中考英语动词 ,中考英语常用不规则动词时态变化表及例句







  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  abide abode/abided abode/abided

  arise arose arisen

  awake awoke awaked/awoken

  be was been

  bear bore borne,born

  beat beat beaten

  become became become

  befall befell befallen

  beget begot begotten

  begin began begun

  behold beheld beheld

  bend bent bent

  bereave bereaved/bereft bereaved/bereft

  beseech besought besought

  beset beset beset

  bet bet/betted bet/betted

  betake betook betaken

  bethink bethought bethought

  bid bade/bid bidden/bid

  bind bound bound

  bite bit bitten/bit

  break broke broken

  breed bred bred

  bring brought brought

  broadcast broadcast/broadcasted broadcast,broadcasted

  build built built

  burn burnt/burned burnt/burned

  burst burst burst

  buy bought bought

  bleed bled bled

  blend blended/blent blended/blent

  bless blessed/blest blessed/blest

  blow blew blown


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  cast cast cast

  catch caught caught

  chide chided,chid chided,chidden

  choose chose chosen

  cleave clove/cleft cloven/cleft

  cling clung clung

  clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad

  come came come

  cost cost cost

  creep crept crept

  crow crowed/crew crowed

  cut cut cut

  dare dared/durst dared

  deal dealt dealt

  dig dug dug

  dive dived/(US)dove dived

  do did done

  draw drew drawn

  dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed

  drink drank drunk

  drive drove driven

  dwell dwelt dwelt

  eat ate eaten


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  fall fell fallen

  feed fed fed

  feel felt felt

  fight fought fought

  find found found

  flee fled fled

  fling flung flung

  fly flew flown

  forbear forbore forborne

  forbid forbade/forbad forbidden

  forecast forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted

  foreknow foreknew foreknown

  foresee foresaw foreseen

  foretell foretold foretold

  forget forgot forgotten

  forgive forgave forgiven

  forsake forsook forsaken

  forswear forswore forsworn

  freeze froze frozen

  gainsay gainsaid gainsaid

  get got gotten

  gild gilded/gilt gilded

  gird girded/girt girded/girt

  give gave given

  go went gone

  grave graved graven,graved

  grind ground ground

  grow grew grown


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  hamstring hamstringed,hamstrung hamstringed,hamstrung

  hang(悬挂) hung hung

  hang(绞死) hanged hanged

  have had had

  hear heard heard

  heave heaved/hove hesved/hove

  hew hewed hewed/hewn

  hide hid hidden

  hit hit hit

  hold held held

  hurt hurt hurt

  inlay inlaid intaid

  keep kept kept

  kneel knelt knelt

  knit knitted/knit knitted/knit

  know knew known

  lade laded laden

  lay laid laid

  lead led led

  lean leant/leaned leant/leaned

  leap leapt/leaped leapt/leaped

  learn learnt/learned learnt/learned

  leave left left

  lend lent lent

  let let let

  lie lay lain

  light lit/lighted lit/lighted

  lose lost lost


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  make made made

  mean meant meant

  meet met met

  melt melted melted/molten

  miscast miscast miscast

  misdeal misdealt misdealt

  misgive misgave misgiven

  mislay mislaid mislaid

  mislead misled misled

  misspell misspelt misspelt

  misspend misspent misspent

  mistake mistook mistaken

  misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood

  mow mowed mown/mowed

  outbid outbid outbid

  outdo outdid outdone

  outgo outwent outgone

  outgrow outgrew outgrown

  outride outrode outridden

  outrun outran outrun

  outshine outshone outshone

  overbear overbore overborne

  overcast overcast overcast

  overcome overcame overcome

  overdo overdid overdone

  overhang overhung overhung

  overhear overheard overheard

  overlay overlaid overlaid

  overleap overleapt/overleaped overleapt/overleaped

  overlie overlay overlain

  override overrode overridden

  overrun overran overun

  oversee oversaw overseen

  overshoot overshot overshot

  oversleep overslept overslept

  overtake overtook overtaken

  overthrow overthrew overthrown


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  partake partook partaken

  pay paid paid

  prove proved proved/proven

  put put put

  quit quitted/quit quitted/quit

  read read[red] read[red]

