4岁幼儿英语演讲稿 ,幼儿园毕业典礼幼儿演讲稿简短





























































  ——邬海涛(2012/04/18) Good Afternoon, lAdies And gentlemen. I'm wuhAitAo from the Development of InformAtion Engineering. It's my honor to be here todAy to give you this speech. My topic is "protecting the environment". Looking Around us,we cAn see thAt polluction is posing A threAt to our eArth, which comes in mAny wAys. Millions of the chimneys of the fActories Are pouring heAvy smoke into Air,which cAuses serious Air polution. A lArge Amount of wAste wAter from fActories pollutes wAter ,mAking the rivers fishless And our wAter unfit to drink And swim in. Further more,A lot of trees hAve been cut down without proper plAns.,which continues to the soil being wAshed AwAy. It seems thAt we reAlly hAve no cleAn plAce to live in.

  The pollution is so serious thAt we hAve to find effective solutions to it. As fAr As I'm concerned , the goverment should pAss lAws to reduce poiiuted Air. Some meAsures should be tAken to purify the wAter bsfore it is poured into the rivers or seAs. We should plAnt more trees to keep the soil in plAce. WhAt's more, people should be further educAted to reAlize the importAnce of the environment pritection. Thus we will hAve cleAn And tidy environment. Only in this wAy cAn we solve these problems.



  Success is A Feeling

  Everyone wAnts success. But whAt is success? GenerAlly, people think success is A greAt deAl of money, high position, AcAdemic

  Achievement, And so on. However, most of these people never reAlly define whAt success meAns to them. In my opinion, success is A feeling, which mAkes you hAppy And content.

  Success is A feeling, thAt meAns success is not considered As big or smAll, high or low. It is just A good mood from your heArt. MAybe pAssing A finAl test is A success for A student, leArning to wAlk is A success for A little child, mArrying A beAutiful girl is A success for A lAd, signing A contrAct is A success for A compAny. Success vAries from individuAl to group.

  Success is A feeling, thAt meAns success is chAnging since your childhood. While you were A little child, you thought it wAs A success thAt your pArents finAlly bought you lovely toys After you begged AgAin And AgAin. Success is the feeling you hAd when you were told thAt you won the contest. After grAduAtion, you stArted working. You were successful when you finished A complicAted tAsk very well And you were prAised. When mArried, mAybe A hAppy mArriAge And A hAppy fAmily meAnt success for you. When your child grew up, you hoped he or she Attend A fAmous university or go AbroAd to study or work, At thAt time you considered thAt wAs your success. When you were old enough And couldn't work At All, success wAs A feeling thAt your children And grAndchildren cAme to see you from A long distAnce. ActuAlly, success AlwAys AccompAnied you in your growth.

  However, we hAve to Admit thAt you cAn't be successful All the time. We AlwAys meet mAny difficulties on the wAy to success. The more difficult it is, the much hAppier we Are when we succeed.

  To be successful, we should hAve A cleAr Aim And then tr our best to reAch it. Wherever you go, whAtever you Are, your success belongs to yourself. It is A good feeling thAt you love it very much, And it reAlly cAn mAke you lAugh from the heArt.


  I Love English

  Good morning everyone:

  I Am Qu Jierui. I’m from ClAss Two GrAde Six. It’s my pleAsuer to stAnd here to tAlk About English with you.

  I love English. English lAnguAge is now used everywhere in the world. LeArning English mAkes me confident And brings me greAt pleAsure.

  When I wAs five, my mother sent me to A kindergArten. At there, I plAyed gAmes And sAng English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beAuty of the lAnguAge, And begAn my colorful dreAm in the English world.

  EverydAy, I reAd English following the tApes. Sometimes, I wAtch English cArtoons. At recess, I often go to English corner to tAlking with teAchers And clAssmAtes, I hAve mAde more And more friends As well As improved my orAl English.

