I like English作文 ,i like english作文小学


i like english作文小学

[I like English作文]
I like English very mach.like look English.sci-fi weapons system,Harry potter Disney cartoon ……I kindergarten to learn the English now .Today I It is studenupper-class.I English I is very good now.I want to learn fine the English,anon go to the America study information study abroad and work .I like english vrey much what about you I like English作文250字小学生作文(/)

i likes english是什么意思

I Like English
I like English very much, because English is an international language. I have a beautiful dream. It is to teach the people all over the world to learn Chinese, and the people in China to learn English. To let my dream come true, I must learn English well at first. The way ahead is very long, and my English is not good enough, but my faith will be the guiding star. In a word, I like English very much!

英语作文I like living in the city

Why do I like English?
I took up English because I have to learn English at school, and my parents thought I would need it at some point in my life. They were aware of the importance of knowing another language to not only broaden your mind but also push your limits. However difficult the start was I instantly felt comfortable.
English also has opened my mind to new perspectives because by reading books or listening to music I realize distances are nothing, we’re all part of the world which turns out to be pretty small as we can feel something similar no matter where we are. For me, English is that bridge that can lead you to see that there are a lot of people who have felt or are feeling in the same way you feel.
Further to the points I highlighted before, English is considered to be the lingua franca (language people use to communicate when they have different first languages) and companies which are trying to make it to worldwide success are looking for people that have English among their various skills since it’s a great way to enter other markets


I like English(1)
Maybe many chirdren don't like learn English because English is hard for us.But I like English very mach.
English story is my favourite!Because story can make a world.I can fly in this world.This world is a beautiful garden.It has trees,flowers,grass.Many birds sing in it.I feel very nice.
So I like English!
I like English. (2)
Now I am a university student,but I am a new one.I''m in the level two English class,but I know my English is not good enough to keep up with those students.actually I don''t want them to think that I am not good,so from now on,I will try my best to study English,I swear.
Yesterday was my first formal saturday in college.It was until afternoon that I left shool to home.But I still could see many students in school,I was surprised.Why they didn''t go home?Then my classmate from Haerbin asked me why a native student didn''t want to go home,only then did I realize that they were far from home,they had nowhere to go .I told her that was because she grew up here,she was quite close to her home,so she won''t miss her home,however ,she won''t want to go home quickly.This reminded me of my life.I am also the native student,moreover,the school I am in is my birth place,my childhood memory is still in here,thise school is so familiar for me,just like a second home.i am even closer to my home.Will I go aboard someday?Will I feel lonely when I am alone in some places?I know staying at home will not let me grow up quickly.Growing up needs cost.I can''t imagine how my freinds in Beijing,Hangzhou miss their parents and home~~~

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