家庭教育践行者汉译英 ,怎么翻译一段话



American parent s generally raise children by themselves, not by the olders or child cares. As parents, they do pay much more energy on raising rather than raise them by olders or child cares.However, olders arenot willing to raise,either. In China,Many family do these resonsbilities by children's grand mother or father,which,American consider these of their own duties. Occassionally, There are lots of good points for rasing children by their parents rather than their grand parents. Which lies on: less communication obstacles, combination of love and education,more closer to the requirements of nowadays.
American parents often play with their children by free time and bring with them once they are out. Which, Many Chinese parents seem to be very busy and once they are out to date without their children. Of course,they pay more attention which said to be on their children's homework.
Americans generally respect their children and see them as the ones as themselves. They include their children into the decision and choice and respect every desicions and choices they make. which,Chinese parents often see their children as children and do everything instead of them. and say like, he or she is just a child.
American parents often include their children in everything and let them make every decisions or choices by themselves.Instead,Chinese parents often tell their children what to do. For example,Once they met an uncle whom they dont know well.American parent often will ask their children what they may call this man, but Chinese ones often immediatelly ask their children to call him"Uncle".
American parents pay more attention to tell their children to do housework from their childhood.American children not only do things by themselves but also help with housework and get part-time jobs as well. Like, looking after others' children, doing cleannings and selling newspaper.they do as much jobs as their ages getting elder. But, in China,children seldom do social jobs and housework which they could join in. And, they do wash underclothes by their parents even when they are very elder.
American parents are much willing to give their children mcuh easy enviornment , much freedom, and even make them join in more activities. In instract, Chinese children are less freedom, less activities,more pressure in study, more requirements in their scores and less others instead.
There are many other big differences between American education and Chinese education. The differences above have important meaning in improving our educational methods. I prefer the American methods of education which above mentioned.We shall need to think over good points and bad points of these diffrences, and find out which short points it may lies in and adopt the best ways to educate our children by effort.

中译英 如果说孩子是一张白纸那么家庭教育在这张白纸上画下了浓墨重彩的一笔

If a child is a blank sheet,then the family education draws a line with thick ink and bright colors on the sheet.

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