  I hope I cAn trAvel Around the world somedAy. I wAnt to go to AmericA to visit

  WAshington Monument, becAuse the president WAshington is my idol. Of course, I wAnt to go to London too, becAuse EnglAnd is where English lAnguAge developed. If I cAn ride my bike in CAmbridge university, I will be very hAppy. I hope I cAn speAk English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce ChinA to them, such As the GreAt WAll, the Forbidden City And my hometown—Zouping

  As everyone knows, Rome wAs not built in A dAy. I believe thAt if I study hArd, I cAn speAk English very well in the future. And I Am sure thAt I will reAlize my dreAm one dAy!

  ThAt’s All .ThAnk you for your Attention.



  我叫曲皆锐,我来自六年级二班。今天很荣幸能站在这里和大家讨论一下英语。 我爱英语,目前在世界各个地方都在使用英语。通过学习英语,使我增加了自信并带给我极大的快乐。






  How to Cope With Stress in College

  Do you hAve difficulty in breAthingDo you usuAlly lose your sleepDo you feel irritAble recentlyAnd whether you hAve A heAdAche And cold pAlms or notIf so, it proves thAt you Are stressful recently, therefore you should know how to relieve stress. TodAy, my topic is how to cope with stress in college.

  College life cAn be very stressful. Although stress is A normAl sense for everyone, it’s difficult to mAke A bAlAnce between the two extremes. First of All, we should figure out the sources of stress. The competition for grAdes, the need to perform, interpersonAl relAtionship, cAreer choice And mAny other Aspects of the college environment cAuse stress. These fActors Are connected with our fAmily, peers And society. Almost every student hAs to fAce stress of exAms, As for us, we must consider some tests About our mAjor, for instAnce, CET-6 And TEM-8. And the mAjority of us should Accept the stress from fAmily. Our pArents All hope thAt we cAn get A good job After grAduAtion, they keeping reminding us of the significAnce of the future job no mAtter how hArd we work in college. We Also hAve stress from peers who try their very best to study, hence we must keeping moving in order not to lAg behind them.

  But before condemning stress outright, we need to understAnd thAt stress is only hArmful when it is excessive. Some of the stress thAt we All experience is helpful And stimulAting. The chAllenges of life tend to be

  stressful And An Attempt to Avoid stress completely would leAd to A rAther boring existence. After reAlizing the cAuses of stress, we cAn mAnAge them by meAns of bAlAncing the two extremes. MAybe we cAn communicAte with our pArents And seek understAnding And support from them. Besides, we cAn tAke pArt in outdoor Activities. If necessAry, we cAn put ourselves in nAture temporArily And then we cAn forget something stressful.

  Proper stress is the power of mAking progress,developing A bAlAnced lifestyle,gAining ideAs by discussing problems with other students or teAchers,building A sense of life meAning And mAking stress stepping-stone in the wAy of success cAn help you relieve your stress in college.

  ThAnk you for listening my speech.


  MAintAin A good Attitude of tolerAnce towArds people , the students Are friendly to eAch other, to creAte A hArmonious interpersonAl relAtionships.

  We should promote A vibrAnt style of the teAm, A reAl study , the unity displAyed A style of clAss And diligence to mAke personAl style in A good environment. The students forge AheAd And to the ideAl of hArd work. LeArning positive, thereby creAting A hArmonious Atmosphere for educAtion.

  With the development of society, hArmony becomes the theme of this time. Everyone is doing his best to mAke the surroundings hArmonious. As A member of our cAmpus, we should tAke Action in building the hArmonious cAmpus.

  Here Are some suggestions. First, treAt people sincerely. We should be reAdy to help eAch other when someone is in trouble. Second, behAve yourself. Keep our environment cleAn And tAke good cAre of every tree And every flower. Third, try to be polite. When we meet someone we know, A “hello” is good enough. Then, we cAn gAin their respects for us.

  Of course, there Are still A lot of things we cAn do to build the hArmonious cAmpus. AnywAy, doing something good to our cAmpus is our duty. Let’s do it from now on.


  FArewell, Indifference

  Who wAs the most well-known figure in ChinA lAst month? It‘s MA JiAJue—the college student who murdered 4 of his roommAtes. MAny people Attributed his crime to his poverty And deficient educAtion. In my opinion, his crime Also hAs much to do with his clAssmAtes‘ indifference.

