英语自我介绍外貌性格五句话 ,英语自我介绍大学生



介绍自己所喜爱的事物,可以从校内到校外、平时及周末,假期爱做的、爱吃的等等。如:I'manactivegirl.Ilikeplayingtabletennisandbadminton,becauseIthinkthey'reveryinteresting.AndIalsoskipropeatschooleveryday.I`dlikeeatingpotatoes.They`retasty.Myfavouritecolourispink.AndIlikechinesebest.It`sfunny.Onweekends,Ilikereadinginmyroomandlisteningtomusic。一站式出国留学攻略 ***ing.com



My name is(你的名字)I am(你的年龄)years old.I am(你的性格)girl,My English name is(你的英语名字“Alice”)My favourite colour is(你喜欢的颜色)My favourite food is(你喜欢的食物)My favourite season is(你喜欢的季节)They are...(数字)in my famliy.I like...(你的兴趣爱好)I’m...(数字)centimeters tall.They are my father,my mother(你家里都有哪些人?)Thank you.







 I am warm and cheerful, friendly to people, honest and modest for people. Hard work, conscientious and responsible, hard work, conscientious and patient. With affinity, easy to be close, good at communicating with people.

  Hard to study hard, excellent results, top of the list. Excellent in character and learning, for three consecutive years to obtain College scholarships. He served as a member of the student union's external liaison department, a vice minister of the general organization of the Corps, a class life committee and so on. During the process of student's work and going out for sponsorship and business contacts, he greatly improved his work and handling skills. In addition, they also actively participate in extracurricular sports activities, various social practice activities and part-time work, in order to increase their experience and improve their ability. In the work, experience the way of doing things, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. He has been awarded the honorary title of "the activists of the summer social practice" and the "Student Association" for two years. In normal school life, many part-time jobs have been done. For example: tutor, telephone interviewers, restaurant waiter, leaflets, questionnaire survey, and also to the factory a summer job, experience a variety of different operational procedures and work methods, exercise become diligent spirit, and from the work to appreciate the fun and dedication. Four years of college career has greatly improved my organization and coordination, management and resilience, enabling me to have good psychological quality, and let me have greater advantages in competition, so that I can go further and further in my career. The title of "excellent college students" and "excellent graduates" has been obtained.


  Personally, I remember when my grandfather often makes me laugh more and more contact with other children, so now I cultivate optimistic personality. In my opinion, nothing is impossible, the most important thing is to be happy. Life is short, there is no reason not their own good.

  I have been given the impression that the sun, cheerful, outgoing, sometimes even careless. But no matter whether others like it or not, I always like my character, because many times, you can not live so tired. A lot of friends have said that I am just like a little child. I have no worries every day, and always laugh at me without pressure. This is the most pleasant comment I have ever heard. When they are not grown up, everyone is simple and simple. When they grow up, they don't have no trouble, but they just learn to hide.

  After all, the person who likes to laugh does not mean that she has no trouble. If you want to say the personality defects, the sentimentality should be counted. I am a sensual and no more sensual person. In fact, for this character, I do not like it. Feeling is a bad habit.

  Remember that a girl has said a word, my tears are the least valuable. Oh, I think so myself. I can't bear to see the old man begging on the roadside. I can't bear to see the dog on the roadside. I will love to go home and see all kinds of small animals bought and sold. I will have an urge to put them out of the cage. Like this, I can not help wet my eyes, this is me, I am easily moved.


  I have a steady and rigorous character and sincere.

  Faithful integrity, principles, said to do, never shirk responsibility; self-control, do things always have a beginning and an end, never give up halfway; willing to learn, a problem not evade, willing to learn modestly from others; confident but not conceited, not self-centered; willing to modest acclaim take attitude, authority; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into work; amiable and easy of approach.

  It is sincere, cheerful, enterprising, adaptable, diligent, hard to study, down to earth, strong team spirit, positive work and serious attitude.


  I'm a little bit out of line, and other people do the answer, and I'm different from them. Do not have to think of second kinds. When others are playing games, if others don't invite me, I don't usually take the initiative to play with them. When others were playing football at noon, I was walking around. It's not good for you to say it's good.

  I don't like football. In my class, I don't like to play football, except for the fat people do not like it! And I'm still a boy! In my life, I like to run and run a long jump. All I like is that you don't like football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, almost ball. But I can not say that chess is proficient, but it is also a good hand! I have learned without teacher! It's strange that you say it! As long as I like what I like, almost all.

  I also like to listen to sad songs or songs such as the broken bridge and the snow, the city of the sky, the tears of the piano music, and so on! I like helping people very much at ordinary times, but I don't like to show it! Is that good things do not go down! (a little exaggerated, ha!) Usually a little smatter!

  If you want to be a friend with me, please add my friends. Refuse nobody。



噢 对了,我目前上的ABC天芐欧美外教英语中心的导师和我提到,如果想将英语学好是轻松的..必须要拥有一个适合的研习情境与练习口语对象 这取决于外教资质,纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才是最好,坚决每天口语学习,一对一个性化学习才会有更.好.的进步幅度..课后还要复习听取课堂音频 把所学知识融会贯通;实在是真的没有练习对象的状况下,就去听力室或爱思得到课余教材阅读 多问多听不知不觉的语感会提高起来 学习效益肯定会突飞猛进的..MynameisLitterRiandI'mtwelve-year-oldnow。ItnkI'masmartgirlwithmeltingsmile。Iamalsolively.Tellyouthetruth,manyadultpraisemehavealovelyface。Ihavealotofinterests,suchassinginganddancing。ButI'mverygoodatswimmingandropeskipping。EverysummerI'llgoswimwithmyparentsandfriends。So,asyou,Ilikesummerbest,butIalsolikespring,becauseitbringsmeflowers。Ice-creamismyfavoritefood,becauseIliketoeatsweetandItnkitwillmakespeoplehappy。Iam1-year-oldnow,itissoyoungformostpeople,butIhaveabigdreamnow,forIamsofondoffood,Iwanttobeacook.


以上就是关于英语自我介绍外貌性格五句话 ,英语自我介绍大学生的全部内容,以及英语自我介绍外貌性格五句话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年11月07日13时15分27秒
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