  rebind rebound rebound

  rebuild rebuilt rebuilt

  recast recast recast

  redo redid redone

  relay relaid relaid

  remake remade remade

  rend rent rent

  repay repaid repaid

  rerun reran rerun

  reset reset reset

  retell retold retold

  rewrite rewrote rewritten

  rid red/redded rid/ridded

  ride rode ridden

  ring rang rung

  rise rose risen

  rive rived riven/rived

  run ran run


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  saw sawed sawn/sawed

  say said said

  see saw seen

  seek sought sought

  sell sold sold

  send sent sent

  set set set

  sew sewed sewn/sewed

  shake shook shaken

  shave shaved shaved/shaven

  shear sheared sheared/shorn

  shed shed shed

  shine shone shone

  shoe shod shod

  shoot shot shot

  show showed shown/showed

  shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk/shrunken

  shrive shrove/shrived shriven/shrived

  shut shut shut

  sing sang/sung sung

  sink sank/sunk sunk/sunken

  sit sat sat

  slay slew slain

  sleep slept slept

  slide slid slid

  sling slung slung

  slink slunk slunk

  slit slit slit

  smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled

  smite smote smitten

  sow sowed sown/sowed

  speak spoke spoken

  speed sped/speeded sped/speeded

  spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled

  spend spent spent

  spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled

  spin spun/span spun

  spit spat/spit spat/spit

  spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled

  spread spread spread

  spring sprang/sprung sprung

  stand stood stood

  stave staved/stove staved/stove

  steal stole stolen

  stick stuck stuck

  sting stung stung

  stink stank/stunk stunk

  strew strewed strewn/strewed

  stride strode stridden,strid

  strike struck struck/stricken

  string strung strung

  strive strove striven

  swear swore sworn

  sweep swept swept

  swell swelled swollen/swelled

  swim swam swum

  swing swung swung


  不定式 过去式 过去分词

  take took taken

  teach taught taught

  tear tore torn

  tell told told

  think thought thought

  thrive throve/thrived thriven/thrived

  throw threw thrown

  thrust thrust thrust

  tread trod trodden/trod

  unbend unbent unbent

  unbind unbound unbound

  underbid underbid underbid,underbidden

  undergo underwent undergone

  understand understood understood

  undertake undertook undertaken

  undo undid undone

  upset upset upset

  wake woke/waked woken/waked

  waylay waylaid waylaid

  wear wore worn

  weave wove woven

  weep wept wept

  win won won

  wind wound wound

  withdraw withdrew withdrawn

  withhold withheld withheld

  withstand withstood withstood

  work worked/wrought worked/wrought

  wring wrung wrung

  write wrote written





2、half :half是一个英语单词,名词、形容词、副词,作名词时意思是“一半;半场;半学年”,作形容词时意思是“一半的;不完全的;半途的”,做副词时意思是“一半地;部分地”。







实义动词 (vt. vi.)
I have a book..

She always comes late.

I am a student.

助动词(aux. v.)
He doesn’t speak Chinese.
I am watching TV.

情态动词 (mod. v.)
We can do it by ourselves.
That would be better.

Look at, look after

Give up, put into

Catch up with, look down upon

Take care of, pay attention to

Be proud of, be afraid of

Make up one’s mind, wind one’s way

I am reading now. 第一人称

He writes well. 第三人称单数

He wrote a letter to me last month. 过去时态

We study English.主动
The road was filled with rubbish. 被动

He has flown to America. 事实
I wish I could fly to the moon some day. 愿望

It takes me 20 minutes to go to school.

She likes reading.

The cup is broken

The steam is seen rising from the wet clothes.





  1.重庆A卷Don’t worry. Bill will help you look after your dog when you ________ away on business.

  A. are B. were C. will be D. have been

  2. 山东烟台 Yesterday the teacher told us the earth ______ the sun.

