dad a "cynical",the whole family with laughing.Mice found himself was after,fled in every direction.




Look,this is my family photo .


This is my father .His work in hard,Because he is a driver.


This is my mother .My mother doesn’t have a job .


Because I have a sister and a brother,My mother must take care of us .


My sister’s name is Wang Meng yao .My brother’s name is Wang Lu yao .They are cute .


This is my uncle,My uncle also is a driver.My aunt is a shop assistant .but she desn’t like her job she wants to be a poliewoman.


My uncle desn’t like to be a policeman Because he thinks it’s a little dangerous Those are my cousins .


They are leaming at kangyuan Middle school .they like going to the mories with me .their favorite actor is paul Jackson .


He har a new movie, My Fatber’s Birtbday .It’s a very funny comedy .these are my grandparentThis is my family.


Do you like then ?I do.


以上就是关于家庭趣事50字左右英文 ,小学四年级英语演讲稿我的家庭的全部内容,以及家庭趣事50字左右英文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年12月07日13时28分41秒
下一篇 2022年12月07日13时30分08秒


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