三年级英语介绍昆虫 ,用英语介绍一种昆虫五句话



bees make honey,many different types of bees work together to build a hive.bees are built for collecting honey.forager bees collect pollen and enctar from the flowers and bring it to hive. house bees turn the pollen and nectar into honey.woker bees also build the honeycomb structure,woker bees work hard!

我最喜欢的昆虫 写蝴蝶的英语作文 七八句话怎么写

Butterfly, commonly known as Butterfly, the whole world there are about 14,000 species, most of which lies in the Americas, particularly in the Amazon most varieties in the world in addition to other regions outside the polar cold zone, are distributed in Asia, Taiwan is also well-known to a wide variety of butterflies. General colorful butterflies, the wings and body there are various piebald head rod or a pair of hammer-like tentacles. The largest butterfly wings up to 24 centimeters, and the youngest is only 1.6 centimeters. Large Butterfly very interesting, special someone to collect all kinds of butterfly specimens in the Americas butterfly movement and Bird Watching, become an activity that attracted many participants. There are many types of butterflies, fruits, agriculture and the main pests.
原文: 蝶,通称为“蝴蝶”,全世界大约有14000余种,大部分分布在美洲,尤其在亚马逊河流域品种最多,在世界橙尖粉蝶(Anthocharis cardamines)其他地区除了南北极寒冷地带以外,都有分布,在亚洲,台湾也以蝴蝶品种繁多著名。蝴蝶一般色彩鲜艳,翅膀和身体有各种花斑,头部有一对棒状或锤状触角。最大的蝴蝶展翅可达24厘米,最小的只有1.6厘米。大型蝴蝶非常引人注意,专门有人收集各种蝴蝶标本,在美洲“观蝶”迁徙和“观鸟”一样,成为一种活动,吸引许多人参加。有许多种类的蝴蝶是农业和果木的主要害虫


I most like insects
I most like the insect cicada. The cicada has two names, also called cicadas, cicada. The cicada is the usual summer little animal, it has six legs, the forefoot is curved sword, can be used as its weapon, which each foot has a hook. Cicada's wings like a cracked glass. The cicada was on the ground, grow up to drill out, I heard that the shell can do drugs! The cicada food branch of the juice, as long as the mouth of the pipe plug, you can explicitly sucking juice. The cicada is daddy following a call "motor", as long as the press can be called up, his voice is very loud, thirty meters can hear clearly.
I often and little friends to catch cicadas, we came under the tree, see the trees there are many cicadas. Once, when the wind blows a cicada fly down, captured by me. I put it into a large bottle of Gary, then put into a basin filled with water, it will climb into the water. I thought: it may want to drink water. Never thought it was going to swim, it will dive! It's in the water. Pat little wings, then dive down into the water and in the water, it is water, smoke a lot of bubbles. I took it out of the water, it is not called. When I put it on the ground, it is the same as the top of the rotation, wings open, happy to sing the song.


The insect is a number of the nuture,they lives in the grassyland or the tree.we should protect them because they are important for ourselves. 译文:昆虫是大自然中的一员,它们生活在草地里或者树上。我们应该保护它们因为它们对我们来说很重要。

以上就是关于三年级英语介绍昆虫 ,用英语介绍一种昆虫五句话的全部内容,以及三年级英语介绍昆虫 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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