  A.goes around B. went around C. is going around D. would go around

  3.湖南长沙 ---I think I’ll take a bus to the meeting.

  ----The bus ? If you ______, you will be late.

  A.do B.have done C.will do

  4.四川宜宾 We don’t know if our friend _____. If he _____, we’ll let you know.

  A.comes, comes B.comes, will come C.will come, comes

  5.甘肃武威If we ______take environmental problems seriously, the earth ______worse and worse.

  A.don’t, won’t be B.won’t isn’t C.won’t, is D.don’t will be

  6.河北 Grandpa _______ glasses when he reads.

  A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was wearing

  7.甘肃张掖If we _____ take environmental problems seriously, the earth _____worse and worse.

  A.don’t , won’t be B.won’t, isn’t C.won’t, is D.don’t , will be

  8.黑龙江龙东We each ______WeChat nowadays,even the old people.

  A.play B.plays C.playing

  9.辽宁丹东Our geography teacher told us that the earth _____the sun.

  A.went around B.goes around C.is going around D.was going around


  1.山东泰安 ----Have you ever climbed Mount Tai , Carol ?

  ----Yes, I ______ in Taian for a week last year and reached the top of it twice.

  A. had stayed B. stay C. stayed D. have stayed

  2.湖南长沙 ----Your coat fits you well.

  ----Thank you. I _______ it when I was on a vacation.

  A.have bought B.buy C.bought

  3.湖南株洲 He ______in Zhuzhou since seven years ago.

  A.works B.worked C.has worked

  4.浙江温州I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ____ me to Disneyland at weekends

  A.takes B.took C.will take D.has taken

  5.山东菏泽----Oh no, I can’t find my mobile phone.

  -----Well, where _____ you last put it ?

  A.have B.do C.did

  6.四川绵阳----Don’t see the sign” No Parking!” on the right?

  ---Sorry, I _____. But now I know parking here is not right.

  A.don’t B.didn’t C.hadn’t D.doesn’t

  7.江苏连云港---Did Billy and Anna find a way out at last ?

  ----Yes, they _____ a plan and did it.

  A.were working out B.worked out C.are working out D.have worked out

  8.江苏无锡My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ____ half of it.

  A.missed B.was missing C.will miss D.would miss

  9.湖北鄂州--- I remember there _____ a lot of fish in Yanglan Lake. Now it has been polluted.

  --What a pity! I think we should play a role in protecting the environment.

  A. are used to have B. are used to be

  C. used to have D. used to be

  10.上海Last week Vivian _____a dress for her mother with her first salary.

  A.buy B.bought C.will buy D.would buy

  11.内蒙呼和浩特---I have to be off right now.

  ---What a pity! I _____ you could stay a little loner with us.

  A.thought B.am thinking C.think D.was thinking

  12.北京 ---Where did you go last weekend?

  ---I to the Great Wall.

  A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone

  13.河南---There is someone knocking at the door.

  ----It must be the computer repairman. I _____him to come to fix my computer.

  A.call B.have called C.called D.will call

  14.黑龙江齐齐哈尔The pair of trousers _____me. I’ll take it.

  A.fit B.fits C.will fit

  15.河北 Oh, no! I _______ the book in the lab.

  A. leave B. left C. will leaveD. was leaving

  16.湖北武汉---Who is that lady?

  ---She’s Miss Green. She_______us music,and she is so good .

  A.taught B. teaches C.will teach D. is teaching

  17.辽宁丹东----I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland II (爱丽丝梦游仙境II)。

  ---When ______ ?

  ----Two weeks ago.

  A.did you see it B.have you seen it C.do you see it D.will you see it

  18.宁夏----You can’t smoke here.

  ----Sorry, I______ the sign.

  A.don’t see B.didn’t see C.haven’t seen D.won’t see


  1.山东临沂 ----Did you call Jenny ?

  ----Oh no, I forget. I______her right away.

  A.called B.have called C.call D.will call

  2. 重庆B卷 I _____ Chinese dishes for my foreign friends tomorrow evening.

