whereareyoufrom的英文歌 ,歌词人间一场烟火你曾盛开过



As long as you love me。后街男孩的


<as long as you love me>
although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
i'm leaving my life in your hands
people say i'm crazy and that i am blind
risking it all in a glance
how you got me blind is still a mystery
i can't get you out of my head
don't care what is written in you history
as long as you're here with me
i don't care who you are
where you're from
what you did
as long as you love me
who you are
where you're from
don't care what you did
as long as you love me
every little thing that you have said and done
feels like it's deep within me
doesn't really matter if you're on the run
it seems like we're meant to be
i don't care who you are
where you're from
what you did
as long as you love me
who you are
where you're from
don't care what you did
as long as you love me
as long as you love me
as long as you love me
i've tried to hide it so that no one knows
but i guess it shows
when you look in to my eyes
what you did and where you're comin from
i don't care, as long as you love me, baby.
i don't care who you are
where you're from
what you did
as long as you love me
who you are
where you're from
don't care what you did
as long as you love me
who you are
where you're from
what you did
as long as you love me
who you are
where you're from
as long as you love me
what you did
as long as you love me


trespassing》 adam lambert 这首歌是他的新专,希望你也能喜欢他 , Adam Lambert
Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
  When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
  Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
  We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
  "No Trespassing" that's what it said它说“禁止非法入侵”
  At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
  No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
  Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
  One day I was trippin and that's when I could see我曾经跌倒、但同时我发现
  That the ether I had tapped into could be reality曾经的梦想空间也可以成为现实
  It was great、that's when I climbed that optimistic vine当我沿着蔓藤积极向上攀登、感觉非常棒!
  Once I hit that mountain peak、I began to lose my mind但是一旦达到顶峰、我却开始失去理智
  I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情怜悯
  I won't cry and whine我也不会哭泣和借酒消愁
  Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由
  And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要阳光普照就会灿烂发光
  Make their faces crack让他们脸上充满震惊
  There's no turnin back没有回头路可走
  Let's Go让我们出发
  Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
  When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
  Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
  We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
  "No Trespassing" that's what it said它说“禁止非法入侵”
  At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
  No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
  Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
  I ain't got Caffeine in my bag我包里没有乱七八糟的东西
  That's the one thing you can believe这点你必须相信
  My heart is gold、my body is glass我心似黄金、我身似琉璃
  Come on baby、can't you see?来吧、宝贝、难道你看不见么?
  I don't need no GPS to show me where to go我不需要GPS指导我前进的方向
  But I can turn into the North Pole我也能到达北极点
  And show you what is cold向你展示什么是寒冷
  I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情怜悯
  I won't cry and whine我也不会哭泣和借酒消愁
  Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由
  And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要阳光普照就会灿烂发光
  Make their faces crack让他们脸上充满震惊
  There's no turnin back没有回头路可走
  Let's Go让我们出发
  Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
  When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
  Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
  We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
  "No Trespassing" that's what it said它说“禁止非法入侵”
  At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
  No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
  Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
  Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
  I say wait till yaget a load of me!我说等着仔细看我的吧!
  I ain't staying at home 我不会留在家里
  I got places to roll我有地方大展拳脚
  I ain't staying at home、no no~我不会留在家里、不、不~
  Hey Hey Hey....hey~!!
  I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情怜悯
  I won't cry and whine我也不会哭泣和借酒消愁
  Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由
  And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要阳光普照就会灿烂发光
  Let's Go让我们出发
  Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
  When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
  Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
  We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
  "No Trespassing" that's what it said它说“禁止非法入侵”
  At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
  No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
  Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!


扫毒2天地对决片头曲:Wayward one 

歌名:Wayward one 

歌手:Jillian Rae

作曲 : Jillian Rae

作词 : Jillian Rae

You're always hiding in the dark你总是隐藏在黑暗中

Face only half in the light面容在光线下只显露出一半

What are you so afraid of什么使你如此恐惧

What are you so afraid of什么让你如此恐惧

You're always safe behind that mask戴着面具的你总会很安全

Show everybody where you think they wanna see把每个人带到你认为他们想了解的地方

Cause being real only makes you feel uncomfortable因为做真实(的自己)总会让你感到不适

And we wouldn't want that我们不希望那样

All my wayward one我所有任性的人啊

Where are you going你们要去哪里

Where are you now你们现在在哪里

Feels like I'm hiding in the dark感觉我就像躲在黑暗中

Been so long since I've seen the light已经很久未见光明

Sometimes I lay awake at night有时我在夜晚辗转难眠

And wonder why I do this to myself想知道我为何如此对待自己

All my wayward one我所有任性的人啊

Where are you going你们要去哪里

Where are you now你们现在在哪里

Keep on running from the fate继续逃避命运

(All my wayward one)(我所有任性的人啊)

A whisper from your screaming heart一声来自你尖叫内心的低语

(All my wayward one)(我所有任性的人啊)

A needle searching for the fate一根搜寻命运的指针

(All my wayward one)(我所有任性的人啊)

All wayward one所有任性的人啊

Where are you going你们要去哪里

Where are you now你们现在在哪里

Where are you going你们要去哪里

Where are you now你们现在在哪里

All my wayward one我所有任性的人啊



《Wayward one 》源自美国民谣才女Jillian Rae的专辑《I can't be the one you want me to be》的其中一首,该专辑于2019年5月发行,她尝试在歌曲中加入更多的弦乐元素如小提琴、吉他等伴奏,所以整张专辑听起来舒适柔软。

同时,Jillian Rae将自己的成长领悟与生活体验融入歌曲之中,非常适合静静聆听和细细品味。 专辑的尾曲《Wayward One》被电影《扫毒2:天地对决》选中作为片头曲。

以上就是关于whereareyoufrom的英文歌 ,歌词人间一场烟火你曾盛开过的全部内容,以及whereareyoufrom的英文歌 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年11月24日10时59分01秒
下一篇 2022年11月24日11时05分38秒


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