三人英语对话2分钟购物 ,买东西英语情景对话20句



1、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?
B:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。
A:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去。
B:Let's get a shopping cart. 我们去拿一辆手推车吧。
A:Good ideaA 好主意。
B:What are you going to buy? 你要买什么?
A:Let's check out the fruit section first. 我们先去看看水果吧。
B:OK. I'd like some oranges. But they don't look quite ripe yet. 好的。我想买些橘子。但这些看起来还不太熟。
A:Look, nice fresh cherries! They are ripe and soft. I'll take some. 你看,多棒多新鲜的樱桃!又熟又软。我决定买一些。
B:I'll take some, too. 我也买一些吧。
A:Let's go to the snacks section. I want some chocolate and sweets. 我们去看看零食吧。我想买些巧克力和糖果。
B:OK. I'll go and buy some cakes. 好的。我去买些蛋糕。
A:Do you want to buy something else? 你还要买什么吗?
B:No. Let's go over to the check-out stand. 不买了。我们去收款台吧。
2、A: Can I help you? 有什麼可以帮忙的
B: Yes, please. I'm looking for a jacket. 谢谢, 我想看看夹克
A: What size do you wear: 你穿多大尺码?
B: Large 大号
A: What color? 颜色?
B: Black 黑色
A: Any special brand? 什麼牌子的呢?
B: No. Just something simple and not too expensive.没有要求,简单不太贵的.
A: How about this one? 你看这点怎麼样?
B: lt looks great! Can I try it on? 看起来不错, 我可以试试吗?
A: Sure. Go head. 当然可以, 你去试吧
B: How much is it? 多少钱?
A: It is only 80 yuan. 只要80块
B: OK. I will take it. Thanks. 好的, 我要了, 谢谢.



The Saturday before Mothers Day, Z (Zack) and L (Leah) were shopping in Best Buy, an electronic supermarket in New York City. They were trying to find a great gift idea for Zack’s mom. B (Best Buy associate). Z: Hi Leah, what’s the budge? L: Budge? Not really a budge, but I feel I am OBLIGATED to buy a best gift for her today. Z: Well. I’m not that sure if you are obligated. L: Look! She is so nice to me. She has sent me a lot of things in the past months. This is your Mother’s Day gift. Z: And let me continue. It’s your first time to meet her and visit our home… L: That is right. So Zack, what about $1,000, but we split. Can you? Z: I have no problem to go home with nothing. I am the best gift. L: But I am a BETTER gift! And you make much more that I do! Z: Take it easy. I was kidding. L: Deal? Z: Deal! B: Hi, how are you doing guys? L: Well, I need something special… B: I can make the special meaningful. Tell me! L: He needs a gift for his mom. B: So you are helping him? Z: Yeah, yeah. L: That would be for his mom, but I will chip in. B: You’er so nice. Z: Yes, she is. B: As you know, we have so many choices here. You can easily spend couple thousand dollars… L: What about something $500? Z: Let’s say 5-10. B: That is a very decent budget. What does she like? Z: My mom cooks a lot. B: But here we do not carry stoves… L: He was kidding. Z: I’m serious, actually. I live in a different city so I miss my mom’s foods a lot. I call her very often asking about cooking a lot… B: I got an idea. Z: What? B: We got the IPAD II that has the Facetime. Z: Facetime? I never thought about that! L: Yes. The IPAD II can let you and your mom see each other when cooking. That makes her job easier. B: Well, you might not want to send her IPAD and say "Hi this is for the cooking lesson…" L: Of course, not. Actually, she wants to tell us her daily stories and we want, too. Facetime will be a huge lift. That makes all of us happy, including his dad and the family pets. Z: That means we need two to make that happen. L: Three would be better… B: Sure! The three can keep you and your family connected and seen, anytime you want! Z: How much now? B: $599.99 each plus tax. L: That is over $1,800. Z: Are you ready for some $950? L: Well, I have some $700. But I do love to make you happy, and me, too… B: Actually, I need to check the inventory. They are very hot. Z: Leah, $600, plus $42 sales tax, and the screen protector $25… L: The holder and cover for $39. It is $702. I’m good at math! B: Actually, it’s about $710 each. Z: How much for the three? B: Let me do the exact. It’s $2,131.41. Z: This is a good problem. L: OK, if we split, that would be $1,065. Z: Yes. OK, I am the man. You pay $700 and I’ll take care of the rest! L: But you will tell your mom this is OUR gift, won’t you? Z: If I did that, I would be alone now. L: Hi, what about the colors? B: Right now, only available is the light beige. And, too bad, we just have 10 left. The number goes lower every minute. Z: So put the three aside for us. We’ll take. B: So you guys have decided to get three? L: Yes! Right Zack? Z: You’re the boss. B: Three? L: Yes, three, please! B: Here you go! The grand total is $2,131.41. L: Can you put $700 on my card first? B: Sure. Can I have your zip code? L: 60610. B: That is Chicago. I was born there. Z: Really? Hi, you gotta help us. B: Sure! I will wrap your gift very very well, free of charge! Z: You’re so kind. B: Your new balance is $1,431.41. Z: Put on this card, please! The same zip. B: Done! Here you go. Enjoy your weekend! L: Thank you very much! B: Thank you, guys! Bye. L: Hey Zack. Thank you, really! Z: It’s great to see you are so happy. That makes a huge difference. L: I will pay for you when you buy my mom a gift… Z: Let’s see!



