my uncle作文5句话 ,以my friend为题写一篇作文带翻译


以my friend为题写一篇作文带翻译

My Uncle
Jason was my uncle. He used to be a manager. Now he works as a teacher in a university. He thinks it is good for him to be a teacher instead of being a manager. He likes to talk with the young people so that he can keep young for ever. Students enjoy his lessons very much and everyone says he is a good teacher.East week, he went to America to attend a meeting on teaching,I like my uncle.

my uncle英语作文带翻译

My uncle is thirty years old this year. He is tall and good looking. He works as a doctor and he likes to play basketball during his free time. His family consists of him, his wife and a cute daughter. His wife is a teacher and his daughter is four this year.

英语作文:My Uncle 、他很高很强壮 2、他在第二中学教体育 3、他很爱开玩笑 4、他对学生很严格 5、他最

my Uncle is tall and strong,He is teaching PE in second middle school,he likes talking joys,he also be strict with the students.His like Beijing best, because there are a lot of places of historic interest and scenic beauty, such as: Beijing the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.and Beijing is famous for food

如何用八句话九句描写叔叔的英语句子题目《my uncle》并且有汉语

I have a so cool uncle. And he is a driver. My uncle is so well. My mother told me he is good at English.He drives so good. But I think he is not very good . Because it is dangerous.

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