  A. will cook B. have cooked C. cook D. Cooked

  3.甘肃武威 We ______ have a picnic together with our teachers next Thursday.

  A.are going B.are going to C.will going D.may going to

  4.黑龙江齐齐哈尔I wonder if she _____ me when _____.

  A.calls , she arrives B.will call, she arrives C.calls, she will arrive

  5.湖北咸宁----I don’t know if it _________tomorrow.

  ----Well, if it __________, the school sports meet will be canceled.

  A.will rain; will rain B.rains; will rain C.will rain; rains D.rains; rains

  6.河北Just go down the road, and you _______ the library next to the bank.

  A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see

  7.福建泉州----Have you watched the movie Kung Fu Panda 3, Kelly ?

  ----Not yet. I ______it with my classmates tonight.

  A.will watch B.was watching C.have watched

  8.湖南邵阳We _____ for a picnic if it _____rain this Sunday.

  A.will go, doesn’t B.will go, won’t go C.go, doesn’t

  9.甘肃张掖We ______ have a picnic together with our teachers next Thursday.

  A.are going B.are going to C.will going D.may going to

  10.广西玉林、防城港、崇左----How long _____ you _____ Little Women ?

  ----I am due to return it in two weeks.

  A.have, borrowed B.will ,lend C.will, keep D.have, got

  11.广西玉林、防城港、崇左---Do you know ______ a wonderful football match and two basketball matches on July 15th?

  ----Yeah. I am going to watch them on that day.

  A.there will be B.there will have C.there are D.there have

  12.贵州六盘水There ______ a football game in our city next week.

  A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.is going to be

  13.辽宁沈阳I think it is true that Jill _____ to work today because she is on a trip.

  A.has come B.didn’t come C.is coming D.will not come


  1.四川成都-----Lily, where is your father now? Go and get him for lunch.

  ----Just a moment, please. Father _____ a phone call in his room.

  A.makes B. is making C.was making

  2.江西 ----May I speak to Mrs. Black ?

  ----Sorry, mum can’t come to the phone now. She _____ a shower.

  A.has B.had C.is having D.was having

  3福建福州----Pass the raincoat to me. It_____hard now.

  ----Here you are.

  A.is raining B.rained C.will rain

  4.湖南株洲 Don’t enter the area. The students_____an English exam.

  A.takes B.are taking C.have taken

  5.江苏南京 ----Hi, Nora. Is your mother at home ?

  ---Just a minute. She _____flowers in the garden.

  A.plant B.is planting C.planted D.was planted

  6.四川绵阳----Anita, where is your brother ?

  ----He _____ out in the garden with a group of kids.

  A.plays B.played C.is playing D.has played

  7.四川南充Be quiet. The baby ______.

  A.sleeps B.slept C.are sleeping D.is sleeping

  8.北京 Please don’t make so much noise. The baby now.

  A. sleeps B. slept C. will sleep D. is sleeping

  9.河南Everyone wants to reach the top of the mountain, but all the happiness happens while you ____it.

  A.climb B.climbed C.are climbing D.have climbed

  10.湖北荆门----You are in a hurry. Where are you going ?

  ----To the cinema. Jim _____for me there.

  A.waits B.is waiting C.waited D.was waited

  11.湖北咸宁——Today’s young people can’t live without smart phones.

  ——They keep their hands on the phones whether they go, even while they____ meals.

  A. have B. are having C. were having D. will have

  12.湖北黄冈----Where are you going, Bob?

  ----To go hiking. Eric ______for me at the school gate!

  A.was waiting B.waits C.waited D.is waiting

  13.湖南永州----What are you doing now ?

  ----I ______ to the music.

  A.is listening B.am listening C.was listening

  14.湖北孝感 Alice, please turn down the music, I ______ an important phone now.

  A. answer B. answered C. have answered D. am answering

  15.云南昆明Look! A dog _____ a blind man across the road.

  A.leads B.lead C.is leading D.led

  16.云南----Can John play soccer with us , Mrs. Black ?

