寻求帮助的英语情景对话 ,英语中回答感、寻帮助分别怎么说


情景对话 当你遇到困难时想让同桌TOM帮忙用英语怎么说

Help me please, Tom.



一,With pleasure和my pleasure 的区别
(1)----Thank you for helping me.
----- It's my pleasure
(2)-------Would you please open the widow?
------With pleasure.
It's my pleasure是回答别人的感谢的,可译为“那是我应该做的,那是我的荣幸”
而whth pleasure是回答别人的请求的,可译为“好的,乐意效劳”。 第一句是谢谢的意思。 My
pleasure是帮忙后说的 With pleasure可以是帮忙前。
二, 感谢:
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.。
Thank you for your help.
It's very nice of you.您真好
I'm very grateful for you. 【grateful a.感激的,感谢的】
三,寻求帮助【ask for help】
would you piease do sth?【请问您可以。。。么】
May I ask you a question? 【我能问你个问题吗】
Please give me a hand. 【请帮我个忙】,
could you do me a favor【您能帮我一忙么】



(Sam and Tom are talking about the difference between Collage and university)Tom: hi Sam, how are you? Sam: good thanksTom: so, is every thing fine at your university?Sam: pretty good. Just feel a bit weird.Tom: same here, I feel weird too about going to university everyday without any having any interest about it.Sam: it’s like you feel like you’re rejected, nothing feels unfamiliar to you, and sometimes you gets really scared of a teacher. It’s nothing like collage at all!Tom: I agree, even some of my classmates were scared too, because all teachers look much severed.Sam: in collage, at least the teachers aren’t that scary and strict. Homework are not so hard. In university, homework are increasing so fast that you can’t get a breath out of it!Tom: next week, I’m having a test, and they said it’s going to be so hard!Sam: me too, not next week, but soon. In collage, we don’t get much trouble if we don’t get a high mark, but in university, you just have to go for it, try as hard as you can to graduate at the end.Tom: yes, I think I better go back home to study now, see ya!Sam: ok, see ya!



son, I know you are really want to eat those sweet things, but I am sorry, I have to refuse you, you know why?
because it's not good for your health.
the sweet things can make you to be fat very quickly, if you were too fat, you wouldn't run fast to kick the football .
you won't win the game when you play it with your firends. so I believe you make a smart choice , right?
daddy, you know I like sweet very much , rights. almost every time, when I am excited to be able to getting sweets. suddenly , my happy is gone because of your objection, then I become unhappy to do anything on that day. so you know the status of my study with bad mood, right?
could you please give me a few chances so that I can enjoy sweet and speed up my study progress. you know, I will not eat too much , I promise.


以上就是关于寻求帮助的英语情景对话 ,英语中回答感、寻帮助分别怎么说的全部内容,以及寻求帮助的英语情景对话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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