太阳系英语两个句子 ,根据你对太阳系的了解用英语写一段话不少于6句



Solar system is by receives the system which the gravitational pull restraint the heavenly body is composed, its most wide range approximately may extend to 1 light year outside. Solar system's main member includes: Sun (star), nine planets (including Earth), innumerable planetoids, multitudinous satellite (including moon), but also has the comet, the meteor as well as the massive dust matter and the thin gaseous state matter.
These planets all take sun as center by elliptical orbit revolution, although extremely approaches except Mercury to the circle. In the planetary orbit more or less (is called ecliptic surface and take the revolution in the identical plane as datum). The ecliptic surface and the solar equator only have 7 inclining. Pluto's track mostly was separated from the ecliptic surface, the gradient has amounted to 17. The above graph specific was higher than the ecliptic surface from to pass the angle of view to demonstrate various tracks relative size and the relations (non- circle phenomenon was obvious). They circle the orbital motion the direction to be consistent (from the solar North Pole looked is counter clockwise), therefore, the scientists remove pluto outside the nine planets. Besides Venus and Uranus rotation direction also so.
太阳系是由受太阳引力约束的天体组成的系统,它的最大范围约可延伸到1光年以外。太阳系的主要成员有:太阳(恒星)、九大行星(包括地球)、无数小行星、众 多卫星(包括月亮),还有彗星、流星以及大量尘埃物质和稀薄的气态物质。这些行星都以太阳为中心以椭圆轨道公转,虽然除了水星的十分接近于圆。行星轨道中或多或少在同一平面内(称为黄道面并以地球公转轨道面为基准)。黄道面与太阳赤道仅有7度的倾斜。冥王星的轨道大都脱离了黄道面,倾斜度达17度。上面的图表从一个特定的高于黄道面的透视角显示了各轨道的相对大小及关系(非圆的现象显而易见)。它们绕轨道运动的方向一致(从太阳北极上看是逆时针方向),因此,科学家们把冥王星排除在九大行星之外。除金星和天王星外自转方向也如此。


solar system
英[ˈsəulə ˈsistəm] 美[ˈsolɚ ˈsɪstəm]
n. 太阳系;
[例句]Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.
[其他] 复数:solar systems


1 Solar system is by receives the system which the gravitational pull restraint the heavenly body is composed, its most wide range approximately may extend to 1 light year outside. Solar system's main member includes: Sun (star), nine planets (including Earth), innumerable planetoids, multitudinous satellite (including moon), but also has the comet, the meteor as well as the massive dust matter and the thin gaseous state matter. 太阳系是由受太阳引力约束的天体组成的系统, 它的最大范围约可延伸到1光年以外。太阳系的主要成员有:太阳( 恒星)、九大行星(包括地球)、无数小行星、众 多卫星(包括月亮),还有彗星、 流星以及大量尘埃物质和稀薄的气态物质。 2 Solar system (solar system) is the star system which we now is at. By the sun, 8 big planets (originally have the nine planets, because pluto is rejected for short planet), 66 satellites (original 67, pluto's satellite is rejected) as well as the innumerable planetoids, the comet and composes. The planet gets up by the sun toward the outside order is: Mercury (mercury), Venus (venus), Earth (earth), Mars (mars), Jupiter (jupiter), Saturn (saturn), Uranus (uranus), Neptune (neptune). To a solar nearer Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars are called the kind of place planet (terrestrial planets). The spaceship has all carried on the survey to them, but also once landed on Mars and Venus, has obtained the important achievement. Their common characteristic is the density big (3.0 grams/cubic centimeters), volume small, rotation slow, the satellite are few, internal ingredient mainly for the silicate (silicate), has the solid outer covering. To a solar farther Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are called (jovian planets). They all have the very thick aerosphere, its superficial characteristic is very difficult to understand, the general inference, they all have with the kind of place planet similar solid essence. Has 1 million above between Mars and Jupiter the planetoid (asteroid) (namely irregular small photostar which is composed by rock). Extrapolated they possibly are by the position, or is some which becomes between Mars and Jupiter's some planet disruption has not been able to accumulate into the unification planet the lithical fragment. exists between the planet, the ingredient is lithical or ferroguinous. These planets all take sun as center by elliptical orbit revolution, although extremely approaches except Mercury to the circle. In the planetary orbit more or less (is called ecliptic surface and take the revolution in the identical plane as datum). The ecliptic surface and the solar equator only have 7 inclining. Pluto's track mostly was separated from the ecliptic surface, the gradient has amounted to 17. The above graph specific was higher than the ecliptic surface from to pass the angle of view to demonstrate various tracks relative size and the relations (non- circle phenomenon was obvious). They circle the orbital motion the direction to be consistent (from the solar North Pole looked is counter clockwise), therefore, the scientists remove pluto outside the nine planets. Besides Venus and Uranus rotation direction also so. 太阳系(solar system)就是我们现在所在的恒星系统。由太阳、 8颗大行星(原先有九大行星,因为冥王星被剔除为矮行星)、 66颗卫星(原有67颗,冥王星的卫星被剔除) 以及无数的小行星、彗星及陨星组成的。 行星由太阳起往外的顺序是:水星(mercury)、金星( venus)、地球(earth)、火星(mars)、木星( jupiter)、土星(saturn)、天王星( uranus)、海王星(neptune)。离太阳较近的水星、 金星、地球及火星称为类地行星(terrestrial planets)。宇宙飞船对它们都进行了探测, 还曾在火星与金星上着陆,获得了重要成果。 它们的共同特征是密度大( 3.0克/立方厘米),体积小,自转慢,卫星少, 内部成分主要为硅酸盐(silicate),具有固体外壳。 离太阳较远的木星、土星、天王星、海王星称为类木行星( jovian planets)。它们都有很厚的大气圈,其表面特征很难了解, 一般推断,它们都具有与类地行星相似的固体内核。 在火星与木星之间有1000000个以上的小行星( asteroid)(即由岩石组成的不规则的小星体)。 推测它们可能是由位置界于火星与木星之间的某一颗行星碎裂而成的 ,或者是一些未能聚积成为统一行星的石质碎块。 陨星存在于行星之间,成分是石质或者铁质。 这些行星都以太阳为中心以椭圆轨道公转, 虽然除了水星的十分接近于圆。行星轨道中或多或少在同一平面内( 称为黄道面并以地球公转轨道面为基准)。 黄道面与太阳赤道仅有7度的倾斜。 冥王星的轨道大都脱离了黄道面,倾斜度达17度。 上面的图表从一个特定的高于黄道面的透视角显示了各轨道的相对大 小及关系(非圆的现象显而易见)。它们绕轨道运动的方向一致( 从太阳北极上看是逆时针方向),因此, 科学家们把冥王星排除在九大行星之外。 除金星和天王星外自转方向也如此。 参考资料:够了吧?