H=husband W=wife S=seller
H: Hey darling, guess what,today I saw a guy in my office wearing such a nice suit with a fantastic tie. (嘿,亲爱的,想不到吧,今天我们办公室一个家伙穿了这么一套漂亮西装还配了条精致的领带)
W: Forget it ,that isn't what you can think about,it must take half of your monthly pay. (算了吧,那不是你能想的,得花你半个月薪水呢。)
H:No, not at all, it's quite cheap, the goods in the shopping center are all on sale,not only the clothes! (才不,便宜极了,购物中心正大减价呢,可不只衣服!)
W: Welle,not bad, I'll go with you and have a look, it's so hard to say "let's go shopping" from your mouth, I remember last time when you said that, Washington was the president. (哦,不错,我和你看看去,很难从你嘴里说出“逛商店去呀!”这样的话,我还记得上次你说这话的时候,华盛顿还是总统呢~~)
H:OK, no more horsefeathers let's go.(行了,别胡说了,走吧。)
S: Hello Sir and Madam what can I do for you? (先生女士,你们好,能为你们做些什么?)
H: Eh,..I'm searching for... aha here it is.This is exactly what I want.(呃,我在找......啊哈,这呢,我就想找它。)
(after a while) (过了一会儿)
H: (to wife)(对妻子)Isn't this suit nice on me?(这衣服我穿上帅不?)
W: Oh my god! your fool ,do you know what you are truly like? In this suit you're such a copy of a fat dog!Change it in ten seconds or disappear from my eyesight. (哦,上帝,你个笨蛋,知道你其实像什么吗?穿上这套衣服你简直就是一只胖狗的复制品,十秒钟换下来否则从我眼前消失。)
S: There are many other kinds of nice suit, why not try the others?(我们这儿还有很多其它款式的西装,为什么不试试别的?)
H: (to wife)I wonder what is OK in your mind. (对妻子)(我想知道你觉得什么样好?)
W: Ah...look, this one is not bad, and this breeches and this tie. (啊...看,找个不错,还有这裤子和领带)
(few minutes out of the fitting room)(几分钟走出试衣间)
H: (to wife ,angrily)Ha Haha ,see what , this is your choice? Green trousers,orange coat ,brown shirt with a black tie. What a wonderful clown I am! I don't have not any interest to buy anything more. Let's go back home.(生气地对妻子)(哈哈,看看吧,这就是你选的?翠绿的裤子、金黄的外套、棕色衬衣还配一条黑领带。我现在成了一个不折不扣的小丑了!我再没兴趣买东西了,回家!)
W: No,of course not ,your job is done ,but I still want to look for something tasty!(不行,你没事了,我还想找点好吃的去呢!)
H: Hell,Satan told me ask you to come here. (天啊,鬼叫我让你来这)
(after the couple went away) (夫妻俩走后)
S: My god, god bless me never meet this kind of person anymore in the future! (我的上帝,保佑我再也没看见这样的人!)



A: I'm going to have to do some shopping today.
B: Oh yeah? What do you need to go shopping for?
A: I want to find a new bedroom set.
B: Do you know where you're going to find your bedroom set?
A: I have no clue.
B: i've got no experience on bedroom;why not ask John?
C:is there's any particular place that you want to look at?
A: I don't know where to go to find a nice bedroom set.
C:you can find this kind of stuff in Walmart or other chain stores but quality is average.
A: i want sth special,i mean sth customized.
B: I can tell you where I got mine, if you'd like.
A: Please do.
B: I bought mine from IKEA.
A: Are the bedroom sets at IKEA affordable?
B: Not really, but you're paying for quality.


以上就是关于三人英语对话2分钟购物 ,买东西英语情景对话20句的全部内容,以及三人英语对话2分钟购物 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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