号召大家做家务的英文句子 ,帮妈妈做家务英语短句子



1.帮爸爸妈妈做家务的一些英语句子.如:(1)I helped mum clean the

i helped my mum wash the dishes.

i helped my mum mop the floor.

i helped my dad clean the table.

i helped my dad sweep the floor.

i helped my mum wash the clothes.

i helped my mum clean the windows.

i helped my dad clean up the room.


The new year is coming,My parents are all in busy with the housework.I am glad to help them very much.I choose to clean the windows.The window shone the room also to be able to shine.I wash the cleaning rag.i Wash everywhere carefully.Beacause of the cleaning rag is wet.Then the windows look like a painted face.I use the surface paper to clean the windows again.Finally,the windows are translucent.The sunlight penetration window shines.The sunlight shines on I am smiling the face.。


[原创,如有错误,欢迎指出!若满意,请采纳!]文章如下:《我帮助父母打扫房间》I helped my parents clean the room今天,爸爸妈妈去工作了。


Today, mom and dad go to work. I was alone in the house. Before I left, my mom told me to clean the house.我戴上了手套,搬来了一盆水,我用湿的布用力的擦着衣柜。从上到下,从左到右。


I put on gloves, to move in a basin of water, I use the wet cloth to wipe his wardrobe. From top to bottom, from left to right. I repeatedly scrub. The sweat dripping down.等终于完成任务时,我才体会到父母的艰辛。我终于明白了参与家务活动是我们每一个人的工作,我们要分享家务劳动!Tasks when finally, I understand the hardships of parents. I finally understand in household activities of every one of us is working, we want to share the housework!。


I am six years old now, I will go to primary school soon, this is my last summer vacation before I go to primary school. I say goodbye to my friends, we play together all the summer, my friends tell me that they will go to the same school with me, I am so happy. I have a great time this summer。





I helped my parents clean the room


Today, mom and dad go to work. I was alone in the house. Before I left, my mom told me to clean the house.


I put on gloves, to move in a basin of water, I use the wet cloth to wipe his wardrobe. From top to bottom, from left to right. I repeatedly scrub. The sweat dripping down.


Tasks when finally, I understand the hardships of parents. I finally understand in household activities of every one of us is working, we want to share the housework!


Try your best to write.


1. 求十个做家务的英语短语

扫地sweep the floor

拖地copymop the floor

整理房百间tidy (up) the room

擦窗do the windows

洗碗度do dishes

铺床make the bed

摆放餐具问lay the table

刷墙paint the walls

煮餐点cook the meals

浇花答water the vegetable/flowers

2. 关于做家务的英语作文(10句左右)

Help around the house

I always help around the house.I help my mother with her housework.I like do housework very much.My mom always say that I do a nice work both at school and home.And she is very proud of me.I think I am good at studies as well as houseworks.Whenever I have free time,I will do housework happily.I think it is important to help around house too.Do a housework equal to exercise one hour,I think.It can makes our body stronger and makes our house more clean.The last but not the least,If we helped at house,our mothers would get more relaxed.


3. 赞成学生做家务的英语句子和不赞成的各10句

:I think it's good for middle school students to help their parents do some housework.

2:By doing it, students can not only gain ability but also happiness. 3:This can help students grow up quickly. Their parents will don't be so tired if students can share some housework. 4:So I think it benefits students a lot if they do some housework

4. 有关家务活的英语短语

洗碗:百wash/do the dishes拖地:mop the floor扫地:sweep the floor洗衣服度:wash the clothes烧饭:知do the cooking整理房间tidy (up) the room 擦窗道clean the windows 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具set the table刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the meals浇花回water the vegetable/flowers 倒垃圾:take out the trash洗衣服:do the laundry晾衣服:hang the clothes out收拾桌子:clean the table掸去家具灰答尘:dust the furniture。




  Help with housework

  help with的常见用法

  帮助(某人)做…; 用…来帮助;

  1. Jennie took in a lodger to help with the mortgage.


  2. I have two assistants who help with the admin.


  3. I got roped in to help with the timekeeping.


  4. Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees.


  5. Her parents could help with child care while she works.


  6. Some of them have qualified for help with monthly payments.


  7. Eric's sister had nobly volunteered to help with the gardening.


  8. Many of our patients need help with dressing.


  9. He counted off five men to help with the job.


  10. Surely you need some help with so much work.




  1. I discovered an addiction to housework which I had never felt before.


  2. You can really work up a sweat doing housework.


  3. I just feel women are conditioned into doing housework.


  4. How much do men share housework and the care of the children?


  5. He always helps with the housework.


  6. to do the housework


  7. There is a maid to do the housework.


  8. Housework is a never-ending task.


  9. Her sons were experts at getting out of housework.


  10. She hasn't been feeling well lately and she let the housework slide.


以上就是关于号召大家做家务的英文句子 ,帮妈妈做家务英语短句子的全部内容,以及号召大家做家务的英文句子 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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