What Is The Solar System?
The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. In addition to planets, the Solar System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, and dust and gas.
Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves around the Sun. The Sun contains around 98% of all the material in the Solar System. The larger an object is, the more gravity it has. Because the Sun is so large, its powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar System towards it. At the same time, these objects, which are moving very rapidly, try to fly away from the Sun, outward into the emptiness of outer space. The result of the planets trying to fly away, at the same time that the Sun is trying to pull them inward is that they become trapped half-way in between. Balanced between flying towards the Sun, and escaping into space, they spend eternity orbiting around their parent star.
How Did The Solar System form?
This is an important question, and one that is difficult for scientists to understand. After all, the creation of our Solar System took place billions of years before there were any people around to witness it. Our own evolution is tied closely to the evolution of the Solar System. Thus, without understanding from where the Solar System came from, it is difficult to comprehend how mankind came to be.
Scientists believe that the Solar System evolved from a giant cloud of dust and gas. They believe that this dust and gas began to collapse under the weight of its own gravity. As it did so, the matter in this could begin moving in a giant circle, much like the water in a drain moves around the center of the drain in a circle.
At the center of this spinning cloud, a small star begin to form. This star grew larger and larger, as it collected more of the dust and gas that were collapsing into it.
Further away from the star that was forming in the center were smaller clumps of dust and gas that were also collapsing. The star in the center eventually ignited forming our Sun, while the smaller clumps became the planets, minor planets, moons, comets, and asteroids.
一切在太阳系或轨道围绕太阳。太阳包含大约98 %的全部物质在太阳能系统。更大的话,更厉害了。因为太阳是如此之大,其强大的引力,吸引其他一切物体在太阳系的附近。在此同时,这些物体,移动非常迅速,试图逃离到外层空间。由于该行星试图飞走,同时,太阳正试图拉他们回来的,是他们处于两种力的平衡之间。平衡飞向太阳,并逃逸到太空,他们用了很久时间到达母星。
水星的英文名字Mercury来自罗马神墨丘利。符号是上面一个圆形下面一个交叉的短垂线和一个半圆形(Unicode: ?). 是墨丘利所拿魔杖的形状。在第5世纪,水星实际上被认为成二个不同的行星,这是因为它时常交替地出现在太阳的两侧。当它出现在傍晚时,它被叫做墨丘利;但是当它出现在早晨时,为了纪念太阳神阿波罗,它被称为阿波罗。毕达哥拉斯后来指出他们实际上是相同的一颗行星。中国古代则称水星为“辰星”。
天王星是太阳系的九大行星之一,排列在土星外侧、海王星内侧而名列第七,颜色为灰蓝色,是一颗巨型气体行星(Gas Giant)。以直径计算,天王星是太阳系第三大行星;但若以质量计算,则比海王星轻而排行第四。天王星的命名,是取自希腊神话的天神乌拉诺斯。

以上就是关于太阳系英语两个句子 ,根据你对太阳系的了解用英语写一段话不少于6句的全部内容,以及太阳系英语两个句子 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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