学校室内有哪些英语单词 ,学校里各种房间的英文单词怎么写



  学校里阅览室的英文单词:reading room

  1. An inmate surnamed Wang answered that they had a reading room filled with books, newspapers and magazines and were allowed to watch TV.

  2. The recently expanded and reopened gallery has three rooms - a reading room, a painting room and a parlor.

  3. The program promoted basketball court refurbishment and entailed a reading room donation project for the school.

  4. Now her reading room includes cartoons, fairy tales and other children's books.

  5. The library of Zhangjiakou City in north China's Hebei Province has opened a special reading room for the blind.

  6. It has set aside a reading room exclusive for rare books, and tightened the circulation policy.

  7. One of the oldest maps was a Tudor world map dating from 1520 lifted from the British Library's reading room.

  8. Carved in the Reading room, each order of Raclette comes with boiled new potatoes and other tradition condiments.

  9. He was shown walking slowly but steadily in an unidentified room and reading a newspaper in a loud voice.

  10. The National Library has not set aside a room especially for children, which means it ignores the reading requirements of children.

  学校里教室的英文单词:school room

  1. Like an usual day we went to school, Toshie thought she could let kitties hanging around so she opened bedroom's door let cats could take a walk(Adan was locked in my room alone). But after I came home, I saw Toshie hold Margaret and 2ndKen and little-Ken crying, I asked her what's wrong. And realize that 2nd-Ken and little-Ken super running in the house, and crashed the jossand joss stick.


  2. He lives, n. t. is a school in his room can see the periphery of the school, sometimes came the sound of the students, but frolics won't feel what habit.


  3. Head office is located in the south inner Dabei Choi Street, Room 3052 School senior.


  4. In the evening of 1st March, the sixth general election of Microsoft presidium of Shandong University Club began in Room 205, Science Complex Building in Eastern new school.


  5. Connect a telephone call: 1390219****(the schoolboy's phone) copied a lot of pieces, stick on the telegraph pole of the driveway, the water room of the school also gives stuck.


  6. Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to do, and home has become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made, washing can go to the laundry, food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved, bread is baked and delivered by the baker, milk arrives on the doorstep, meals can be had at the restaurant, the workers'canteen, and the school dining-room.



  1. Gasquet said he had a hair sample tested by an independent lab " which showed no trace of cocaine ".

  2. BEIJING - A leading Chinese medical expert is facing accusations of scientific misconduct and has had his research lab closed by a Canadian heart institute.

  3. His family had just moved into a beautiful colonial house in Cambridge and invited everyone working in his lab over for a party.

  4. Grabbing handles on one side of the capsule which was colored khaki to signal " ground ", he quickly made his way into the space lab module.

  5. The Oak Ridge Lab's carbon dioxide information analysis center will play a key role.

  6. The space agency hopes to get funding for a third and final flight next summer, to restock the orbiting lab in case the commercial launch companies fall behind.

  7. Mackey cautioned that the study was done in a controlled lab environment, and it did not look at the differences between chronic and acute pain.

  8. The IOC reanalyzed a total of 948 samples from Beijing after new lab tests for CERA and insulin became available following the Olympics.

  9. After the lab examination, the sperm is frozen and given a code number while it awaits an HIV check.



美术教室 art room
教室 classroom
音乐教室 music room
教师办公室 teachers'office
校长办公室 principal's office




1、 classroom教室

2、 blackboard黑板

3、 chal**笔

4、 projector投影仪

5、 whiteboard白板

6、 laboratory实验室

7、 playground操场

8、 library图书馆

9、 swimming pool游泳池

10、 basketball court篮球场

11、 football/soccer field足球场

12、 tennis court网球场

13、 canteen餐厅

14、 dormitory宿舍

15、 recreation center娱乐中心

16、 audio & yisual lab视听实验室

17、 stadium体育馆

18、 chemistry lab化学实验室

19、 biology lab生物实验室

20、 physics lab物理实验室


Playground(操场),library(图书馆),canteen(饭堂),administration building(行政楼),office(办公室),classroom(课室),complex building(综合楼)。








以上就是关于学校室内有哪些英语单词 ,学校里各种房间的英文单词怎么写的全部内容,以及学校室内有哪些英语单词 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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