  ----One moment, please. He _____ on the phone to his cousin.

  A.talks B.talked C.talking D.is talking

  17.贵州毕节It’s six o’clock now. Many people _____in the park.

  A.are dancing B.dance C.is dancing D.dances


  1.重庆A卷I ________ the History Museum twice. I’ve learned a lot there.

  A. visit B. am visiting C. have visited D. will visit

  2.山东青岛William Shakespeare ______ for 400 years, but his works still have great influence today.

  A. died B. was dying C. has died D. has been dead

  3山东烟台 ---Lucy has ______ to London. How can I get in touch with her ?

  ---Don’t worry. She will phone you as soon as she _____ there.

  A. been, will get B. been, gets C. gone, will get D. gone, gets

  4.四川自贡 I _____ my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.

  A. went away from B. have been away from C. have left

  5.江西 The water ______ dark and dirty. It’s no longer safe to drink.

  A.became B.has become C.will become D. was becoming

  6.山东临沂 “I want to go to Mars, because it’s a place that no one ______to before,”said Carson.

  A.has gone B.has been C.was D.went

  7.福建福州----The boy misses his parents very much.

  ----So he does. They ______ the hometown for nearly two years.

  A. have left B.will leave C. have been away

  8.天津 ----What a nice watch! How long _____ you ____it ?

  ----For just two weeks.

  A.will , buy B.have, had C.were, having D.did, buy

  9.四川达州----Look at these stamps. I _____ them for five years.

  ----Wow, they are fantastic.

  A.have kept B.have bought C.borrowed D.kept

  10.四川攀枝花He speaks English very well because he _____ in the US for 20 years.

  A.lives B.lived C.has lived D.had lived

  11.山东威海----Is that a new coat ?

  ----No, I _____ it for a long time.

  A.bought B.have bought C.have had

  12. 四川广安----Yunnan is very beautiful. I ______ there last year.

  -----Yes, I ______there twice.

  A.went, have gone B.went, have been C.have gone, went D.have been, went

  13.四川南充----How long _____ your brother _____ this camera ?

  ----For two weeks.

  A.have, bought B.have, had C.has, had D.has, bought

  14.甘肃武威 The movie _____for about 5 minutes, so let’s see the next one.

  A.has been on B.has started C.started D.began

  15.江苏盐城 It seems that El Nino ______some disasters in the world in the past few months.

  A.has caused is causing C.will cause D.caused

  16.湖南郴州Yangjiang, a famous female writer , ______for about a month so far.

  A.died B.has been dead C.has been died

  17.上海This medicine _____millions of people’s lives since it was put into use.

  A.is saving B.will save C.has saved D.had saved

  18.北京 It’s nice to see you again. We each other since 2014.

  A. won’t see B. don’t see C. haven’t seen D. didn’t see

  19.广西贺州My sister _____ English since she was 9 years old. She can talk to foreigners freely.

  A.learns B.learnt C.has learnt D.have learnt

  20.湖北荆门----Are you going to watch “ Running Man” tonight?

  ----No! I _____ it with my parents only once. I don’t think it’s exciting.

  A.see B.have seen C.will see D.am seeing

  21.山东济南---I think our teacher , Mrs. Allen , knows everything.

  ----I agree. Because she _____over 2,000 books.

  A.read B.has read C.reads D.is reading

  22.山东济南----Does Jimmy still work s a driver ?

  ----No. He has _____for two years.

  A.left the company B.gone to Shanghai C.studied in college D.lost his job

  23.陕西My mother _____ a good example for me since I was young.

  A.was B.has been C.will be D.is

  24.黑龙江齐齐哈尔He _______the city since he graduated from college.

  A.has left B.left C.has been away from

  25.河北 Our team _______ another point! I’m sure we’ll win the game.

  A. will get B. has got C. is getting D. was getting

  26.湖北黄冈----How do you like Treasure Island, Lucy?

  ----It’s so exciting that I_____ it twice.

  A.am reading B.have read C.was reading D.had read

  27.湖南邵阳One of my friends _____ moved to America, I miss them so much.

