名词性从句介绍自己作文 ,用名词性从句介绍自己英语作文



ntroduces oneself: Hello! I am come from 浦城 the second highschool nine grades 0 class of schoolmates Today very much is honoredthe station lectures in here for fellow schoolmates teacher, I lecturethe topic is lets the Earth smile
Earth, we dearest mother. But when the earth is polluted works as theair in is not fresh, when forest no longer cover The dear friends youhave thought? This is how serious issue! The pollution environmentquestion everywhere obviously, the Earth mother soon lost the formerdays the brilliance. The friend, asked we also can be aloof? FriendsRegarding the pollution environment question everywhere obviously, themother is not smiling. Aren't we grieved? The dear schoolmates, let usgo into action, starts from the minor matter Launches theenvironmental protection activity, but also a mother piece of pureland Let us the mother anew have an enchanting smile



the picture shows that nowadays some children are addicted into the Internet.
Internet is a great success of the modern technoloy but at the same time it brings a lot of new problems. The most serious one is that youngesters take it over all.
in my point of view, to help the children get out of the net is the responsiblity of both school and family.
for school, it's necessary to create and organize more activities that arise students' interest in academic aspect while for the family, parents should have more communication with their children to prevent their indulgement in the net.



my name is ...,What I want to be is...,my family/class has...



Jessica is a member of the longest girlhood in training time,beautiful autodyne exposure on the Internet made her a SM,one of the most popular female trainee growth abroad experiences shape the bright personality made her popularity is quite good.Mature and beautiful appearance and sweet voice gives the impression of very deep.


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上一篇 2022年11月30日12时08分31秒
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