  Indifference is A terrible diseAse in todAy‘s colleges And the whole society. It‘s not rAre thAt two students who hAve studied together for 4 yeArs hAve never spoken to eAch other. It‘s not rAre thAt A student who hAs been Absent from clAss for severAl dAys is not noticed At All. It‘s Also not rAre thAt A student who hAs severe psychologicAl problems is not cAred About At All.

  Some people mAy sAy ?WhAt the students with psychologicAl problems like MA JiAJue need is not cAre but psychotherApy.‖ However, when people Are ill, whAt they need most is not only medicAl treAtment, but Also cAre from people Around them. Every smile And every cAring word will bring sunshine to their life.

  I once heArd one of my roommAtes who wAs An introverted girl sobbing At mid-night. Being AfrAid of disturbing her, I sent A text messAge to comfort her. The next dAy, she told me thAt she wAs crying for not being invited to one of her friend‘s birthdAy pArty. She thought she wAs neglected by others. But my messAge wAs reAlly comforting which told her someone still cAred About her.


  I Am Tripping My ElephAnt Here

  Once upon A time, A weenie Ant wAs wAlking on his wAy. As he wAs wAlking, suddenly he felt the ground shAking terribly. He looked Around with his pArAnoid eyes And sAw An elephAnt wAlking right behind him. Quickly, the little Ant covered himself with dirt, but one leg wAs unfortunAtely left out. A spArrow sAw everything, so she flew down with the purpose of teAsing the Ant: ―Hey, chicken! WAtch out your leg, it‘s out!‖ The Ant felt embArrAssed At first but then cAlmly responded: ―Shi…I Am going to trip thAt elephAnt.‖

  Right now, I‘m stAnding on this glAmorous stAge. But everything here reminds me of is A not so fun memory. Around this time lAst yeAr I wAs in NAnjing competing in Another speech contest. ThAt wAs the first time for me to be in such A lArge event. Of course the pressure I wAs under wAs immense too. After A sleepless And stressful night, I went onto thAt stAge without the feeling in my legs. ThAt speech turned out to be horrible. I don‘t remember how I get down from there, but I do remember AfterwArds I just wAnted to find A hole to hide in just like the Ant in the story. BAck At my school, it took A long time for me to recover. ThAnks to All the help I got from my speciAl friends. My confidence wAs restored. After rounds of giving speeches And Answering tough questions, I Am here todAy. From All thAt I‘ve been through I‘ve leArned thAt A good future is bAsed on A forgotten pAst, if I wAnt my life to go on well I hAve to let go of my pAst fAilure. So todAy, with out feAr, I Am tripping my elephAnt AgAin.

















hello everyone!


The title of my speech is "happy to see life, smile to welcome life".


In the journey of life, we often encounter setbacks and failures and fall into all kinds of unexpected difficulties. At this time, please don't feel inferior and don't easily say: I can't do it. We should treat life with a positive and optimistic attitude, have the courage to cheer ourselves up and say to ourselves: great.


There is such a story that the father's son's grades were mediocre and the family was "in constant war" all day. In the sound of scolding, his son's grades fell again and again, and finally became the penultimate first.



My father thought, it's no use beating and scolding anyway. Just try a different attitude. So he looked at his son's test paper and said with a smile, "great, really great!" The son was surprised. The father said, "you think, a person who runs last doesn't have to worry that others will surpass him, but as long as you work hard, you will surpass others."


After hearing this, his son suddenly realized that he worked very hard in his future study. After several exams, his son's grades rose to the top. From this story to see our study, we should be inspired: the exam is not ideal, depressed, we might as well say "great!" Because the exam points out our weakness in study and tells us the direction of our efforts.


It's better to find problems now than to stumble and wake up in the middle school entrance examination. Failure put an end to yesterday, a new life begins here, and success takes off from here.


Let's say "great" to ourselves in the face of setbacks. For us growing up, ups and downs are nutrition, and setbacks are the best university in life. Let's say "great" to ourselves when facing difficulties. In overcoming difficulties, we continue to mature.


As long as we are worthy of ourselves and our parents, let us treat our study and life with an optimistic attitude, constantly strive to forge ahead and write a brilliant movement of life!


Thank you!


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