  A.has B.have C.are

  28湖南永州----_____ you ever _____to the Great Wall ?

  ----Yes. Three times.

  A.Has, been B.Have, been C.Have, gone

  29.广西玉林、防城港、崇左----_____ you ever _____ Han Hong sing live ?

  ----Of course. A couple of times in different cities.

  A.Have, seen B.Did, see C.Do, see D.Are, seeing

  30江苏淮安. Andy, with his parents, ______ to Hong Kong, and they will stay there for a week.

  A. have gone  B. has gone   C. have been  D. has been

  31.海南Uncle Liang ________ in Haikou since 1980, so he knows a lot about the city.

  A.is living B.has lived C.lived

  32.湖北武汉---Sorry,Tom. I can’t find the book you______me.

  ---It’s OK. I don’t need it any more.

  A.lend B.have lent C.will lend D.lent

  33湖北武汉I don’t feel very well,Jack. I’m afraid you______me your cold.

  A.give B.had given C.have given D.would give

  34.青海西宁--Would you like to see the movie Zootopia with us?

  --I’d love to! But I ________ it.

  A. saw B. see C. will see D.have seen

  35.黑龙江龙东.Lei Feng ______ for many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us.

  A. died B. has been dead C. has died

  36.黑龙江龙东— May I speak to Mr. Lee ?

  — Sorry,he ______ Harbin,he ______ the city for two days.

  A.has been to;has been in B.has gone to;has been to C.has gone to;has been in

  37.福建厦门----It’s the second time I came to Xiamen . It ______ a lot.

  ----Yes. It’s more and more beautiful.

  A.was changing B.has changed C.will change

  38.湖南张家界----______ you ever _____the history museum , Paul ?

  ----No, I haven’t.

  A.Do, visit B.Did, visit C.Have , visited

  39.宁夏----Look1 Someone______ the classroom.

  ----Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.

  A.is cleaning B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.will clean


  1.天津 My mother ______dinner when I got home yesterday.

  A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks

  2.山东威海----I called you yesterday evening. But nobody answered.

  ----Oh, sorry. Maybe I ______ in the bathroom at that time.

  A.take a shower B.took a shower C.was taking a shower

  3.安徽 I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon. They _____ games with their classmates then.

  A.play B.will play C.are playing D.were playing

  4.黑龙江哈尔滨----Could you tell me where you found Miss Gao just now ?

  ---Certainly. In the principal’s office. They ____ happily at that time.

  A.are talking B.have talked C.were talking

  5.贵州安顺----I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.

  ----Sorry, I _____ football with my friends at that time.

  A.play B.played C.will play D. was playing

  6.山东济南Sun Hai ______his mother make dinner when his father got home from work.

  A.was helping B.helps C.helped D.is helping

  7.福建漳州----How did the accident happen ?

  ----The girl_____Wechat(微信)while walking across the street.

  A.reads B.is reading C.was reading

  8.黑龙江龙东He ______ newspapers when the earthquake happened in Japan.

  A. was looking through B. lookedthroughC. had looked through

  9.吉林Steve ______ in the living room when his mother came in .

  A.was watching B.watches C.is watching

  10.湖北恩施----Where is your father?

  ----I don't know, but he _______ the car when I left just now.

  A. is washing B. washed C. was washing

  11.黑龙江大庆---Where were you when I called?

  ----I _____ on the bed.

  A.lied B.was lying C.lay D.was lieing


  1.四川巴中My parents _____to work by the time I _____ up.

  A.began, get B.had begun ,had got C.had begun, got

  2.x疆乌鲁木齐----You didn’t watch the movie ?

  ----Yet, but by the time I ______ to the cinema, the movie _____for several minutes.

  A.got, has begun B.got, had been on C.got, had begun D.got, has been


  1.江苏无锡My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ____________ half of it.

  A. missed B. was missing C. will miss D. would miss

以上就是关于中考英语动词 ,中考英语常用不规则动词时态变化表及例句的全部内容,以及中考英语动词 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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